December 7, 2015
Colorado Gives Day Is Tomorrow, Dec. 8

Fort Collins second graders have been touring the Avery House for generations. This tradition, which many parents remember from their own Fort Collins childhood, brings history to life for our youngest citizens and is just one example of your PLF donation dollars at work in our community.

Please schedule your Colorado Gives Day donation today to Poudre Landmarks Foundation! Every dollar donated on Dec. 8 goes further with a $1 million incentive fund that is part of this statewide philanthropic event. Thank you!

Your PLF Donations In Action:

$10 provides a school field trip to the Avery House for one child
$35 provides a private tour of the 1883 Water Works for a group of scouts
$50 provides a speaker for an educational program
$100 provides an entertainer at the Old-Fashioned 4th of July at the Avery House
$250 lets PLF offer free tours of the Avery House on one weekend
$500 sponsors presenters at the Big Splash celebration at the Water Works
$800 sponsors a house for the annual Historic Homes Tour
$1,000 helps with preservation work at the 1883 Water Works
Poudre Landmarks Foundation Board of Directors
Thom Tisthammer, President | Jennifer Kutzik, Secretary | Tom Boardman | Cheryl Donaldson | Doug Ernest | Lynda Lloyd | Kimberly Miller | Pat Nelson | Jacques Rieux | Robin Stitzel | Pam Thomas | Alexandra Wallace | William Whitley

Jennifer Beccard, Exec. Director | Linda Harty, Admin. Assistant
Fort Fund Logo

Coloradoan Logo

108 N Meldrum St
Fort Collins, CO 80521