Seed Leadership Program at ASTA's 131st Annual Convention
In conjunction with ASTA's 131st Annual Convention in Indianapolis, we are offering a special pre-conference workshop from June 9-11. The Seed Leadership Program, sponsored by ASTA and the Purdue University Center for Agriculture Business, will focus on the landscape of agriculture, marketing management, leadership, communications and data management. Attendees will have the opportunity to discuss and interact with experienced agribusiness faculty on these and other important topics facing the industry.
Registration is currently open and the early bird rate of $495 per person has been extended to May 9. After that date, regular registration price will increase to $550 per person. Special hotel arrangements have been made for these pre-conference dates at the SpringHill Suites; visit the hotel information page on the registration page for more details.
To register, click here.
Apply Now for the 2014 FuSE Campus Connections Program
An exciting opportunity is available for college juniors to participate in the 2014 Campus Connections Program in Indianapolis!
Campus Connections is a program hosted each year by ASTA through the Future Seed Executives committee. This opportunity was created to provide outstanding networking opportunities with industry mentors, executives and thought leaders for university undergraduates who are interested in pursuing careers in the seed industry. Program participants will travel to ASTA's 131st Annual Convention in Indianapolis, Indiana June 11-14. FuSE will cover registration fees and lodging for the convention, and provide reimbursement for airfare and travel expenses.
Campus Connections is only available to juniors or students who have one year of undergraduate studies remaining in agronomy, plant science/genetics, crop science, agricultural business/economics, biological engineering, horticulture, floriculture or another seed-related degree program.
Fill out the 2014 FuSE Campus Connections application today! The deadline to submit an application and resume is Monday, March 31, 2014.
Download the flyer and share this information with any juniors interested in a career in the seed industry!
State Legislative Update
In the state legislatures this spring, it seems the focus has been on GMO labeling with 28 states having bills relating to GMO legislation. This is the most we have ever seen. Thus far, ten states have closed their sessions with bills pending.
Other issues related to seed that we have been tracking in the states are:
HB 5310 was introduced to modernize Connecticut's seed law through the adoption of the Association of American Seed Control Officials' Uniform State Seed Law. On March 13th, the Senate Committee on Judiciary voted a Favorable Referral.
HB 5330, originally introduced to ban pesticides at parks, playgrounds, athletic fields and municipal greens, is expected to have an amendment offered by the Senate President to ban GMO grass seed, annual, perennial and landscape plants during a March 14th public hearing.
HB 1350, passed on March 13th, changed the state seed law to require germination testing within 12 months prior to distribution from the previous requirement of nine months.
HB 4139 requires Oregon State University, in consultation with State Department of Agriculture, to develop educational materials regarding best practices for avoiding adverse effects of pesticides on populations of bees and other pollinating insects. This goes into effect March 6th.
SB 259, passed earlier this month, authorizes the issuance of special license plates for supporters of pollinator conservation.
SB 6040, delivered to the Governor on March 13th, provides authority for the department of fish and wildlife to effectively address invasive species using an integrated management approach.
International Seed Federation Holds Spring Meetings
The International Seed Federation held its spring meetings in Alexandria, Va., March 18-21. During the meetings the Sustainable Agriculture, Intellectual Property and Breeders Committees met, as well as the Secretariats of National and Regional Seed Associations. The Canadian Seed Trade Association hosted a reception at the Canadian Embassy in Washington, DC for meeting attendees on Tuesday night.
The committee meetings drew over 40 participants from seed associations and industries around the world. Over 15 national seed associations and two regional seed associations joined together to discuss a wide array of topics including the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, the global status of intellectual property protection and the upcoming International Seed Federation World Seed Congress in Beijing May 26-28.
Industry Urges Farmers to Practice Safe Seed Treatment Stewardship Principles During Planting
In advance of this year's planting season, ASTA and CropLife America have been working to promote the safe handling and management of treated seed through the "Seed Treatment Matters" initiative. Outreach has been made to seed companies, national and state agribusiness and grower associations, and pesticide safety educators. To date, over 3,000 people have watched the ASTA-produced videos about seed treatment stewardship and over 7,500 have visited the Guide to Seed Treatment Stewardship website.
ASTA urges its members to share the video and print information available on the site (seed-treatment-guide.com) with their customers in order to raise awareness of potential risks to the environment, non-target organisms, water supplies and animals. For more information on seed treatment stewardship, contact Jane DeMarchi.
New Ryegrass Fluorescence Levels Approved
The Association of Official Seed Certifying Agents' National Grass Variety Review Board has approved new ryegrass variety fluorescence levels March 4. Seven new levels were approved, and two were updated since the August 29, 2013 report. For more information regarding this approval, the report can be found here.
Director Nominations for Foundation on Food and Agriculture Research Open
The National Academy of Science is accepting nominations for Board of Director members for the new Foundation on Food and Agriculture Research. A 15-member Board of Directors will be established with eight nominations based on recommendations from NAS. Nominated individuals should be scientists noted for achievement in agricultural research. To be considered, submit a short (1-2 page) document that includes the individual's name, contact information, 300-word biography and a paragraph describing how the nominee fulfills the requirements making him/her an outstanding member of FFAR. Nominations are due to FFAR@nas.edu by April 7, 2014.
Washington Post Article Features Renee's Garden
ASTA member Renee's Garden was featured in a Washington Post article explaining her specialty vegetable seed business. Owner Renee Shepherd has built her business catering to niche needs of the home gardener. She works with other heirloom and organic vegetable seed producers to source her seeds then combine them into mixes of her personal favorites. To read the full article, visit the Washington Post.
Pure Seed names Sam Cable as Director of Forage Development
Pure Seed is happy to announce Sam Cable, ASTA Lawn Care Division immediate past chairman, as the new Director of Forage Development. Sam's experience and knowledge will aid in the further development of Pure Seed's forage program. Under Cable's direction, Pure Seed hopes to grow and expand the forage sector of their business.
Seeding Success
It's your membership and financial support that allows ASTA to do this work and get you the information you need. Please encourage other seed industry colleagues to join ASTA and contribute to the success of the industry.
American Seed Trade Association
1701 Duke Street, Suite 275 Alexandria , VA 22314
(p) 703.837.8140 │ (f) 703.837.9365
ASTA prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, and where applicable, sex, marital status, familial status, parental status, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, political beliefs, reprisal, or because all or part of an individual's income is derived from any public assistance program. Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact ASTA at 703-837-8140.