November 3, 2014

HART Moves to New Online Job Application Technology!

Job seekers can now easily apply with a new online system

The Hillsborough Area Regional Transit Authority (HART) is pleased to announce the

implementation of an online tracking system to streamline its recruiting and hiring process,  creating a more efficient process. 

Interested candidates can apply for current vacancies or sign up for new openings that become available. The new software will streamline the job search and application process for job seekers. Instead of manually applying for multiple job openings, candidates will create a user profile to submit applications and attachments (e.g. transcripts) electronically.

"It's important for us to stay at the forefront of technology and using the latest technology continues to be a measured, forward-thinking process," said Katharine Eagan, HART Interim Chief Executive Officer. "The new NeoGov Applicant Tracking System is another testament to our commitment to be good stewards of the public's dollars and the work of our HART staff."

The new system is one of many steps HART is taking to ensure its role as an employer of choice in the Tampa Bay area. The new program also allows hiring managers to more effectively create minimum qualifications to sort through a pool of applicants. With the new system, administrative work and technical maintenance costs are reduced as this workload is handled by the NEOGOV system.  

"This new software streamlines the job search and application process for job seekers," said Dara Chenevert, Senior Human Resources Manager and Organization Development. ""Instead of applying for multiple job openings separately, candidates can submit multiple applications all electronically."    

Other advantages for applications include the following:

  • Immediate notification if they meet or don't meet minimum qualifications.
  • Timely updates of application status.
  • Capability for saving and editing an application for future openings.
  • E-mailed communications during the process.

HART is joining more than 1,300 organizations nationally who have moved to the forefront of cloud technology for human resource management by partnering with NEOGOV, the nation's largest provider of cloud based human resources software for the public sector. Using this technology, human resources, search committees and department managers can access online records to expedite hiring and provide greater accountability when selecting new employees.  

For all-things HART, including OneBusAway, trip planning, schedules, maps and fares, just visit www.goHART.org.   
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Sandra Morrison, HART Public Information Officer, (813) 384-6610, (813) 545-5497 cell, MorrisonS@goHART.org