Associates in Forensic Investigations 
a Rocky Mountain West Agency 
Legal Investigators and Expert Consultants
Personal Injury, Negligence & Death
Civil, Criminal & Probate
Equivocal Death Investigations
Colorado (970) 480-7793 ~ Wyoming (307) 222-0136

Quaero Indicium -
'To Find the Evidence'
Please distribute to others that may have an interest


Together We're Better!

This is not a statement of networking, which is important, but of teamwork - vital to our justice system.  Whether in civil, criminal, probate or administrative law - teamwork is vital to the representation of clients.  As with law and medicine, investigators specialize - some agencies cover broader specialties, but individually most limit their areas of practice to those in which they possess the skills, experience and knowledge, conduct, communications and professionalism for the assignments.  This leads to effectiveness, and this is important specific to criminal defense, "Justice denied a defendant, is also denied a victim." - Associates in Forensic Investigations.

Effectiveness also relies on being neutral and unbiased, just fact finders.  Some investigators fall into the trap of their client's drama, which can reduce their own effectiveness.  Karen has demonstrated this in her latest article, "Investigating Without Playing Into Drama" - soon to be published by PI Now.  You can get a sneak peek of it at


-- Investigating Without Drama (newest article from Karen) 

-- Life Insurance Fraud and Illegal Beneficiaries (PI Magazine article from Dean)   

-- Articles and commentary of interest  

-- Associations and News of our Profession

-- From the News 

-- The Quint-Essential Qualities of a Professional Investigator 


Together We're Better - Together We Make the Difference!


Associates in Forensic Investigations LLC is a Rocky Mountain West Agency owned by Dean A. Beers, CLI, CCDI and Karen S. Beers, BSW, CCDI.

We provide Expert Consultations and Legal Investigations of Personal Injury, Negligence & Death in Civil, Criminal and Probate litigation. We are Subject Matter Experts in Equivocal Death Investigation and Analysis, and Injury Causation.

We are based in the Rocky Mountain West and provide expert consultations nationally. Learn details at

Here is a video explaining what we do and why - 

Dean and Karen Beers  
AFI-LLC - Our agency is called upon for many reasons - from investigations to consultations - and from finding the right investigator to the right expert.  We have recently added to our case examples found at
Agency News and Updates

National Association of Legal Investigators  

Karen was recently accepted for membership by the National Association of Legal Investigators.  NALI has recently introduced agency membership - allowing multiple owners and employees of an agency to join at a discounted rate.

If you are a legal investigator - working cases for civil plaintiff or criminal defense, you should seriously consider joining the National Association of Legal Investigators.


NALI is a group of seriously knowledgeable investigators, great networking and conferences. You should join your state association -- and a national association that includes your areas of specialty, NALI is for us. They are also on FB at NALI - National Association of Legal Investigators. Did we mention great people?  

Certified Legal Investigator (CLI) Committee

Dean was recently contacted by recently appointed CLI Chair, Diane Cowan, to consider continuing with the CLI committee. Dean is honored to continue serving in this capacity.  Other committee members include Ellis Armistead, John Lajoie, David Luther and Kitty Hailey.  All committee members are selected by the chair based on experience and commitment to the CLI program.  All must be CLIs.


Learn more about the Certified Legal Investigator program at 

and visit NALI on Facebook at 


New article in PI Magazine

Dean's article, "Life Insurance Fraud and Illegal Beneficiaries" has been published in PI Magazine. We encourage all professional investigators to subscribe to PI Magazine - 


Global Investigators Media Group ( with Facts & Forensics


The July podcast is available at     

- Apps for hiring a PI. Safe or concerning?

- Freddie Gray autopsy and understanding the circumstances for Homicide and Accident Manners of Death.

- Karen's latest article, 'Investigating Without Playing Into Drama'

- Forensic Photographer Bob Wyman


Be sure and visit for all of the Global Investigators Media Group hosts and shows!

AFI-LLC is developing distance learning video on demand courses for investigators, and has put together some distance learning courses from other contributors.  See complete details at 



AFI-LLC has put together some of the best fiction and non-fiction books available from Amazon. These range from studying for certifications to best practices, and investigative fiction and non-fiction. Most of these are written by our friends and colleagues, including fellow CLIs and CCDIs.  See the complete list of books at 

Our Expert Forensic Affiliations
Autopsy Review We believe that medicolegal investigation and consultation is a team effort.  Stephen Cina MD, Harold Schueler PhD, and our agency are affiliated as experts in our respective fields offering our clients comprehensive medicolegal services.

