It has been a bittersweet song the last several weeks. I suppose that is life in general. Last week one of the mothers in my daughter's class lost her battle with cancer. It has been trying knowing a six year old is going to remain motherless on this earth. As I saw the world with a grieved slant, I also was feeling so grateful for all the blessings in my life. The Local Rose is growing and my girls' are thriving. So life again blasts it in my face: "Nothing is black and white. There is a breakthrough and then a let down. That is life."

The day before Halloween was especially frantic and chaotic. My friend's bird that we were bird sitting was flying around the house much to the horror of Coco my sixteen year old who was trying to work with her new math tutor. Charlotte and I were trying to carve pumpkins, my mother visiting from the mountains was trying to give my ailing cat Fig her medication which was challenging since Fig is wearing a cone around her head, the door bell was ringing, phones beeping, I had to get ready for an event where I would meet my hero Vandana Shiva but still in my house dress covered with pumpkin slime, the soup on the stove needed tending, Charlotte began crying when she cut herself, Coco was wishing the earth would swallow her up . . . I turned to our new tutor Christine and I said apologetically, "I'm sorry it's mayhem here." Bless that sweet girl, as she turned to me with her compassionate brown eyes and simply said, "It's alive here. " I whispered a thank you and went into the next room, tears rolling down my face. Yes at times I wish I had the easy, simple magazine version of a home life but the truth is I am alive, healthy and that is sometimes enough when life is so ephemeral and fleeting . . . There is life here in my house. Yes it is messy at times, heartbreaking, funny, eccentric, nutty . . . but we are alive . . .

Only a few days left before we vote. Please Californians do not buy into the lies industrial America is placing on the airwaves. Prop 37 will not cost us more. I swear it! I have done the research. Here is an article I wrote for an amazing site The Conversation. and a PSA that I am proud to be a part of.

Blessings to you all and let's vote!