Like all of you I have been so utterly gutted by the shootings in Newtown. I have the same sick feeling in the pit of my stomach that i had after September 11th. This time though I have to fight the urge to pack everything up and move away. Do I want to be in a country where there are over 300 million guns in circulation? In Florida alone there a million permit holders. There is the argument that we need guns to protect ourselves but who wants to live in a society driven by fear? Also statistically a person who owns a gun is more likely to be shot. I really have nothing new to say on this subject that hasn't been heard. I only feel such a vast emptiness during this time when we should all be dancing in the light. I do know for those of us that have children we have to protect them from these horrors. They must feel the world is a safe place at this stage in their lives so they can grow to be fearless and alive, even when we are suffering with the knowledge of what can happen. Maybe it is time now to take our planet back from the mad ones. The mad ones making the laws, poisoning our food chain, flying chemtrails above our heads, inoculating us with chemicals which lead to mental instability and autism. Maybe we need to reclaim our planet and destroy all the violent video games, toxic GMO's, classless reality shows. The Persian poet Sa'adi whose words are inscribed on the United Nations said it best :
The sons of Adam are limbs of each other,
Having been created of one essence.
When the calamity of time affects one limb
The other limbs cannot remain at rest.
If you have no sympathy for the troubles of others,
You are unworthy to be called by the name of a Human.
This may be a call not to be armed but to disarm our country.
This is a tough week but life does prevail. As does light . . . Blessings to you and all the little angels who deserve to maintain their innocence.