Dr. Cina is the Chief Medical Examiner of a large metropolitan area in the upper mid-west.  Dr. Schueler is the Chief Forensic Toxicologist of a large mid-Atlantic metropolitan area.
Contact our office to consult on medicolegal death and injury causation.  The CVs of both Dr. Cina and Dr. Schueler are available by Contacting Us .
We are proud of our working relationship with Dr. Cina, since 2002 and Dr. Schueler since 2010. 

Tidbits from AFI-LLC  

PI Day 07/24/2015 (Arthur Athas, Private Investigators Now, Melbourne Australia)

By all reports, the 2nd International and National Private Investigators Day was a success all over!  At the last minute, IRB Search contacted Dean to extend an offer to donate a portion of all search proceeds conducted that day to the National Council of Investigation & Security Services (  On behalf of NCISS and members - thanks IRB for donating $1500!  Next year will be a better year with better planning.

New Benefit for NCISS Members from IRB Search In an effort to expand the benefits to NCISS members, and gain more support from Vendors and Sponsors, Dean has reached out to several supporters and providers to the investigative and security professions. 

Members of NCISS can now subscribe to the services of IRB Search and receive lower search prices, an additional discount and no monthly or additional fees.  The savings will pay for the NCISS annual dues - and you are supporting NCISS, Your Voice in DC and Across America.  If you are not a member of NCISS - consider joining for all the benefits as a member and legislative advocacy.  If you already use IRB Search, contact them to be switched to the NCISS program upon verification of membership.  For details, visit

If you have a service, or a service provider, that would consider supporting NCISS and its members - please have them contact Dean for details.  All considerations are presented to the NCISS board.  He can be reached by phone directly (970) 691-0813 or email
Associations and News of Our Profession
The value of networking extends beyond your local clients and colleagues, and should include statewide, nationally and internationally. This should include your state association, NALI, NCISS and WAD, as well as those for your specialized investigations.

Professional Private investigations Association of Colorado (
Monthly meetings are the first Wednesday of each month, usually in the Denver metro area.  PPIAC will begin holding training sessions specific to the new licensing program.

PPIAC held its 3rd Annual Awards Banquet on July 25th.  Those attending witnessed the following well deserved awards:
Lifetime Achievement Award - Ryan Johnston
Private Investigator of the Year - Neil Hoener
New Investigator of the Year - Chris Wells

National Association of Legal Investigators (
NALI is the premier association for legal investigators for civil plaintiff and criminal defense, and oversees the prestigious Certified Legal Investigator (CLI) program.  Experience is required to join and all members are subject to a background check.


The current issue of NALI's official journal - The Legal Investigator - is now available online at

National Council of Investigation and Security Services (

The next NCISS conference is in Las Vegas, NV from September 20 to 22.  Visit the NCISS website for details.

NCISS is the voice of investigators and security personnel at the federal level.  The primary mission of NCISS is to watch federal legislation and work with members to take appropriate action to support beneficial, or oppose harmful, legislation in the course of performing their professional services.  Dean is the editor of Your Advocate (formerly The Report).  Members of NCISS receive a copy of the three times yearly newsletter and is posted online at The current bi-monthly issue of Your eAdvocate (formerly The eReport), and all NCISS Legislative Alerts, and key benefits are posted at


World Association of Detectives (

Stay tuned for the September issue of this newsletter for upcoming exciting news about WAD!

The next WAD conference is in Toronto (Ontario) Canada from September 02 to 06.  Visit the WAD website for details.

If you are not yet a member of the World Association of Detectives, you can save $25 joining now.  Go online to to apply online and use the code GQII2015 at checkout and the discount is good through December 31, 2015 and can only be used for online applications. Feel free to use our agency as a referral.

Dean is the Governor of the Americas and works with Ambassadors in North, Central and South America to further the mission of WAD and provide resources to clients needing assistance in these regions.  The WAD magazine, Beyond Global, is available online at


Additional memberships include FALI, TALI and CALI state associations, as well as specialty specific national associations (see right side-bar).
Texas Association of Licensed Investigators
The next TALI conference is in San Antonio, TX from August 24th to 27th.  Visit the TALI website for details.

