Poudre Landmarks FoundationIssue No.5 
PLF Logo 2012 Green

Downton Abbey Cast
Are you one of the millions of Americans who are mesmerized by the British television series Downton Abbey?  This wildly popular series first aired on the United Kingdom's BBC in 2010 and on PBS in the United States in January of 2011. The series is set in the fictional English country estate of Downton Abbey and depicts the lives of the aristocratic Crawley family and their servants in the post-Edwardian era. 

Fashions of an Age: The Downton Abbey Era exhibit of clothing and accessories will be unveiled at the Avery House on Saturday, January 26th from 1 - 4 p.m.  Join us as we salute Downton Abbey and show off some of PLF's historic clothing collection. The exhibit highlights how the changes in clothing from 1912 to 1920 reflect the social and class changes of the era.  

Downton Abbey is in its third season and is shown locally on PBS on Sunday evenings throughout the winter - check local listings for details.   For those of you new to Downton Abbey, we suggest viewing seasons 1 and 2 on DVD, through your cable provider, or via internet streaming.   

Fashions of an Age: The Downton Abbey Era is a must see exhibit  and will be open to the public each Saturday and Sunday from 1 - 4 p.m. through April 28th. Private tours for 10 or more outside of regular hours available upon request. Donations always appreciated.
Antique Spotlight
Each month we shine the spotlight on one of our PLF volunteers.  January's spotlight is focused on Bill Miller, volunteer extraordinaire!   
Bill and his wife, Sue, began their involvement with PLF in the Fall of 2004. Uncle Sam Bill serves as the Chair of PLF's Friends of the Water Works auxiliary and can be seen throughout the year portraying Uncle Sam and Father Christmas at PLF events. He has served on the PLF board of directors, Father and Mother Christmas  completed extensive research and work on the 1882 Water Works facility, provides photography at many of our events, and is always willing to step up when we need an extra hand. Bill is a U.S. Military Veteran and retired from the Mechanical Engineering Department at Woodward Governor. The Fort Collins Audubon Society and the Poudre Heritage Alliance are also long time beneficiaries of Bill's volunteerism. Hats off to Bill as we say thank you for his countless hours of work on behalf of the PLF! 
 1890 Skating on Sheldon Lake Avery Children
The Avery Children: Ethel, Louise (Mettie) and Edgar Avery, children of Franklin and Sara Avery, circa 1887.  
"It was quite a pleasant morning. Cousin Horace, Ethel, Mettie and I went to school.  After supper Horace and I hitched up my pony Chubby and went out to Sheldon Lake to a skating party" wrote Edgar one winter day in 1890.
Edgar Avery's diary, written in 1890 when he was 12 years old, gives us a glimpse of the everyday life of the Avery family, including skating in what would later become City Park.

Now is your chance to enjoy Fort Collins as the Avery Family did in earlier days. The ice is currently safe for ice skating on City Park Sheldon Lake and Fossil Creek Park pond.  City staff monitors the thickness of the ice daily at both parks, so please be sure to check the signs.  As long as they show "Open", have fun daily between 5 a.m. and 11 p.m.  If they show "closed" please be sure not to go onto the ice.  Also for your safety, please stay within the barricaded boundaries. 

Take your loved ones and enjoy this free, fun activity straight out of Fort Collins history!

Snowy Avery House
The Avery House is open for tours Saturdays and Sundays from 1 - 4 p.m.


Join us in our efforts to promote historic preservation and education in the Fort Collins community and beyond.


Poudre Landmarks Foundation


[email protected]

(970) 221-0533





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