When I started going through the transformations of creating my new life five years ago, I was in a confused, fragile state. The one thing and only thing that was clear to me was that I needed trees and a certain quality in my life. I couldn't really explain the quality it was a sort of feeling. I had touched upon it over the years once in Sante Fe New Mexico when I took part in a Native American sweat at a shamans house. I would taste this quality when I visited Kauai or Big Sur. It was a sort of contentedness and connection that made me feel powerful and grounded. My friend who helped me find the house I am now nesting in kept referring to my quest as the Call of the Wild. Now today with my weekly Kundalini practice and daily work on trying to be more conscious, I can see that it is being in touch with the 'source'. The 'source' energy can be different for everyone but for me it is being in connection to Gaia or mother earth.
I had a couple of really disastrous days last week when my phone broke and then my new computer got damaged when a cup of water spilled on it. The first issue with my phone threw me into an agitated where I felt sorry for myself since I never backed anything up and lost all my contacts. After I recovered from that, I realized how I didn't want to be a slave to technology. Well the universe decided to test me again and that's when my computer was destroyed. I have to say this time around I didn't fret and just went about the business of replacing it. It's such conundrum this technological age we are in. It gives me access to do what I love like discovering roses for all of you, but at the same time it keeps us away from being present and connected on a human level. I am going back to the technology free sundays here at Roseland. Would you like to join?
Happy Mother's Day to all of you. You don't have to be a biological mother to feel maternal. I celebrate all of us who are mothers in spirit. Mothers to the earth, the animals, the plants, friends, and most importantly to ourselves . . .