I haven't been very good at writing the newsletter. Forgive me readers. Some of it is due to summer chaos with kids in tow. The truth is the ebb and flow of life is mirrored in all our daily lives. One moment can be sublime, the next devastating. Today if you ask me I'm worried about the devastating fires that are ravaging through all my favorite forests. The Sun Valley Idaho fire aptly named The Beastly Fire, is as bad as the Rim fire which is burning up my mother's neighborhood as I write this. The Rim Fire near the East side of Yosemite in Tuolumne County is encroaching on old sequoia groves. Our mama earth needs rain and water and to be replenished. What can i do I ask myself to help this? Not much it seems, which leads to feelings of being helpless. That combined with the reports coming out on the radiation from Fukushima make it hard for one to be Rosey! One thing I would recommend to all my readers and loved ones is to take iodine as a supplement. This will prevent the radiation from being absorbed by the thyroid. Of course I am not a doctor, but most of the wise ones I trust have been telling me to take iodine since this happened two years ago. I posted on this this week, but you can also eat kelp supplements if you don't feel easy about iodine. I would try to find kelp from New England and not Asia due to contamination.
I suppose fires burn away the past and with it comes regeneration and rebirth. In that vein of thought there are some exciting things happening on all fronts. I personally am trying to learn how to have more pleasure in my daily life. The idea is that we gloss over pleasure many of us in our haste to get things done. Once we are mindful of pleasure we can create more of it, be conscious of it, as we are in it. I'm not talking about how many likes we get on our facebook page, I mean the little moments whether it's eating an ice cream or cuddling a puppy. Another fascinating concept I've been pondering is our personal glass ceilings. The idea that sometimes we unconsciously create a glass ceiling so we can't achieve all the things we are meant to. Breaking this is about being conscious and ending self sabotage. More on this also when I share my favorite book on the subject The Big Leap.
The end of summer has been about taking road trips around this beautiful state. In July I had the chance of going up north and discovering waterfalls in Big Sur. This weekend perhaps a trip to the spiritual vortex of Mount Shasta. There I will meditate on healing our planet and quenching these fires. Enjoy the last few days of summer my sweet roses . . .