Associates in Forensic Investigations 
a Rocky Mountain West Agency 
Legal Investigators and Expert Consultants
Personal Injury, Negligence & Death
Civil, Criminal & Probate
Equivocal Death Investigations
Colorado (970) 480-7793 ~ Wyoming (307) 222-0136

Quaero Indicium -
'To Find the Evidence'
Please distribute to others that may have an interest


Investigations has a new ANSI approved Investigations Management Protocol!

But first, we hope you had a fun and safe Labor Day and weekend.  Our profession, like so many others, does not have much distinction between days, weekends and holidays.  Perhaps its part of what draws so many to our profession - non-conventional hours and flexible scheduling possibilities. Labor Day marks when summer begins to fade and transition into fall. 

Speaking of transitions...the World Association of Detectives is experiencing its own transitions.  Elections were held at the annual conference in Toronto, Canada.  The new officers are later in this newsletter.  Also transitioning, beginning September 1st, is the administration of WAD.

WAD says goodbye to Carol Ward and welcomes Karen Beers
From WAD Executive Director, Bob Heales:
"It saddens me to announce that Carol is retiring from her duties with WAD at the end of this month. I know we are all sorry to see her leave, but she promises she won't be far away. She has graciously agreed to stay on as needed in September and October to ease our transition.

Several weeks ago Carol highly recommended someone we both knew through WAD and NCISS that she thought may be an ideal candidate for her position. In May, President Chuck McLaughlin and I spoke with Karen Beers, and Chuck added Eric Shelmerdine and Mike LaCorte in a small committee to review the position and Karen's resume. After some discussion we were confident that Karen would be an ideal fit for WAD, and we did not feel the need to look further. Some time was spent fine tuning the job description and Administrative Manager contract.  If Karen's name sounds familiar to you, it is because Karen is married to our Area Governor of the Americas, Dean Beers of Colorado. Dean has a long history of working with associations and he is currently 1st Vice President of NCISS. Karen's CV is quite extensive."

Our agency is proud to see Karen assume an important position in our profession and working with our international friends and WAD family!

-- Karen joins WAD as new Administrative Manager   
-- Managing the Investigative Process ANSI Approved Standard from ASIS
-- Upcoming Conferences of Interest
-- Update to Colorado's PI Licensing Program
-- New Benefits for NCISS Members 
-- Articles and commentary of interest  
-- Associations and News of our Profession
-- From the News 
-- The Quint-Essential Qualities of a Professional Investigator 

Together We're Better - Together We Make the Difference!

Associates in Forensic Investigations LLC is a Rocky Mountain West Agency owned by Dean A. Beers, CLI, CCDI and Karen S. Beers, BSW, CCDI.

We provide Expert Consultations and Legal Investigations of Personal Injury, Negligence & Death in Civil, Criminal and Probate litigation. We are Subject Matter Experts in Equivocal Death Investigation and Analysis, and Injury Causation.

We are based in the Rocky Mountain West and provide expert consultations nationally. Learn details at

Here is a video explaining what we do and why - 

Dean and Karen Beers  
AFI-LLC - Our agency is called upon for many reasons - from investigations to consultations - and from finding the right investigator to the right expert.  We have recently added to our case examples found at
Agency News and Updates
Managing the Investigative Process - Guidance (INV)
Dean was invited to be on the ASIS Investigative Standards Technical Committee for the process of drafting, finalizing and approving this new investigative standard. The process is very similar to his book, "Practical Methods for Legal Investigations", and commission co-chair and friend, Gene Ferrero's book, "Investigations in the Work Place" (both by CRC Press / Taylor & Francis). Our agency has long conformed to practices that are found in this new standard, and are pleased to inform current and potential clients that we will continue to do so. We recommend that our colleagues purchase a copy of the standard for guidance, and investigative clients assure their investigators follow the recommended standards consistent with their case needs.
This standard provides guidance for internal and external Investigators to maintain the quality and consistency of investigations and investigative reports. It will help investigators to conduct inquiries using a systematic approach, in an organized and well-documented manner. The standard will discuss managing an investigation program, as well as conducting individual investigations. The use of this standard will help reduce the risks that may be encountered during an investigation, therefore mitigating the impact to an organization's reputation as well as possible legal ramifications.
The standard has been ANSI approved and is in the publication process. Please contact with any questions and purchasing information.
National Association of Legal Investigators  
Last month we told you that Karen was recently accepted for membership by the National Association of Legal Investigators, and Dean's appointment to the Certified Legal Investigator Committee.  Recently Dean was asked to be the Legislative Committee Chair.  Dean accepted this appointment beginning September 1st.  He will work with former chair Nicole Bocra to share important legislative news of our profession with the members of NALI.

