June 17, 2016
Mission Teams have successful week!
We hope you've kept up with our Mexico Mission Team's daily updates on our website. You can read about their accomplishments and adventures and see lots of pictures here.

Our 25-member MidHigh Mission Team also had a successful week and we look forward to hearing all about their accomplishments & adventures over the next days.

This next week, our 34-member delegation (ranging in age from 8 to 89) will participate in the Annual Conference on Worship & Music in Montreat, NC. Please keep all of our JIPC travelers in your prayers.

Sunday, June 19
Worship 8:30 & 11:00am

Reverend Sam Martin, Pastor  
Reverend Cameron Smith, liturgist 
Scripture references: Luke 8:26-39, I Kings 19:1-15a 

Click here to see Sunday's full bulletin (including insert)
Click here to see just the insert with weekly calendar & announcements
Click here to see June's calendar

We welcome the Imani Milele Children's Choir, from Uganda. They will present an
extended pre-service as well as our anthem today. They will also present a mini-concert during coffee fellowship. To learn more about the choir, visit their website here.


FREEDOM FESTIVAL on Sunday, July 3, 5:00pm

Join us for our first Super Summer Sunday on July 3 as we celebrate with an 'indoor picnic.' We'll grill hot dogs & hamburgers and have traditional picnic fare, then send the children outside for water games. Adults can stay inside and we'll sing patriotic songs and play games such as charades or puzzles.

Regular WNL rates apply:
With reservation: $6/adults, $3/children (3-18), $18 immediate family max
Without reservations: $7/adults, $3/children, $20 immediate family max
JIPC Clerk of Session to serve as delegate at this year's General Assembly in Portland, OR.

Long-time member Marilyn Muckenfuss will be part of the Charleston-Atlantic Presbytery's delegation to this year's General Assembly, which is June 18-25. Click here for an overview of issues slated to be addressed this year. After GA, there will be a recap, which we will also provide for you.

Please keep Marilyn (& Milton) in your prayers!


Camp Sonshine!
Mondays starting June 13 through August 1, 9:30-12:00pm. All elementary school children are invited to join us in the gym for a great time learning about God, playing games, and making fun crafts & snacks.  Moms are welcome to join our Ladies' Bible Study while the kids are playing. The Bible Study meets at 10:30 in the choir room.  Nursery is provided for preschoolers & infants.

Youth Choir Concert

Youth Choirs from First United Methodist Church of Montgomery, Alabama and First Presbyterian, Charlotte, will present a concert here on Friday, July 15, at 6:00pm. The FPC choir is led by Will Smith, who many will recognize from his years as service organist and seminar leader at the Montreat Concert on Worship & Music.

STEPS 2016
Mt. Pleasant Presbyterian Church
August 27

STEPS is an annual leadership event held by Charleston Atlantic Presbytery for church members, elders, deacons, Sunday school teachers, youth advisors, clerks of session, musicians, pastors, and Christian educators.  The day includes worship, three workshop sessions, lunch, a bookstore, and great fellowship!  The workshop offerings are diverse - there really is something for everyone!

Saturday, September 17 

Ladies, mark your calendars!  The James Island Presbyterian Church's Fifth Annual JOY Event will be Saturday, September 17, 2016.  We can't wait to see you there!

Remember Niger Coalition,
JIPC Mission Partner,
Holds campaign to build Secondary School in Zinder

Received to-date $23,720
Goal $28,000 

The Remember Niger Coalition has the opportunity to make secondary school possible for even more students in Niger. Parents of the Zinder Primary School have been asking for a secondary school for years so that their children might continue their quality education. In response, our partners started construction on a building with their own funds last September. But they need your help to complete the building!
Zinder's Secondary School will allow 150 Nigerien students to receive a quality education through 9th grade. That means hundreds of lives will be forever changed every year. The needs are great in Niger, and together we have the means to meet those needs. Please help us build Zinder's Secondary School by contributing a brick at $40 each, row at $400 each, or wall at $4,000 each.
Together we can change lives! Thank you for your support and partnership.
Will you help us build the first secondary school in Zinder? Donate a brick, row or wall today! Click here to HELP BUILD A SCHOOL, brick by brick, book by book.

It's Here!
We hope you received your email on Tuesday night with a link to the updated directory.  If you did not, please contact the church office.
Did you know that we have a secure online pictorial directory for members of JIPC? Did you know that there's an app so that you can  view it all on your smart phone or tablet? We do, and it is a great resource to help us stay connected as a church body. Please follow these easy steps to help us out:
  1. Visit the directory by installing the "Instant Church Directory" app on your smart phone or tablet or by visiting www.instantchurchdirectory.com. Use the email that the church has on file for you to log in. You will be issued a password to gain access.
  2. Check to be sure that your contact information is correct and that you have a photo on file.
  3. Email cameron@jamesislandpc.org with any changes or with a new photo.While they won't be in the print directory we just distributed, they'll be in the online directory.
  4. If you do not have access to a computer, contact the church office so that we can check your information and mail you a printed copy of the directory.
Instant Church Directory
James Island Presbyterian Church | 843-795-3111| Email | Website