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Matzoh Gets A Makeover
Dark Chocolate-Covered Matzoh from Coco Delice   
Market Hall Foods Exclusive

During the eight days of Passover, Jewish people across the country remember their exodus from Egypt by forgoing all leavened bread products from baked goods to pasta. The one bread they are allowed to eat is matzoh, a crisp cracker-like bread made solely from flour and water. Over the past few decades, matzoh has grown in popularity entering mainstream grocery stores across the nation. With its popularity came many variations of this Jewish flatbread from flavored and gluten-free matzoh, to matzoh covered in chocolate for the kids.    

Over the years, we've come across a lot of chocolate-covered matzoh, but when we heard Dennis Kearney of Bay Area-based Coco Delice was going make some we could not hide our delight. Usually covered in milk chocolate, Dennis takes this confection a step further by enrobing sheets of Manischewitz matzoh in 54% Belgian dark chocolate. The richness of the chocolate is perfectly offset by a smattering of crunchy cacao nibs and a sprinkling of sea salt. While technically "not so kosher," this seasonal treat is a delectable addition to any Passover meal...or any meal, as a matter of fact.


EXCLUSIVE ~ You'll Only Find It Here!
 1 pound ~ $20.00 


Colomba Cake from  
Rustichella D'Abruzzo 
One of our favorite Spring indulgences has arrived! This Easter version of Italian panettone does not have quite as rich a history as its Christmas counterpart, but it can be traced back to a hungry bakery owner in the early 1900s. The Colomba Cake, baked in a dove-shaped pan, is studded with only candied orange peel (no citron or raisins, as in the traditional panettone) and is topped with almonds and sugar.