Associates in Forensic Investigations, LLC
a Rocky Mountain West Agency
Wyoming (307) 222-0136 ~ Colorado (970) 480-7793  

Quaero Indicium -
'To Find the Evidence'
Please distribute to others that may have an interest


Together We're Better!
We have been using this slogan since last year, and this year it has proven itself by spreading far and wide as a concept.  Why is this?  A variety of reasons from a mobile society to the mobile investigator.  A case originating in one state may find itself in another with the moving of parties and witnesses.  An investigator in one city may need special assistance best offered by a colleague in another city.  There are very few boundaries to the investigator's ability to travel - physically or figuratively online - from one location to another.  This will continue to  be a powerful factor in 2015 and will see a positive direction in general economy and down to the individual.

From our family and agency to you and yours - we wish you the very best for 2015 and look forward to meeting you and working with you!

-- Ferguson MO Grand Jury Decision

-- Common Crime Scene Investigation Mistakes
-- National Council of Investigation & Security Services - Legislative Advocacy Hub

-- Articles and commentary of interest  

-- Associations and News of our Profession

-- In the News 

-- The Quint-Essential Qualities of a Professional Investigator 


Together We're Better - Together We Make the Difference!


Associates in Forensic Investigations LLC is a Rocky Mountain Agency owned by Dean A. Beers, CLI, CCDI and Karen S. Beers, BSW, CCDI.

We provide Expert Consultations and Legal Investigations of Personal Injury, Negligence & Death in Civil, Criminal and Probate litigation. We are Subject Matter Experts in Equivocal Death Investigation and Analysis, and Injury Causation.

We are based in the Rocky Mountain West and provide expert consultations nationally. Learn details at

Here is a video explaining what we do and why - 

AFI-LLC - Our agency is called upon for many reasons - from investigations to consultations - and from finding the right investigator to the right expert.  We have recently added to our case examples found at
Agency News and Updates

The Texas Investigator from TALI

The latest issue of The Texas Investigator - official magazine of the Texas Association of Licensed Investigators - is online at 


Dean is the Forensics Editor and has contributed an article - 'The Question and Investigation of Fatal and Non-Fatal Injury Causation and Investigation'


As usual, the issue is full of very good articles for all professional investigators!


Global Investigators Media Group ( with Facts & Forensics


The November podcast is available at     


This month the show features:

- PI Map of associations and laws

- FREE Ethics Book for PIs and Attorneys

- From NCISS - Lobbying in your State


Conversations with Karen - No Shame November about mental health and suicide.  Dedicated to eradicating the shame of mental health issues.


Dean's special guest Dennis Root, an expert in police tactics and personal defense, and working high-profile cases.


Be sure and visit for all of the Global Investigators Media Group hosts and shows!



AFI-LLC has put together some of the best fiction and non-fiction books available from Amazon. These range from studying for certifications to best practices, and investigative fiction and non-fiction. Most of these are written by our friends and colleagues, including fellow CLIs and CCDIs.  See the complete list of books at

Our Expert Forensic Affiliations
Autopsy Review We believe that medicolegal investigation and consultation is a team effort.  Stephen Cina MD, Harold Schueler PhD, and our agency are affiliated as experts in our respective fields offering our clients comprehensive medicolegal services.

Dr. Cina is the Chief Medical Examiner of a large metropolitan area in the upper mid-west, and Dr. Schueler's consultation practice is Forensic Toxicology Consulting Services.
Contact our office to consult on medicolegal death and injury causation.  The CVs of both Dr. Cina and Dr. Schueler are available by contacting us.
We are proud of our working relationship with Dr. Cina, since 2002 and Dr. Schueler since 2010. 

Tidbits from AFI-LLC  

New commentary from the AFI-LLC blog:
How to request military records, turn-around time and what is available? 
This question comes up frequently, and for our agency it has been some time since doing these regularly.  A few things have improved - one area that hasn't is their response.  Although frequently recorded with the Clerk & Recorder (or similar) DD214s are considered confidential and available only to the veteran - spouse or other next-of-kin cannot receive a DD214.

However, the near equivalent information is available from the Official Military Personnel Files (OMPF).  See for details.

Colorado Private Investigator Licensing Update
Learn what to expect between now and June 1, 2015 by viewing these Frequently Asked Questions 


The PPIAC's new "2014 Guide to the New Colorado PI Law" is available for download at

On 12/03/2014 DORA has issued draft rules and scheduled a stakeholders meeting for 01/05/2015 to review these rules before finalizing.  Details of the hearing and draft rules are < Here >

WARNING - an individual in California, who has lost his PI license, is promoting a guide to pass the Colorado license examination.  Not only is the exam not yet developed, but this 'guide' is not endorsed by either the Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA) or Professional Private Investigators Association of Colorado (PPIAC).  Our agency strongly cautions against using any material not prepared by DORA or PPIAC.  We will gladly keep our colleagues appropriately and honestly informed.

