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IGEEM2012Donna teaching
at IGEEM 2012

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Autumn is Donna's Favorite Season!

Donna Eden

WebinarAttachment Theory in Practice Webinar
October 2

On December 6, David Feinstein will demonstrate how acupoint tapping techniques can make a huge difference in work with clients stuck in old attachment injuries.

Register now!

Other speakers include:
  • Diane Poole Heller
  • Susan Johnson
  • Bruce Ecker
  • Dan Hughes
  • Maggie Phillips
There are rebroadcasts following every regular session! CEs available, read more.

Save the Date

October 2012 Edition

Donna enthusiastically teaching
at IGEEM 2012
It is hard to convey the excitement people felt at the 1st Annual International Gathering of Eden Energy Medicine (IGEEM) Conference in San Diego. It exceeded even our hopes. All five keynote speakers -- Bruce Lipton, Jean Houston, Candace Pert, Alberto Villoldo, and Jim Oschman -- received standing ovations.

But what was particularly gratifying was how enthusiastically participants responded to the 46 presenters of the breakout sessions. The majority of these presenters were graduates of our Certification Program, and seeing them take Donna's work in so many creative and important directions was simply thrilling. Right as we were writing this, yet another glowing comment came in -- from one of our more discriminating practitioners:

"I have attended and taught at conferences all over the world, and the conference in San Diego was by far the best I have ever attended. Everything, every detail, was carefully considered and implemented with aplomb."

It's still not too late to submit your proposal to present at IGEEM 2013 in Orlando, FL.

Meanwhile, this issue of the Energy e-Letter has some very important features. The Omega Conference for those helping veterans was a great success. The reach of our work to a hospital in Costa Rica touched us deeply. The success of Energy Psychology in helping survivors of the earthquake in Haiti is inspiring. And learning of an energy healing practitioner who has never studied with us applying methods from our books to successfully help a woman eliminate breast tumors is over-the-top good. October is, coincidentally, National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and the Energy Tip below is about keeping your breasts healthy.

Did you know that Fall leavesautumn is Donna's favorite season? We hope you are enjoying it immensely. 

Donna and David
Energy Medicine as an Important Part in
Multimodal Approach to Cancer


An energy practitioner with no formal training in Eden Energy Medicine (EEM) used techniques she learned from Donna's books to work with a client whose mammogram had shown prominent spots on both breasts, with a biopsy recommended. Between the time of the mammogram and the scheduled biopsy, the client received a series of EEM treatments. A subsequent mammogram showed that the prominent spots were no longer present.


Donna's book, Energy Medicine, was recommended to Ann Grohne, a Quantum Energy practitioner, as an aid for learning how to test energy. She read that book and also read Energy Medicine for Women. Now she uses techniques from both books in her practice.


In late February 2010, Ann met with a 52-year-old client who had just had a mammogram showing suspicious spots on both breasts. The doctor recommended a surgical biopsy on the left breast with a possibility of one on the right breast. Read on ...
GlobalGlobal Energy Healing News
The "Magician" Nurses of Costa Rica Use EEM

Award-winning nurses Mar�a Eugenia Sol�rzano, Doris Arguedas,
Graciela Chavarr�a and Patricia Solano, pictured here with psychiatrist
Patricia Montero, MD (center)
Four nurses in a government hospital in Costa Rica started to use meridian tapping behind closed doors. They called it a new kind of relaxation therapy, but after several months they were called by the physicians in the psychiatric unit, who asked them what they were doing. The doctors had become aware that the nurses patients no longer needed anxiety or sleep medication, and several of their patients were ready to be weaned off anti-depressants. So the nurses confessed that their new therapy combined EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) with Donna's 5-Minute Daily Energy Routine.  

