June 25, 2014 
In This Issue


Welcome to this week's Newsdesk. In this issue, we cordially invite you to our grand opening celebration, which happens to coincide with the 24th anniversary of the signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act. 


Also included are accessibility resources for SF Pride, a DOnetwork survey, and some brain food we thought worth sharing. 


Feedback and suggestions are always welcome. You can email them to me directly at: ED@ilrcsf.org

Grand Opening- Join Us

 July 26th, 2014 - SAVE THAT DATE


The Independent Living Resource Center San Francisco invites you to the grand opening of our new, purpose-built, ground-floor home at 825 Howard Street, between 4th and 5th streets, in San Francisco's SOMA district. 


The day's events include guided tours, an accessible WII competition, a variety of family-friendly activities, door prizes, and refreshments. Tours will take place between 10am and noon, and 2pm-3pm. Refreshments will be served in our new Community and Conference Center,  between 12 and 2. A formal program will take place from 1pm-2pm. 


If you would like to schedule a group tour in advance, or are interested in volunteering for the event please email us at ed@ilrcsf.org 




ILRCSF Joins the People of SF in Celebrating PRIDE


The weekend of June 28/29 is SF's annual Pride celebration, one of the nation's oldest and largest LGBT pride events. Information about accessibility resources can be found here. 




Chime In - Your Opinion is Needed


Take the DOnetwork Survey!

The Disability Organizing Network is conducting a community-wide survey to find out how we are doing at providing opportunities to build the capacity of the disability community to create change.

This survey is an opportunity for you and others to give anonymous feedback on the DOnetwork and how it serves your community organizing needs. We are interested in knowing what you think works well and ways we can improve the DOnetwork. We are not asking for your name, and your answers will be presented together with feedback from lots of other people. We appreciate your willingness to take this survey!

CLICK HERE to go to the DOnetwork survey.  

Open Culture: Free Resources Online

The internet is a great source of free information, art, music and educational resources/classes. There are many different ways to engage in community life. Open Culture brings the world to your living. 

Jessie's sig  
Jessie Lorenz

Independent Living Resource Center San Francisco | ed@ilrcsf.org | http://www.ilrcsf.org
649 Mission Street
Level 3
San Francisco, CA 94105

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