A Survivors' Guide to Understanding Death Investigations
"A Survivors' Guide to Understanding Death Investigations" - a book developed to help those who have lost a loved one to understand the maze, complexities and protocols of official death investigations.

We often hear from families, attorneys, investigators and funeral homes representing families, looking for where to turn in understanding how the death of a loved one was (or should have been) investigated.  They seek closure through answers.
  Learn more at 
Associations and News of Our Profession
The value of networking extends beyond your local clients and colleagues, and should include statewide, nationally and internationally. This should include your state association, NALI, NCISS and WAD for international camaraderie.

Professional Private investigations Association of Colorado
Monthly meetings are the first Wednesday of each month, usually in the Denver metro area.  PPIAC will begin holding training sessions specific to the new licensing program.  Visit the PPIAC website for details.

National Association of Legal Investigators (

NALI is the premier association for legal investigators for civil plaintiff and criminal defense, and oversees the prestigious Certified Legal Investigator (CLI) program.  Experience is required to join and all members are subject to a background check.

The current issue of NALI's official journal - The Legal Investigator - is now available online at


NALI has changed its conference schedule to have one annual conference.  the 2015 Annual Conference will be held in San Antonio, Texas on May 28-30 at the historic Menger Hotel.  Confirmed speakers include a forensic pathologists and a forensic anthropologist from the area.  


National Council of Investigation and Security Services (

NCISS is the voice of investigators and security personnel at the federal level.  The primary mission of NCISS is to watch federal legislation and work with members to take appropriate action to support beneficial, or oppose harmful, legislation in the course of performing their professional services.  Members of NCISS receive a copy of the twice-yearly published 'The Report' is posted online at  The current bi-monthly issue of The eReport, and all NCISS Legislative Alerts, and key benefits are posted at


NCISS New Member Dues

Dues are normally prorated by quarter.  Now through December 31st, all new members will receive a full year for their payment. Dues will be paid through 2015, with full dues on January 1st, 2016.


This is an excellent opportunity to join NCISS at a new member discount for 14 months and an opportunity to join us for Hit the Hill in April.  Go for the Gold - Join NCISS now and join us at Hit the Hill in April - for the online application (in beta testing).  Details for Hit the Hill are < Here >  


World Association of Detectives (

The WAD magazine, Beyond Global, is available online at


Additional memberships include FALI, TALI and CALI state associations, as well as specialty specific national associations (see right side-bar).


If your association has news, please send it to us for inclusion in our newsletter.
In the News
News happens fast, please visit our agency blog for daily and weekly posts on news of interest - or our business Facebook page at



Ferguson MO Grand Jury

On 11/20/2014 the grand jury "...determined that no probable cause exists to file any charge against officer Wilson."  Emotions have been destructive.  Juries get it right and get it wrong - there are a variety of reasons why. From their own thought processes to the evidence presented to them.  In a highly unusual move, the prosecutor's office released what they report to be what the grand jury heard and saw.  These records, reports and photographs are available < Here >  


Our agency has been asked our thoughts.  Specific to the findings, we will have to let the information, facts and evidence speak for themselves.  We will report on this in early 2015.  We are finders of fact and will review all information available and provided. Our findings may support any official findings, dispute some or all of the official findings, as well as support and/or dispute some or all of the concerns expressed by the public. It is our goal to provide the findings.  


Top 20 Ways to Mess Up a Crime Scene (from Police One)

1. You put your foot next to the suspects foot print to see what size it is
2. You post a crime scene photo on social media, soon discovering that you suddenly have a lot more time for social media
3. You enlarge the vomit stain on the rug with your own contribution
4. You collect a dozen samples for DNA testing, all while wearing the same gloves
5. You wait ten weeks for a fingerprint or DNA check only to find out that the print belongs to you 
6. You bag up green leafy vegetation - and other moist, organic evidence - in a plastic sandwich bag and then leave it in there, unopened, until the case goes to trial
7. You let the chief into the crime scene 
8. You fail to let the chief into the crime scene 
9. You use (and then flush) the toilet at the crime scene
10. You allow the fire department (a.k.a. "the evidence eradication team") in first
11. You let everyone present at the scene approach it from a different route, path, or door
12. You tell the rookie that the only way to test the time of death of a bloated body is to poke it and see if the skin bounces back (and then actually let him do it)
13. You start comingling your actual crime scene training with an episode of CSI you saw a few years ago
14. You hear your captain tell you not to put his name on the list of people who entered the crime scene (and you actually leave him off the list)
15. You totally blow off procedure because "It started out as a petty call" - until you found the body
16. You pick up and examine an object, then put it back like you think you found it, and then decide to photograph it
17. You pick up evidence firearms by sticking a pen or pencil into the barrel
18. You unload all firearms found at the crime scene before placing them into evidence
19. You dump all the ammunition from these firearms into the same box or bag
20. You smell the container, which ultimately ends up with the coroner bagging two bodies rather than one


