I had a wonderful opportunity of visiting my 95 year old grandmother last month. She was born and raised in San Francisco, and among her numerous accomplishments, she was one of the first woman horse harness jockeys in California. I love asking her a detailed account of what it was like to live in San Francisco in the golden days. My favorite stories are of her as a child when she used to roam the hotel her grandparents owned in the Mission District. It was one of the only European Hotels in the city, and I love to hear stories about the cranky Chinese cook, eccentric guests, Christmas parties and sumptuous velvet curtains. Now the building is an art school and I sometimes imagine what it would be like to still have an old fashioned hotel in that city. Also on my trip up north, I got a chance to visit with amazing women who are leading the way in natural, holistic beauty products, web sites, and restaurants. This week you will be introduced to Mandy Aftel and her magical scents. Soon to come there is a visit with Zem Joaquin who started one of the first eco-green web sites.

I suppose there was a time when I felt traveling was better with a partner so you can share all the new experiences. The more I do travel on my own, the more I realize that this isn't always the case. I used to also think that the things I love the most like the sky, trees, mountains, had to somehow be connected to another person. Almost as if another person was my passport to magical moments of happiness. I'm realizing through this journey the last month that that isn't really the case. That those elements of connection are actually within us . . . we just have to choose to look, listen, take it all in . . .

This week I am thrilled to have the Beer Chicks, Clare Vivier's store opening, Lauri Kranz from Edible Gardens and from Berkeley Mandy Aftel.

Also . . . thank you so much for all the encouraging and lovely emails. I am forever grateful.