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The California Association of Legal Document Assistants was established in August 1986, and was formerly known as "California Association of Independent Paralegals" (CAIP). CALDA is the premiere organization for legal document assistant professionals.

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Tracey Booth, Administrative Coordinator



Jeri Blatt,  

Membership Chair
Phone: 650-574-2087

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UPDATE: CALDA's Open Letter to President of State Bar of California

Ian Duncan board photo
Ian M. Duncan, CALDA President
Dear Members:

On Wednesday, March 6, I attended the regular meeting of the State Bar Board of Trustees along with Carol Ludlow and Terri O'Connor from CALDA, and Kerry Spence from CELA (Cost Effective Legal Access). CAPA (California Alliance of Paralegal Associations) was also represented at the meeting. The Bar voted to authorize one of its committees to study the creation of the "Limited License Legal Technician", which would be authorized to dispense limited forms of legal advice.


I attended in order to represent CALDA and to provide public comment on this proposal. As we already knew would be the case, nothing was actually implemented on Wednesday's meeting, as the action taken at this meeting was only to authorize the study of this concept. However I believe it's extremely important that CALDA is represented each and every time the State Bar discusses this proposal. They were actually rather surprised to see us, I'm somewhat tickled to say,and I think that our comments helped set the tone for the discussion and debate that will surely ensue.


As I've reported before, you can be assured that CALDA will follow these developments closely and will participate vigorously in the coming proceedings.  


Kind regards,

Ian Duncan
CALDA President


Kerry Spence to keynote CALDA's Wine County Seminar - April 27 


CALDA will be hosting an educational seminar in April in the beautiful Napa Valley.  Our special guest will be Kerry Spence, who is the newest addition to CALDA's Advisory Council.

Date:     Saturday April 27, 2013 


Cost: $80 now. $100 after April 13


Location: Napa Elks Lodge 832, 2840  

Soscol Ave  Napa, CA 94558   

(707) 255-4522     

Four classes, MCLE Credit Provided

Lunch provided.

 Read more ... 

SAVE THE DATES - October 25 - 27, 2013 for CALDA conference: LDA'S SERVING THE COMMUNITY

by China Long, CALDA Conference Chair

CALDA is working hard to make the 2013 conference unforgettable!  We will be offering MCLE approved workshops.  This will be your opportunity to explore new subject matters, get up to date information as to what is happening with the legislative concerning our profession.   


Plus, you will have the opportunity to network with other LDA's building new relationships, catching up with old friends and sharing your accomplishments and challenges with others who understand your challenges and experiences.