Colorado Association of Legal Support Staff
Every year, for over two decades, our agency has looked forward to supporting the annual meeting of CALSS.  This year the meeting is in Greeley, CO on September 26th.  A member of PPIAC will also give a brief presentation on the new Colorado mandatory licensing for private investigators, effective June 1st.  If you are interested in CALSS or attending, contact our agency and we'll put you in touch with a CALSS representative.

National Defender Investigator Association The first week of September Dean will be in Las Vegas as part of the NDIA "Simplifying ScienceI" conference.  Dean will also be speaking on the topics of "Reviewing and Comprehending Autopsy Reports" for investigators, and "Medicolegal Death Investigations in Criminal Defense".  Details of membership can be found at 
Global Investigators Media Group ( with Facts & Forensics
The August podcast is available at
- Conversations with Karen talks about retraumatizing families and Colorado's James Holmes trial and sentencing verdict.
- Dean's guest is criminal and forensic explosives expert Paul Laska.
Be sure and visit for all of the Global Investigators Media Group hosts and shows!
AFI-LLC is developing distance learning video on demand courses for investigators, and has put together some distance learning courses from other contributors.  See complete details at 
AFI-LLC has put together some of the best fiction and non-fiction books available from Amazon. These range from studying for certifications to best practices, and investigative fiction and non-fiction. Most of these are written by our friends and colleagues, including fellow CLIs and CCDIs.  See the complete list of books at 
Our Expert Forensic Affiliations
Autopsy Review We believe that medicolegal investigation and consultation is a team effort.  Stephen Cina MD, Harold Schueler PhD, and our agency are affiliated as experts in our respective fields offering our clients comprehensive medicolegal services.

Dr. Cina is the Chief Medical Examiner of a large metropolitan area in the upper mid-west.  Dr. Schueler is the Chief Forensic Toxicologist of a large mid-Atlantic metropolitan area.
Contact our office to consult on medicolegal death and injury causation.  The CVs of both Dr. Cina and Dr. Schueler are available by Contacting Us .
We are proud of our working relationship with Dr. Cina, since 2002 and Dr. Schueler since 2010. 
Tidbits from AFI-LLC  
Update to Colorado Private Investigator Licensing 
PPIAC has recently announced that over 450 private investigators are licensed in Colorado since June 1st!  This surpasses the goal of 400 by Colorado's Department of Regulatory Agencies. 

Here is the information needed to be licensed or verify licensing in Colorado:
-- Apply - (completely online, registration required) and scroll to
   * Office of Private Investigator Licensure Private Investigator 1 (less than 4000 hours experience); or
   * Office of Private Investigator Licensure Private Investigator 2 (4000 hours or more experience).
-- Verify -
-- Contact Department of Regulatory Agencies - or call 303-894-7800

You can also visit - Professional Private Investigators Association of Colorado - for information about Colorado, the association and licensing.

New Benefits for NCISS Members
NCISS Announces New PI Now and IRB Benefits for Members Only!
IRB - save hundreds per year as an NCISS member with exclusive savings from IRB Focus!

If you have a service, or a service provider, that would consider supporting NCISS and its members - please have them contact Dean for details.  All considerations are presented to the NCISS board.  He can be reached by phone directly (970) 691-0813 or email
Associations and News of Our Profession
The value of networking extends beyond your local clients and colleagues, and should include statewide, nationally and internationally. This should include your state association, NALI, NCISS and WAD, as well as those for your specialized investigations.

