I was born with a powerful name. Shiva is my given birth name and I have always taken it for granted as we do with our monickers. Lately I am beginning to see the dots of my life connecting. Though I think of myself as feminine I recently was astounded to hear from a therapist friend that I am actually living a masculine existence. The last several years of being truly on my own, and slaying the dragons in my life have led me to compensate with my masculine side. The society in which we live in contributes to this as well, but guess what? Shiva cannot rule the realms without his feminine consort. They say the male without the female energy supporting them are like corpses. What is being in the feminine? Being nurtured, nurturing, sensuality, creativity, being in harmony. The goddesses of India exemplify these qualities which we can connect to by meditating on them. As I'm learning from the wonderful book I'm reading right now Awakening Shakti, the goddesses address everything one is going through. Shiva my namesake is masculine but his consort Parvati is whom I'm invoking in my life these days. Paravati means Daughter of the Mountains in Sanskrit and these days I'm crushing on her and Lakshmi so much so that I am seeing their Shakti everywhere. On my walks through the mountains, in my dealings with my fellow earthlings, and even in my dreams. Last week when I went to visit the lovely Beatrice Valenzuela (posting coming soon) I wasn't too surprised when she offered me hibiscus tea and rosewater. Guess what is Parvati's drink of choice according to my book? Yes hibiscus and rosewater. Recipe to come soon!
Summer is around the bend and I am looking forward to being more feminine by attempting to enjoy life. The Local Rose is growing and more and more gems on the shop to come. I have a few visits lined up to ultra feminine lands like Sante Fe, New Mexico for the summer solstice celebration, and the garden isle of Kauai. Until then may you find the Shakti that surrounds you us . . .