An international public-private partnership in support of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender youth, that is working to help schools - at home and all over the world - become safe places where every family can belong, where every educator can teach, and where every child can learn, regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation.
Dear Safe Schools Coalition Members and Friends: 
1.) New Study about Bullied Gay Kids
5.) Natl Day of Silence
3.) Unheard Voices
4.) New GLSEN Brief
6.) Trevor Project Training
6.) HRC's Equality Magazine
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Or mail this form with your check made to "Safe Schools Coalition" to:
Safe Schools Coalition
c/o Rosehedge
1401 East Jefferson Street, Suite 401
Seattle, WA 98122.

Got a problem at school with anti-gay harassment?

In Washington State:

1-877-SAFE-SAFE (1-877-723-3723) 24 hours a day - the phone line is answered at the Sexual Assault Hotline and they will have a Safe Schools Coalition Intervention Specialist volunteer get back to you within 24 hours.  

Or contact us by email (click here:Intervention and we will respond within 24 hours.


For non-emergencies: 206-451-SAFE (7233).
Or email us:  

- General Questions


- Website


1.) For Most Bullied Gay Kids, Things Do 'Get Better,' Study Finds  

New article from the National Institutes of Health: "Many gay and bisexual teenagers are bullied in school, but the problem does ease substantially as they get older, a new study out of England suggests. Researchers found that of more than 4,100 teens aged 13 and 14 who they surveyed, gay and bisexual teens were more likely to say they'd been bullied -- anything from name-calling to being physically hurt. Fifty-seven percent of girls and 52 percent of boys said they'd been victims, versus about 40 percent of their heterosexual peers. 


The good news was that things got better with time, the researchers report online Feb. 4 and in the March print issue of Pediatrics. At ages 19 and 20, 6 percent of lesbian and bisexual women and 9 percent of gay and bisexual men said they'd been victimized in the past year."


Read more here.  

1.) GLSEN's National Day of Silence: April 19, 2013

The National Day of Silence is a day of action in which students across the country vow to take a form of silence to call attention to the silencing effect of anti-LGBT bullying and harassment in schools. Learn more about the campaign here.

Organizing a Day of Silence (DOS) activity or event can be a positive tool for change-both personally and community-wide. By taking a vow of silence, you're making a powerful statement about the important issue of anti-LGBT bullying,and when you organize others to join you that message becomes stronger. Discover ways of organizing your event here.

2.) Great teaching resource: open letters from Friend Movement and Ellen deGeneres 2.)
For those of you who are looking for some non-fiction text that addresses LGBTQ issues, why not use this open letter via the Advocate to a homophobic teacher as a basis for discussion? I might focus on these Common Core State Standards:

CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.11-12.2 Determine two or more central ideas of a text and analyze their development over the course of the text, including how they interact and build on one another to provide a complex analysis; provide an objective summary of the text.

CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.11-12.5 Analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of the structure an author uses in his or her exposition or argument, including whether the structure makes points clear, convincing, and engaging.

CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.11-12.6 Determine an author's point of view or purpose in a text in which the rhetoric is particularly effective, analyzing how style and content contribute to the power, persuasiveness or beauty of the text.

You could compare and contrast that letter with this one from Ellen deGeneres.

3.) Unheard Voices, an oral history and curriculum project

In response to the lack of representation of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people in school curricula and disproportionate incidents of bullying and violence against LGBT youth, ADL, GLSEN and StoryCorps have collaborated to create Unheard Voices, an oral history and curriculum project that will help educators to integrate LGBT history, people and issues into their instructional programs.

Click here to learn more.

4.) New GLSEN Research Brief Examines LGBT Students in Middle and High School Athletics
Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) students can greatly benefit from participation in school-based athletics, but many of these students experience harassment, assault and discrimination that negatively impact their participation in middle and high school Physical Education (P.E.) and sports teams, according to a research brief released today by GLSEN, the Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network.

GLSEN's research brief, The Experiences of LGBT Students in School Athletics, is an in-depth look at the experiences of LGBT student athletes, using data from GLSEN's 2011 National School Climate Survey. The survey included responses from 8,584 secondary school students between the ages of 13 and 20. Respondents were from all 50 states and the District of Columbia and from 3,224 unique school districts.


Click here to learn more. 

5.) The Trevor Project's CARE Trainings
The CARE (Connect, Accept, Respond, Empower) trainings for adults and professionals provide an overview of suicide among lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning (LGBTQ) youth and the different environmental stressors that contribute to their heightened risk for suicide.  The training covers what research states regarding reducing the risk of suicide and promoting resiliency in addition to best practices and practical steps that service providers, educators, and others can take to promote a positive environment for all youth.


The CARE Trainings are available free of charge or at-cost to educators and youth service providers in:

  • New York City and the tri-state metro area (New Jersey, Connecticut, Long Island)
  • Albany, NY
  • Los Angeles, CA
  • Tulare County, CA
  • Kings County, CA
  • San Francisco, CA
  • San Diego, CA
  • Washington, D.C. metro area
  • Missouri
Click here to learn more.
7.) HRC's Equality Magazine
Equality magazine is the nation's largest-circulation LGBT magazine and is free with an HRC membership. Get Equality and read our in-depth interviews with allies on Capitol Hill and in Hollywood. Get special updates, photos and calls to action. Visit and join the hundreds of thousands who get Equality four times a year.


Click here to download a copy of the Fall 2012 issue.  

Important Notice: We are in the process of transitioning to using Constant Contact for our email lists.

You can subscribe now by going here



The default list is Important Coalition Announcements, Meeting Minutes, etc. which will be about Safe Schools Coalition meetings, activities and needs. In addition, if you wish you can subscribe to any or all of these:

  • News                
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  • Resources (books, research, curricula, films, scholarships, etc.)
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  • Jobs & Internships & Volunteer Opportunities
  • Lesson Planning Guides
  • Opinion (blogs, editorials, letters to the editor)       
  • Right Wing Watch     
  • Legislative/Elective News & Alerts


Once you subscribe to the new list(s), you will want to unsubscribe here from the original lists (NEWS and IMPORTANTNEWS) to avoid getting duplicates.


On March 31, 2013 we will complete the transition and stop using the original lists.

Leadership Team:



  •  Lead Chair -- Matthew Wilson (Oasis Youth Center): send a message or call 253-671-2838   
  •  Back-up Lead Chair -- Seth Kirby (Oasis Youth Center): send a message or call 253-671-2838  


Email List Managers:

  • Heather Carter - News messages
  • Nic Donia - Events messages
  • Julie Parmenter - Opinion / Blogs messages
  • Ryan Schwartz - Right Wing Watch messages
  • Colleen Mullins - History, Lesson Planning Guides & Curricula messages
  • Ernestine Heldring - Resources messages
  • Gabi Clayton - Coalition Announcements, Action Alerts, Law & Policy, Legislative/Elective messages, member Fundraising* messages
  • Jobs & Internships & Volunteer Opportunities - OPEN - Interested? Contact Gabi! 

* Note: Fundraising messages are only sent for member organizations.


     Send us news! Contact the List Managers here.

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