I am not one of the girls who gets too fussy on their birthday. I mean sure I like to be loved and celebrated at times, but I hate to have to ask my friends to do that. Friday was my birthday and it started out with Charlotte waking up to a flu bug and puking in my hair. Her dad took her later in the day, so I could meet a few friends for lunch. That was the highlight. I realized that if they truly are our friends, then celebrating a day about us is actually a joyous moment for all and not a chore. The next morning I was greeted with a pack of coyotes attacking my ladies. I was in my nightgown, barefoot but instinct took over. Usually we go into fight or flight when adrenaline kicks in, well I guess I go into fight not flight. I grabbed rocks and sticks and screamed and hollered at the pack. A few ran off shocked at the state of the crazy, barefoot, woman with her sleep-mussed hair, and stained vintage slip. Two others jumped the fence but stood their ground glaring at me with such insolence I wanted to slap that coyote grin right off their faces! I saved the ladies, but Maria The Most Gentle One is wounded, feathers ripped away and a large bite gap on her back. We will see how she fares. Yes it feels like the Wild West out here in the Santa Monica Mountains. I was aware of the coyotes but never dreamed they would attack in broad daylight. I looked up the meaning of the coyotes and they are said to represent the trickster. They can mean the endings of things but also the beginning. The cycle of life I suppose.
This is also the birthday of The Local Rose. It is two years old this week and that is one thing I am happy to celebrate. I can start that by thanking all of you. Thank you for your support the last two years, it really has been the reason I keep this up.
So many wonderful roses this week! Meet Simone Le Blanc for Valentine Gift Tips that don't hurt our mother, May Lindstrom who makes delectable face masks, Valentine Wreaths with Moon Canyon Design, and Angela Lindvall Green Goddess of the Topanga hills!