I've noticed a backlash against 'magical thinking'. Yes I admit I am prone to living in this place at times. So much so, that the place I like to visit, when the basics of daily living begins to border on the mundane has a name . . . this place is Rose Land. I go to Rose Land when stuck in traffic, when doing chores around the house, when waiting in lines at the post office. However I also take the concept of Magical Thinking one step further when I start reading signs around me and seeing them as universal acknowledgments for where I am at in my life. Many do this and just call it being superstitious. Maybe it's remnants of my Persian/Native American/German heritage still seeped in my DNA. Baseball players, actors in the theater, musicians . . .they are also prone to this kind of thinking. I have lived my life following signs and connecting it to my intuition. Maybe it's a romantic way of living but I prefer to live as Einstein said 'where everything is a miracle'. So yes when I see ravens and crows around my house I know my ex and I will be in contact again. Yes, when I see a coyote crossing the street I know to be cautious. Yes, when i think of a disturbing thought I knock on wood. Yes I never ever utter the Scottish Play (Shakespeare's Macbeth) in a theater, and if someone does I make them go outside the theater, spit behind their left shoulder, knock on the theater door and ask permission to be let in. Yes when my youngest daughter began to plead and cry at exactly 9:12 pm on July 7th that she needed to see her great grandmother, I knew then my grandmother was passing. Of course it's not healthy to be in a constant state of fantasy, but doesn't a little romantic, dreamy thinking make the day brighter? In an article for Scientific American researchers state that actually in some cases magical thinking leads to confidence and therefore success among that demographic.

This week there is an opportunity to win a beautiful hand crafted manta ray necklace by Kathy Rose, a recipe for baked chipotle sweet potato fries by Pamela Salzman, visiting with a true garden fairy and so much more . . .