Maria The Gentle One is healed from the coyote bite and so far they haven't returned. I took Maria to get her staples out and she is now frolicking in the garden with the rest of the ladies. Watching the dynamic between the three gals is fascinating. How they would call out for each other when Maria was healing, how they greeted one another when they reunited, nestling into each other as evening dropped in.
I took a long walk a few days ago through the canyon behind me house. I asked The Great Mama about questions that were lurking in my heart. I asked her to guide me and to show me the best way I can be useful to her. I usually look up or straight ahead on these walks, but at the moment I asked I happened to look down and there in front of my feet was a big rock in the shape of a heart. I always am on the lookout for these and have a few collected from the past, but this one was right on my path in front of my feet. I smiled and said thank you and in that moment two turtle doves flew over my head. I carried that rock home and now it sits by my front door as a reminder of how the heart is the most incredible muscle able to expand more than we can ever imagine. Yesterday my youngest shrieked 'bees! bees!' Right outside of our front door there was a huge swarm of honey bees. This literally floored me because I have been looking for a colony of bees for my top bar hive that has been sitting in my garden for over a year. Reading about bees and the way in which the Queen Bee functions is fascinating! I was thinking about buying a colony but for some reason I kept putting it off, and then yesterday one appeared literally on my front door. The most extraordinary part of this story was that the colony was shaped like a big, giant, expansive heart! I will share photos soon. It seems the Queen of Hearts has arrived!
I have been feeling rejuvenated and inspired with what The Local Rose leads me to. I have been interviewing fascinating folks and about to launch an on line shop so all of you roses can easily access the gems I discover. This all new terrain so it may take a while but I am hopeful and can see it all unfolding.
May you all transform rocks into hearts . . .