Now that my ladies are laying eggs, I have to find new ways to use them. One great way to give your skin a fresh, moisterized look is to make an easy mask made up of egg whites and plain yogurt.

2 eggs (separate yolks from whites) You can save the yolks for a hair mask if you please

2 tbs plain yogurt. I like the greek kind or goats yogurt

Mix the ingredients in a bowl and brush on your face. Leave on for 20 minutes and rinse off with warm water. the egg whites give you a natural glow and the yogurt balances the PH in your skin.

The yolks of the eggs are great for shiny hair and also can help with hair growth. You can easily make a paste with the yolks and a few tablespoons of yogurt for a hair mask or just whisk the yolks and place them on your hair and ends. For extra conditioning mix the yolks with 2 tbls of olive oil. Next mix in 1 cup of luke warm water. shampoo then put the yolk oil mixture half on scalp and half on ends. Make sure to rinse with luke warm water so eggs don't react to heat. You will have a wonderful conditioning treatment and save dollars!!