If your association has news, please send it to us for inclusion in our newsletter.
From the News

News happens fast, please visit our agency blog for daily and weekly posts on news of interest - or our business Facebook page at 




World's fastest arrest, conviction and sentencing (in northern Colorado)...

- Monday 11:30pm a man with a gun call to dispatch.

- Suspect located, questioned, arrested, charged and booked within the next hour or so (false reporting, etc. misdemeanors).

- Tuesday morning the defendant pleads guilty to one charge and gets 120 days in jail.


Not more than 12 hours had elapsed.  The defendant was a transient with at least 15 prior Colorado convictions and jail sentences.


Federal Court of Appeals Rules in Favor of Access to New DNA Testing Regardless of Three-Year Time Limit

A federal appeals court has ruled that people who were convicted of crimes using inconclusive or outdated DNA testing procedures should have access to new tests, regardless of the three-year time limit currently in place, reports the Associated Press. The decision handed down by the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals is significant because it opens up the ability to classify previously unusable or inconclusive samples as "newly discovered evidence," which is not subject to a statute of limitations. 


Guilty - Aurora (CO) Theater Shooting

The guilty verdicts for the Aurora theater shooting - 12 killed and several dozen wounded - is national news. This was announced just prior to the the third anniversary.


After three months of trial, millions of dollars on prosecution and defense, is it really a big win for the victims and families?


No. His guilt was not a question. There was an offer 03/29/2013 by the defense to plead guilty with a sentence of life without parole...rejected by the prosecution. Every living victim and surviving family member had to be retraumatized at trial, many painfully testifying.


Presently the jury is in the multi-part sentencing phase to determine if the sentence will be life without parole or death.  There are three other persons on death row in Colorado. 


Our hearts go out to the families and friends, and we hope their healing process can begin soon. We are sorry their healing could not start sooner, and without more pain.


When Prosecutors Believe the Unbelievable

This story is bizarre, but it's not all that unusual: Prosecutors can prosecute even the weakest, most clearly flawed cases relentlessly, and innocent people can end up in jail.


Our view - This is why law enforcement should directly send records, reports and photographs to the defense. Not that they couldn't still hide something, but it gives the ability to verify. We encourage this, and in doing so the exposure of discovery not released by the DA has gone up.


Continued at 


Cold Injustice? TNT Star Kelly Siegler Accused of a Pattern Of Prosecutorial Misconduct

Friend and colleague, Brian Ingram, shared this story.


Television personality Kelly Siegler is under fire this month for what critics are saying is a history of unethical conduct as a prosecutor, including the hiding of evidence in capital punishment cases.


Continued at 


This reminds us of a statement made to the local press about a local case of exoneration:

"Its not like we were hiding anything. A few things weren't provided. Lawyers ought to have known or asked about the evidence because it was referenced in multiple documents they were given."  (former) judge Jolene Blair, prosecutor of Timothy Masters.  Censured: regulators felt they should have pressed police harder to provide all of the information.

"Jurors convicted on the evidence that prosecutors presented, and nothing else. The evidence of his guilt was there."  Co-prosecutor and now also former judge Terence Gilmore's second for censure, for the same reason. 

Oil Field Worker's Widow Awarded Benefits

Death investigation is not as on TV or movies. It can be complex, such as this. Isolated, such an incident could easily be seen as a Natural. Empirically, after other similar deaths reported to CDC, the same evidence reached a different conclusion. 



Drone and GPS legislation, at the federal and state levels, continues to be a hot topic.  NCISS and LobbyIt continue to monitor this, and other activities, and issue Calls to Action letters for all to send to the Representatives and Senators through the NCISS Legislative Advocacy Hub.

Stay Current with NCISS 

The best way to stay current and support the investigative and security professions is by joining NCISS.  Visit the NCISS web site for a compendium of key legislation by state at then go to the link entitled "State Legislation."  The white states are states that either have no pending bills of interest or are not in session. You can also page down to your state where it is listed alphabetically.


Check out the recently launched "Advocacy Hub."  If you have not heard about the "Advocacy Hub," the Hub allows members to send already drafted letters to key legislators and government officials right from the web site. Currently there are two items pending. Check them out!