Professional Private investigations Association of Colorado (
Monthly meetings are the first Wednesday of each month, usually in the Denver metro area.  PPIAC will begin holding training sessions specific to the new licensing program.

The annual conference will be held in beautiful Estes Park from October 8th to 11th. Email Stason Ikenouye, VP of Training, for details.

National Association of Legal Investigators
NALI is the premier association for legal investigators for civil plaintiff and criminal defense, and oversees the prestigious Certified Legal Investigator (CLI) program.  Experience is required to join and all members are subject to a background check.
The current issue of NALI's official journal - The Legal Investigator - is now available online at
National Council of Investigation and Security Services (
Updated Benefits for NCISS Members!
NCISS has just updated its benefits page for members and is looking forward to having you join us as new members. View the new extended benefits at

NCISS is the voice of investigators and security personnel at the federal level.  The primary mission of NCISS is to watch federal legislation and work with members to take appropriate action to support beneficial, or oppose harmful, legislation in the course of performing their professional services.  Dean is the editor of Your Advocate (formerly The Report).  Members of NCISS receive a copy of the three times yearly newsletter and is posted online at The current bi-monthly issue of Your eAdvocate (formerly The eReport), and all NCISS Legislative Alerts, and key benefits are posted at
World Association of Detectives (
The following persons and positions were elected at the annual WAD conference in Toronto, Canada:
Board Chairman - Chuck McLaughlin
President - Matthias Willenbrink
1st Vice President - Kunwar Vikram Singh
2nd Vice President - Mike LaCorte
3rd Vice President - Ajit Singh

For complete listings of the Regional Directors and committees, please visit the WAD website.

If you are not yet a member of the World Association of Detectives, you can save $25 joining now.  Go online to to apply online and use the code GQII2015 at checkout and the discount is good through December 31, 2015 and can only be used for online applications. Feel free to use our agency as a referral.

Karen is the new WAD Administrative Manager, and Dean is continuing as the Governor of the Americas (North, Central and South America).  Together we work to further the mission of WAD and provide resources to clients needing assistance in these regions.  The WAD magazine, Beyond Global, is available online at
Additional memberships include FALI, TALI and CALI state associations, as well as specialty specific national associations (see right side-bar).

If your association has news, please send it to us for inclusion in our newsletter.
From the News

News happens fast, please visit our agency blog for daily and weekly posts on news of interest - or our business Facebook page at 

Licensing in Mississippi to be tried again

This is one reason why PPIAC has pushed for over 35 years for professional licensing of PIs - emphasizing background checks.


There is now consumer and professional protection in Colorado with mandatory licensing effective 06/01/2015.  Mississippi is trying again. 


Search Warrants Required for Cell Phone Surveillance

Bill Elliott, CLI, CCDI of New Mexico shares this with us...

Federal law enforcement officials will be routinely required to get a search warrant before using secretive and intrusive

cellphone-tracking technology under a new Justice Department policy announced Thursday.


The policy represents the first effort to create a uniform legal standard for federal authorities using equipment known as cell-site simulators, which tracks cellphones used by suspects.


Continued at

It has been extremely quiet in DC, as Members and staff head back to their States and Districts, and take vacation, for the five week break.  Lobbyit conducted several meetings in early August, however, before everyone left town, including House and Senate Appropriations Committees to discuss Labor-related language, and Senate Commerce Committee staff to discuss data privacy, GPS tracking legislation, and developments in unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) regulation.


Despite Washington, DC shedding the bulk of its population in the month of August, NCISS/Lobbyit was able to convene a series of meetings at the beginning of the month to gauge the status of a number of bills we are tracking for NCISS members.


Continued at


Stay Current with NCISS 
The best way to stay current and support the investigative and security professions is by joining NCISS.  Visit the NCISS web site for a compendium of key legislation by state at then go to the link entitled "State Legislation."  The white states are states that either have no pending bills of interest or are not in session. You can also page down to your state where it is listed alphabetically.
Check out the recently launched "Advocacy Hub."  If you have not heard about the "Advocacy Hub," the Hub allows members to send already drafted letters to key legislators and government officials right from the web site. Currently there are two items pending. Check them out!
This service, usually reserved for members only, is temporarily complimentary from NCISS to make those aware of the strength and value of NCISS and proactive legislative awareness.
The Quint-Essential Qualities of a Professional Investigator...
Skills Appropriate for the Assignment
Law firms and medical offices specialize - Professional Investigators also specialize.  Their casework and continuing education should also be in your specialized areas.

