Yesterday I found it a relief to escape to the mountains of Topanga for my native plant gathering class. It was only a few hours before I had to battle the traffic to Hollywood for an audition, and then battle it back again West to pick up my kids, but it was still a needed reprieve. The bombing in Boston, trying to get taxes paid on time, and just the everyday struggles of being a single mom has left me yearning for a better place. My plant gathering teacher Stacey Small talks about discovering our plant allies. Jane Sherry says: "Plants have been our allies, our protectors, our food and medicine as long as there has been life on earth. The physical and spiritual presence of plants is deeply interconnected with our earthly existence throughout our lives." I love the idea of meditating on finding my magical botanical companion. I know with all the changes I have gone through in the last five years I have lost many in my life whom I thought were my friend or even family. Girlfriends who have not approved the direction my life was going in, and even my godfather who named me upon my birth. I have become resigned to this and actually now see the merits of it. My new life has opened me up to some incredible, inspiring and extraordinary people that I would never have known had I not ventured into the unknown. And now . . . I will search for my plant allies. The ones who may be growing in my own back yard disguised as weeds. The ones whom I walk by every day on the trail behind my house. Allies that comfort us, never judge us and wish for our growth and happiness. The ones that whisper to us when we are depleted and urge us to take chances and see the world!
Speaking of plant allies this week we meet with a savior of our plants and seeds Vandana Shiva, and Martha Soffer who creates healing remedies with the plants. Thank you for everyone who took part in the Murchison-Hume giveaway. I truly wish i could have had everyone of you receive the gift! There will be more to come.
Look around you and see who or what your allies are . . . you may be surprised!