August 21, 2014




        Weekly Reminders and Important News

Upcoming Events  

August 2014

22 New Parent Coffee 9:30 am

28 New Parent Reception 5:30 pm/PTA Meeting and Curriculum Night 6 pm (Adult only event)


September 2014

1  School closed, Labor Day

5  Coralwood Foundation's Homecoming 4-6 pm

8  PTA Full Board Mtg. 9:15 am

Fall "His and Hers" Fundraiser begins

18 Parent/Teacher Conferences 3-5 pm

19 Fall PTA Fundraiser Ends

20 Parent Social-Gordon Biersch Restaurant Buckhead 7pm

27 Coralwood Foundation SPA (Saturday Parent Academy)

29 Coralwood Challenge Begins


Easy Ways to

Help Our School 
Coralwood can earn a percentage of all Amazon purchases.  Just bookmark and use this special link when you visit Amazon: 
Shop as you normally would. Once you make your purchase, Amazon will process your payment and give a percentage to Coralwood. 
Box Tops  

Please clip and collect "box top" labels found on your purchased grocery items. We keep a collection box in the front hall of the school and you can drop them off at your convenience. Consider having co-workers and friends collect box tops as well.







Welcome to Coralwood
Any tears of sadness from children during the first few days of school have turned to joy and laughter throughout our halls, classrooms and playground this second week ! We have planned an exciting school year filled with new friends and a calendar of fun events for everyone. Coralwood School is the special place it is because of children and families like you, and we look forward to meeting each of you in the coming months. Please feel free to email us at or
if you have any questions or just want to say hi!

Hydi Kalmin and Aimee Small

PTA Co-Presidents


New Parent Coffee

THIS FRIDAY, August 22 at 9:30
Join us in the Coralwood Cafeteria for coffee, doughnuts, and conversation! Meet other new parents, returning parents, administration, and representatives from the Coralwood PTA and Foundation while finding out just why Coralwood is so special! Contact Hydi Kalmin or Aimee Small at for more information.

Parent information packet
If you did not attend Open House or registered in the past few days, please stop by the front office for your yellow folder which contains our parent handbook , PTA membership form, calendars and much more!

New Parent Reception 
August 28 at 5:30pm
We are hosting an evening meet and greet for new parents immediately before the Curriculum Night at 5:30pm in the Media Center (August 28)!  Join Dr. Melanie Castelle for light refreshments while getting to know each other better. 

PTA General Meeting and Curriculum Night
Thursday, August 28  6 pm in the Cafeteria 
After the brief PTA meeting, parents will be released to visit their students' classrooms to meet their teachers and learn about what the school year has in store for them! 

Got Yardsign?

There is a movement underway to raise the awareness of Coralwood School and its approach to early childhood inclusion education. One of the ways you can support that effort is to display one of the new Shine On Coralwood signs in your yard. The sign and a stand are available at the front office. The $5 is fully refundable at the end of the school year when the sign is returned in reusable condition. Enter the photo contest! Photograph the Shine On sign in your yard and submit it to before September 30th.  The best shot selected will win a prize! 

Coralwood Foundation's Homecoming
Friday, September 5th 4:00pm
Coralwood families, alumni, teachers and staff are all invited for for a fun filled event!   Children will enjoy playground time, pizza, ice cream, bouncy house and special entertainment by Little Beat Music a.k.a DJ Willy Wow!  Hope to see all of you there!  
The Second Annual Fall PTA Social 
will be held once again at Gordon Biersch, Buckhead, on 
Saturday, September 20th from 7-11 pm.  This event is a great way to get to know other Coralwood parents all while enjoying a great night out!  Enjoy handcrafted beers and other drinks, appetizers, brewery tours, college football game viewing and billiards!  Proceeds from the raffle items will benefit Coralwood PTA.   You should have received the ticket forms at our Open House, but please look for additional information coming this week in your child's folders. Even better we now have access to these tickets and future event tickets ONLINE!  Please click here.  This website even has an option for sponsoring a teacher in each classroom to join us for this great evening.  Please contact or with any questions. See you then!

Help Keep Coralwood Looking Good!
We are looking for volunteers to serve on a Campus Clean Up Crew.  We specifically need people who would have access to a gas blower and/or edger.  The crew would help pick up yard debris to keep the campus safe and looking great.  Please contact Martha Hunnicutt at for more information or to volunteer.

Carpool Questions? 

If you have questions about carpool or need to pick up your carpool tags, call Arelys Lopez at 678-874-6002.   
As a service to Coralwood parents who may need help looking for carpools, click HERE to fill out a Google Form for carpool interest. With this tool, you can connect with other people in your neighborhood and contact them to set up a carpool if you are interested. 

PTA Membership and Fund
We ask that all families join the PTA at the start of the school year. The $55 PTA fund ($20 additional for 2nd and 3rd child) donation is critical to fund our cultural arts events, children's activities, classroom funds, holiday programs, Spring Fling, and numerous other events,in addition to national dues and the mundane everyday supplies needed by our teachers and staff. Please click here to download the PTA form if you did not attend Open House and return to the PTA treasurer's box in the front office. 

His/Her Fundraiser Coming In September

This year Coralwood is teaming up with Mixed Bags and Superfan Sports to offer great products that everybody will love! Remember, the school gets a percentage of the proceeds.  There will be more to come in the next few weeks but for now you can click the links for more information: 

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