Is it just me being an optimist or are we living during a special time in history? Lately wherever I travel to either in my daily life or on weekend jaunts, I am meeting people who speak the same language and hold the same vision. Perhaps I never witnessed it before and now I'm a bit more awake, or perhaps we really have embarked into The Aquarian Age as many Kundalini yogis believe. Yes there are still horrendous issues to overcome like the battle for having pure food, and now the situation with Trans-Pacific Partnership (which is really just six corporations trying to control the world); but there is also a blossoming of consciousness that is palpable. I recently was taught to feel the energy in a tree. This was an 'aha' moment when I could actually feel the life force and energy in a tree. Yes I'd always felt a kinship to the trees and fauna, but it seems after feeling the highway of energy pulsing through the tree, I now can see it as well as feel it.
There seems to be growing communities of people going back to the land, honoring the planet, even creating fashion movements around the subject a la Kinfolk. There are warriors being created like the incredible Diana Reeves (coming soon) and sweet couples like Greg and Diana creating Another Kind of Sunrise. When I get down about the state of the world, I just realize that the sun always rises. There is always light and it shall prevail.
Just yesterday I had to take care of a ticket down at the courthouse in Inglewood. What should have been a ten minute situation became a three hour odyssey through the bureaucratic halls of our broken system. As I was waiting in the long line to get a copy of a traffic ticket I had lost, I tried to stay away from the false escape of my cell phone and actually watch people. As a former actor, this used to be my laboratory for human behavior. To watch authentic people be in their world, their bodies, is the way in to any character. Needless to say most everyone was on their phone . . . until, until the singing angel appeared. She was a small Africa American woman dressed in colorful scarves, hat, mittens, as if she was going skiing to an exotic mountain resort rather than the Inglewood Court House. She was followed by two twin girls, her daughters I assumed who had on those roller tennis shoes, so they basically floated around in circles around their mama. The mama was singing. Singing beautiful, uplifting hymns, soulful, gospel songs as her twin girls skated around her in rings. At first folks in the line tried to tune her out and not let her in their hearts. After 15 minutes in line however, you either had to work hard to ignore them or break open your heart and let them in. Slowly people began to put their phones away and either sing or watch with wonder and appreciation. I of course began to cry, grateful for a glimpse of angels on earth . . .
I'm so grateful this Thanksgiving to all of you roses!