Spring Equinox is in a few days and with it comes a time for rebirth and renewal. The earth is warming up and with it plants are blooming, and trees, flowers blossoming. All the seeds we have planted months prior begin to take root and grow. This is a time to think about what we want to manifest and start watering and nurturing the ideas until they bloom. In both the Persian New Year Celebration and Easter Holiday, eggs are painted and placed center stage. Eggs being the symbol of fertility and things to come.
Here at the place of roses I am putting together the shop that I will soon launch. I am also meeting with such wonderful and extraordinary people doing things to make the world brighter. I have decided to savor this ride of life because even on the most challenging days it is still a gift to be awake in these exciting times. Only love is real at the end of the day. Love we have for our animals, our plants, our neighbors, our planet, our family and for ourselves. It is a choice we can make. This is our time to be awake. To grow and be conscious. A time for a Resurrection into Love!
Come meet Mark Wystrach who makes shoes from recycled plastic, Salomon who makes Kombucha and wants to protect children from obesity and diabetes, discover healthy cereal, and more!