Even though it was considered quite strange, they were encouraged to go on with what they were doing. Now, four years later, they have been nicknamed The Magicians. They get referrals from throughout the hospital and are also frequently asked to help reduce the stress levels of their colleagues. More than half of psychiatrist referrals now explicitly indicate "please apply EFT." The four nurses recently received the "Spreading the Word" award from the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology.

Energy Psychology Helps Earthquake Survivors in Haiti
By Jean-Michel Gurret

Click to watch video.
At 4:45 p.m. on Tuesday, January 12, 2010, an earthquake of great intensity destroyed the city of Port au Prince, Haiti's capital, killing more than 250,000 people. A year after this trauma, the country is still in a state of shock. Entire families have been wiped out, and thousands of orphans live from hand to mouth.

The Haitian people's deep wounds from endless suffering are both physical and emotional. But to cope with the pain, many of them cut themselves off from their emotions. It's as if they were not entirely in their bodies but rather next to them, where it hurts less.

In March 2011, the non-profit organization Energies Psy Sans Fronti�res asked if Jean-Michel Gurret would go to Haiti at his own expense to train local volunteers in Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). EFT is a particularly effective therapeutic method for treating post-stress traumatic syndrome, from which victims of violent physical or psychological shocks suffer. EFT is a form of Energy Psychology.  It is a particularly effective therapeutic method for treating post-stress traumatic syndrome, from which victims of violent physical or psychological shocks suffer.

For an entire week, Jean-Michel Gurret taught EFT to about 300 people, read on and watch video.
VeteransVeterans Trauma and Treatment

10 EEM Practitioners Attend the Omega Veterans Trauma and Treatment Conference 


By a special and very generous arrangement from Omega Institute, Innersource was allowed to offer 10 of our EEM practitioner scholarships to Omega's groundbreaking conference on using mind-body approaches with veterans being treated for the aftermath of trauma. The conference was powerful, with more than 230 people attending, ranging from therapists in private practice to military officers in uniform. Inspiring keynotes were by some of the luminaries in trauma treatment, including Bessel van der Kolk, Peter Levine, Roland McCraty, and Jon Kabat-Zinn. TV personality Montel Williams gave a fascinating evening keynote. David offered a well-received session on Energy Psychology.


Our EEM practitioners at the conference networked with one another, as well as with many others who are doing important work in helping active military and combat veterans recover from the wounds of war. One of them wrote us: "If I had to use just one word to describe it, I think the biggest thing I took away from the conference was hope. It was very encouraging to see the strides people are making and to feel the genuine dedication of the people involved." In fact, many of them wrote us with reflections about the experience and shared specific stories. Find out what they learned.
EnergyTipEnergy Tip
Eden Energy Medicine for Breast Health


Breast Cancer Awarness October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Eden Energy Medicine (EEM) techniques can make a big difference in breast health at many levels. Not only can EEM be important in breast cancer prevention, it can also play a role in addressing cancer and coping with chemotherapy.

The lymphatic system is important in preventing illness. It plays a key role in removing toxins and helping to counter conditions ranging from colds to cancer
(pp. 47-51). Rubbing the Neurolymphatic reflex points (Figure 2-4, p. 50) sends messages to the lymphatic system, helping to release toxins into the bloodstream so they can be eliminated from the body.

The use of underwire bras can stop energy flow and clog the Neurolymphatic Reflex Points located around the breasts. This can harm the lymphatic tissue in the breast itself. Energy and lymph naturally move through these areas, but this movement may become blocked for many reasons, including the use of an underwire bra (both metal and plastic underwires have this impact). Clogged energies and physical tissues can create pain and an internal environment that invites future health problems, including cancer. EM for Women Book

Rubbing the lymphatic points around the breast, with firm pressure, is a simple, powerful way of promoting breast health and preventing the stagnation caused by the wire in your bra. Donna joins many other health care practitioners in recommending that women wear bras without underwire. For a list of wireless bras, click here

Note: Page numbers reference Donna Eden's book Energy Medicine for Women (Tarcher/Penguin, 2008)
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