Time Travelers Ball 2016
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Travel through time with PLF at the Time Travelers Ball: Equinox Adventures. The ball welcomes guests from across time on March 19, 7-11 p.m., at the Fort Collins Museum of Discovery. Tickets are $35 per ticket for two or more tickets, $40 for single ticket*. Enjoy a reception hour in the museum lobby and caf� with hors d'oeuvres, desserts, and a cash bar. At 8 p.m., enter the museum exhibit space for dancing to the Colorado Swing Cats band among the state-of-the art museum exhibits. During the ball, visit the OtterBox Digital Dome Theater for showings of space-inspired movies. Buy tickets online or buy in person at Wear It Again Sam, Life of the Party, or Masonville Mercantile.
Buy Ball Tickets

*After March 14, 2016, price increases to $50 per ticket.
Poudre Landmarks Foundation Board of Directors
Thom Tisthammer, President | Jennifer Kutzik, Secretary | Tom Boardman, Vice President | Cheryl Donaldson | Lynda Lloyd | Kimberly Miller | Pat Nelson | Jacques Rieux | Dick Spiess | Robin Stitzel | Pam Thomas | Alexandra Wallace | William Whitley

Jennifer Beccard, Exec. Director | Linda Harty, Admin. Assistant
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108 N Meldrum St
Fort Collins, CO 80521