July 17, 2014




        Weekly Reminders and Important News

Upcoming Events  

August 2014

4 Welcome Back Teacher Breakfast

6 Open House/Registration 8 am-11:30 am

11 First Day of School

22 New Parent Coffee 9:30 am

28 New Parent Reception 5:30 pm/PTA Meeting and Curriculum Night 6 pm 


September 2014

1  School closed, Labor Day

5  Coralwood Foundation's Homecoming 4-6 pm

8  PTA Full Board Mtg. 9:15 am

Fall "His and Hers" Fundraiser begins

18 Turner Work Day/ Parent/Teacher Conferences 3-5 pm

19 Fall PTA Fundraiser Ends

20 Parent Social-Gordon Biersch Restaurant Buckhead 7pm

27 Coralwood Foundation SPA (Saturday Parent Academy)

29 Coralwood Challenge Begins

Easy Ways to

Help Our School

True Blue School  

Georgia Natural Gas users can raise money for our school by simply linking their GNG account to Coralwood at Blue Schools 
.  Once your account is linked, GNG will donate five dollars per month to our school for each registered customer.
Coralwood can earn a percentage of all Amazon purchases.  Just bookmark and use this special link when you visit Amazon: 
Shop as you normally would. Once you make your purchase, Amazon will process your payment and give a percentage to Coralwood. 
Box Tops  

Please clip and collect "box top" labels found on your purchased grocery items. We keep a collection box in the front hall of the school and you can drop them off at your convenience. Consider having co-workers and friends collect box tops as well.





Welcome to a brand new school year at Coralwood School!  I am so excited to meet our new students and welcome back our returning students.  Your child will have a fun-filled year and the amount your child will learn and achieve will be amazing!  Our talented teachers and staff are ready and eagerly awaiting your child's smile on August 11th. 


I want to remind parents of preschool students (3-year olds) that all children need to be in their classrooms no later than 9:15 a.m. each day.  Instruction starts promptly at 9:15 a.m. and we don't want your child to miss a single minute.  Your child may be dropped off at school between 9:00 a.m. - 9:15 a.m.  For parents of children in our PreK and Kindergarten classes, your child needs to be in their classroom no later than 8:00 a.m. each day.  Your child may be dropped off at school between 7:45 a.m. - 8:00 a.m.  We ask all parents to make a special effort to have their child here on time.  Children coming in late disrupt the entire class and your child's routine is also disrupted.


If you have not yet registered your child for school, please do so any day of the week (except Fridays) between the hours of 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.  Please call the school (678-874-6002) if you have any questions about registration.  A parent handbook will be forthcoming and I ask that you please take a few minutes to read through it when it arrives.  Many of your questions will be answered in its contents.  If not, please don't hesitate to call the school.  We are here to be of service to you and your child. 


Coralwood School would not be the absolutely awesome school it is if it were not for our PTA and Foundation.  There are so many ways that you can be involved and participate in these organizations that strongly support our school.  Even if you are a working parent, and so many of us are, there are avenues for you to be involved that can be done after work hours. 


Our total focus and dedication is to your child's education, social/emotional growth, and well-being.  We are committed to working alongside you as a trustworthy partner, ready to be a part of your family's team.  So once again, I welcome you to the exciting 2014-2015 school year!


Warmest Regards,


Melanie Castelle, Ph.D.



Join us on August 6 from 8:00-11:30am to meet your teachers, visit the classrooms, join the PTA, sign up to volunteer, get your carpool tags, purchase spirit wear, and more! Please remember that if you have not yet registered your child, you will need to do so at Open House.  Returning parents, please check to make sure you still have your carpool tags.  If not, you may purchase a replacement set.  New parents will receive a complimentary set. We look forward to seeing you there!

Coralwood Foundation's Homecoming
Friday, September 5th 4:00pm
All current students and alumni are invited for an afternoon of FUN at Coralwood School.  Everyone is welcome to enjoy music, pizza, games, and ice cream to jumpstart the school year.  For more information or if you would like to volunteer, please contact Wendi Berkman at wbs842@yahoo.com.
PTA Social--Save the Date and Get Your Sitter!
The Second Annual Fall PTA Social will be held once again at Gordon Biersch, Buckhead, on Saturday, September 20 from 7-11 pm.  Enjoy handcrafted beers and other drinks, appetizers, brewery tours, college football game viewing and billiards, while enjoying being an adult. Proceeds from the raffle items will benefit Coralwood PTA.  Look for more information on ticket sales in August.  Please contact Lauren.McDow@gmail.com or meredythglazer@yahoo.com with any questions.   

Get involved--volunteer!
Click HERE to VOLUNTEER or bring in the completed volunteer form to Open House that was mailed to you. Help in your child's class, school event or another area that fits your schedule. We can only continue to provide the amazing programs and support to our teachers and students with YOUR help! Feel free to forward on to Grandparents or other family/VIPs. A more detailed description of the individual committees and volunteer opportunities can be found by clicking here. Thank you! 


Still need to register?
If you have not yet registered your child for school, please do so Monday-Thursday in July between the hours of 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.  Please call the school (678-874-6002) if you have any questions about registration or click here for a list of what you will need to bring to registration.  
Parent Handbook and Supply Lists
If you do not have a copy of the school supply lists, please click the appropriate grade level so you are prepared for the first day:
The parent handbook can be viewed here.  
Want to carpool with families close by? 
As a service to Coralwood parents who may need help looking for 
carpools, click HERE to fill out a Google Form for carpool interest. With this tool, you can connect with other people in your neighborhood and contact them to set up a carpool if you are interested. 

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