This service, usually reserved for members only, is temporarily complimentary from NCISS to make those aware of the strength and value of NCISS and proactive legislative awareness.


Archives of NCISS Legislative Alerts 

The Quint-Essential Qualities of a Professional Investigator...
Skills Appropriate for the Assignment
Law firms and medical offices specialize - Professional Investigators also specialize.  Their casework and continuing education should also be in your specialized areas.

Experience and Knowledge
Professional Investigators strive to maintain and further these. All professions have requirements of continuing education.  The CLI program requires extensive compliance with continuing education.

Responsible and Ethical Conduct
Every component of the investigation has evidentiary considerations. Professional Investigators hold themselves to a higher standard and leaves no question as to the admissibility of their evidence.  Information without ethics is not evidence.

Effective Communication
Professional Investigators maintain communication with the attorney, client, witnesses, and other key persons in the investigation.  Moreover, reports are the product of an organized investigation and should reflect the work product you expect.

Keyword - 'Professional'
Honesty, Integrity & Intelligence.  These define Professional Investigators and gives you the confidence that your case is in competent and skilled hands.
In Closing...
To our friends, colleagues and clients,

As we approach our 28th agency anniversary, We want to extend our appreciation to each of you for making us part of your personal and professional lives.  We greatly value each of our relationships and the value of the work provided, as a team within our agency and part of your team, on behalf of those seeking answers and justice.

Have a safe summer and upcoming Labor Day holiday!
* * * * *

How can we help you?  Together We're Better - We Make the Difference!

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Associates in Forensic Investigations, LLC
Dean and Karen Beers
Dean and Karen Beers

Specializes in the Expert Consultations and Legal Investigations of Personal Injuries, Negligence and Death in Civil, Criminal and Probate litigation.

We provide investigations and consultations of any death or injury causation case from any location with the conveniences of modern technology and assistance of our local professional friends and colleagues.

In addition, we continue to provide Individual Locates, Backgrounds and Assets & Liabilities for your Civil, Criminal, Probate and Domestic Relations litigation. Additional information at

Call us today, we're glad to help!

We are the PRIDE of Associates in Forensic Investigations, LLC - Professional Reliable Investigators Defining Excellence in every assignment. 

Thank You.  Please contact us with any questions or for additional information on these topics and our related services.

Dean A. Beers, CLI, CCDI
Karen S. Beers, BSW, CCDI 
Associates in Forensic Investigations, LLC

Colorado (970) 480-7793 and Wyoming (307) 222-0136
(Dean x1 and Karen x2)  

Newsletter and Press Release Archives from July 2010  

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Download our Agency Information and Case Request Packet
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In This Issue
Agency News and Updates
Our Affiliated Experts
Tidbits from AFI-LLC
Associations and Our Profession News
In the News...
Qualities of a Professional Investigator
In Closing...
On Our website

AFI-LLC Since 1987

Featured Articles

Dean and Karen have several articles published, some are available for reprint.

For details email:    

Tools for the

Litigation Attorney and Professional Investigator

(click images for details)



Death Investigation Course for PIs  



A Survivors' Guide to Understanding Death Investigations   



 Investigator Case Management System

Learn more - FREE eBook and sneak peek 


 Attorney Case File  


Offering Continuing Education Resources for Investigations
- Distance Learning Video On-Demand
- Distance Learning Correspondent
- Books, Articles and Resources 

Introducing Investigative Courses presented by Associates in Forensic Investigations.
As professional legal investigators and expert consultants, continuing education is important.  For over 25 years we have strived to improve ourselves and further our profession.  We have authored multiple books and dozens of published articles, and a distance learning correspondent course.  We are now expanding to offer distance learning video on-demand courses.  All of our resources are connected to one website -

Presently we have developed:
-- Ethics for Professional Investigators (FREE)
-- Basics of Skip Tracing, Backgrounds and Assets & Liabilities Investigations
-- Death Investigations for Professional Investigators

And from other professional investigators and course developers:
-- S2 Safety & Intelligence Courses
-- Become a Private Investigator

We also have highly recommended books and tools from Amazon available.  We will be expanding over the next several weeks and months with general and specialized courses and resources.  Please visit regularly and email us with your course suggestions.