Experience and Knowledge
Professional Investigators strive to maintain and further these. All professions have requirements of continuing education.  The CLI program requires extensive compliance with continuing education.

Responsible and Ethical Conduct
Every component of the investigation has evidentiary considerations. Professional Investigators hold themselves to a higher standard and leaves no question as to the admissibility of their evidence.  Information without ethics is not evidence.

Effective Communication
Professional Investigators maintain communication with the attorney, client, witnesses, and other key persons in the investigation.  Moreover, reports are the product of an organized investigation and should reflect the work product you expect.

Keyword - 'Professional'
Honesty, Integrity & Intelligence.  These define Professional Investigators and gives you the confidence that your case is in competent and skilled hands.
In Closing...
To our friends, colleagues and clients,

As we approach our 28th agency anniversary, We want to extend our appreciation to each of you for making us part of your personal and professional lives.  We greatly value each of our relationships and the value of the work provided, as a team within our agency and part of your team, on behalf of those seeking answers and justice.  
* * * * *

How can we help you?  Together We're Better - We Make the Difference!

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Associates in Forensic Investigations, LLC
Dean and Karen Beers
Dean and Karen Beers

Specializes in the Expert Consultations and Legal Investigations of Personal Injuries, Negligence and Death in Civil, Criminal and Probate litigation.

We provide investigations and consultations of any death or injury causation case from any location with the conveniences of modern technology and assistance of our local professional friends and colleagues.

In addition, we continue to provide Individual Locates, Backgrounds and Assets & Liabilities for your Civil, Criminal, Probate and Domestic Relations litigation. Additional information at

Call us today, we're glad to help!

We are the PRIDE of Associates in Forensic Investigations, LLC - Professional Reliable Investigators Defining Excellence in every assignment. 

Thank You.  Please contact us with any questions or for additional information on these topics and our related services.

Dean A. Beers, CLI, CCDI
Karen S. Beers, BSW, CCDI 
Associates in Forensic Investigations, LLC

Colorado (970) 480-7793 and Wyoming (307) 222-0136
(Dean x1 and Karen x2)  

Newsletter and Press Release Archives from July 2010  

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In This Issue
Agency News and Updates
Our Affiliated Experts
Tidbits from AFI-LLC
Associations and Our Profession News
In the News...
Qualities of a Professional Investigator
In Closing...
On Our website

AFI-LLC Since 1987

Featured Articles

Dean and Karen have several articles published, some are available for reprint.

For details email:    

Tools for the

Litigation Attorney and Professional Investigator

(click images for details)



Death Investigation Course for PIs  



A Survivors' Guide to Understanding Death Investigations   



 Investigator Case Management System

Learn more - FREE eBook and sneak peek 


 Attorney Case File  


Offering Continuing Education Resources for Investigations
- Distance Learning Video On-Demand
- Distance Learning Correspondent
- Books, Articles and Resources 

Introducing Investigative Courses presented by Associates in Forensic Investigations.
As professional legal investigators and expert consultants, continuing education is important.  For over 25 years we have strived to improve ourselves and further our profession.  We have authored multiple books and dozens of published articles, and a distance learning correspondent course.  We are now expanding to offer distance learning video on-demand courses.  All of our resources are connected to one website -

Presently we have developed:
-- Ethics for Professional Investigators (FREE)
-- Basics of Skip Tracing, Backgrounds and Assets & Liabilities Investigations
-- Death Investigations for Professional Investigators

And from other professional investigators and course developers:
-- S2 Safety & Intelligence Courses
-- Become a Private Investigator

We also have highly recommended books and tools from Amazon available.  We will be expanding over the next several weeks and months with general and specialized courses and resources.  Please visit regularly and email us with your course suggestions.