Celebrate local history education and preservation in Fort Collins! There are 4 days left to make a 2015 tax-deductible donation. Receive a credit on your taxes while helping Poudre Landmarks Foundation continue its mission in 2016.
Thank you! 
Winter Photo Collage
Your donation will help PLF continue its mission in 2016. 
Give Where You Live! Thank you! 
Poudre Landmarks Foundation Board of Directors
Thom Tisthammer, President | Jennifer Kutzik, Secretary | Tom Boardman | Cheryl Donaldson | Doug Ernest | Lynda Lloyd | Kimberly Miller | Pat Nelson | Jacques Rieux | Robin Stitzel | Pam Thomas | Alexandra Wallace | William Whitley

Jennifer Beccard, Exec. Director | Linda Harty, Admin. Assistant
Fort Fund Logo

Coloradoan Logo

108 N Meldrum St
Fort Collins, CO 80521