December 1, 2014

HART is "Serious about Financial Transparency" 
HART launches online Accountability Center to further agency's transparency efforts in how it does business

HART is serious about financial transparency.  That's why this week, the agency is pleased to announce the launching of its online Accountability Center to further the agency's transparency efforts in how it does business


HART will post a wealth of financial information on our website, including our budgets, individual financial transaction records, contracts information and historical data. We've made the information easy to find and review so that interested citizens can keep tabs on every dollar we spend.  


Over the past year, HART has set an aggressive agenda to be even more transparent in how it does business. The agency's website includes all relevant items required by State transparency laws, as well as items recommended by the First Amendment Foundation. 


"HART has worked hard over the past few years to get its financial house in order and gain the public's trust," said HART Chief Financial Officer Jeff Seward. "My focus is to set the bar high and lead HART on a path to greater accountability, fiscal responsibility and transparency."


Taxpayers may easily review the agency's financial plans and transaction at www.gohart.org/.

The following information is readily available for viewing:

  • Accounts payable transactions.
  • Purchase card transactions.
  • Annual budget for the current and previous years.
  • Monthly payroll expenditures.
  • Contract catalog record showing the status of all contracts including dates, vendors, expenditures and percentages of completion.
  • Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports (CAFR).
HART is leading the way for our region with different initiatives, and we invite the public to track our progress.

For all-things HART, including OneBusAway, Real-time Arrival Information via Text Message, trip planning, schedules, maps and fares, just visit www.goHART.org.   


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Sandra Morrison, HART Public Information Officer, (813) 384-6610, (813) 545-5497 cell, MorrisonS@goHART.org