NCISS Legislative Alerts

NCISS Regulatory Alert:  Upcoming FAA Rules on Drones
The FAA is planning to issue regulations for remotely operated aircraft. Currently, non-commercial uses are basically unregulated while commercial ones are prohibited unless the operator secures permission from the FAA, which is granted on a largely ad hoc, case-by-case basis. What constitutes "commercial use" is unclear, as well.  This full NCISS Regulatory Alert is available at�    

From NCISS - Lobbying in your State

If you are interested in establishing a state lobbying program in your state, a guide "10 Steps to Building Your State Lobbying Program" is located at: 


Also provided on the web site for the National Council of Investigative and Security Services is a compendium of key legislation by state at then go to the link entitled "State Legislation."  The white states are states that either have no pending bills of interest or are not in session. You can also page down to your state where it is listed alphabetically.


Check out the recently launched "Advocacy Hub."  If you have not heard about the "Advocacy Hub," the Hub allows members to send already drafted letters to key legislators and government officials right from the web site. Currently there are two items pending. Check them out!


This service, usually reserved for members only, is temporarily complimentary from NCISS to make those aware of the strength and value of NCISS and proactive legislative awareness.


Archives of NCISS Legislative Alerts   

The Quint-Essential Qualities of a Professional Investigator...
Skills Appropriate for the Assignment
Law firms and medical offices specialize - Professional Investigators also specialize.  Their casework and continuing education should also be in your specialized areas.

Experience and Knowledge
Professional Investigators strive to maintain and further these. All professions have requirements of continuing education.  The CLI program requires extensive compliance with continuing education.

Responsible and Ethical Conduct
Every component of the investigation has evidentiary considerations. Professional Investigators hold themselves to a higher standard and leaves no question as to the admissibility of their evidence.  Information without ethics is not evidence.

Effective Communication
Professional Investigators maintain communication with the attorney, client, witnesses, and other key persons in the investigation.  Moreover, reports are the product of an organized investigation and should reflect the work product you expect.

Keyword - 'Professional'
Honesty, Integrity & Intelligence.  These define Professional Investigators and gives you the confidence that your case is in competent and skilled hands.
In Closing...

Merry Christmas
Happy New Year
We hope you had a spectacular Thanksgiving!  We look forward to visiting with you and working together in 2015.  From our family to yours - a very Merry Christmas and looking forward to an exceptional 2015!
* * * * * 

How can we help you?  Together We're Better - We Make the Difference!

Don't forget to share our newsletters.  If you are receiving this from a friend
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Associates in Forensic Investigations, LLC
Dean and Karen Beers
Dean and Karen Beers
Specializes in the Expert Consultations and Legal Investigations of Personal Injuries, Negligence and Death in Civil, Criminal and Probate litigation.

We provide investigations and consultations of any death or injury causation case from any location with the conveniences of modern technology and assistance of our local professional friends and colleagues. 

Call us today, we're glad to help!

We are the PRIDE of Associates in Forensic Investigations, LLC - Professional Reliable Investigators Defining Excellence in every assignment. 

Thank You.  Please contact us with any questions or for additional information on these topics and our related services.

Dean A. Beers, CLI, CCDI
Karen S. Beers, BSW, CCDI 
Associates in Forensic Investigations, LLC

Wyoming (307) 222-0136 and Colorado (970) 480-7793
(Dean x1 and Karen x2)  

Newsletter and Press Release Archives from July 2010  

< Click Here >   

Download our Agency Information and Case Request Packet
< Click Here >

In This Issue
Bits and Pieces
Our Affiliated Experts
Tidbits from AFI-LLC
Associations and Our Profession News
In the News...
Qualities of a Professional Investigator
In Closing...
On Our website
Quick Links 

AFI-LLC Since 1987

Featured Articles

Dean and Karen have several articles published, some are available for reprint.

For details email:    

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Like us on Facebook
Find us and 'Like' us!

Dean is at:
View my profile on LinkedIn


Karen is at:

View my profile on LinkedIn 


Follow us on Twitter   


Professional Associations

Professional Private Investigators Association of Colorado (PPIAC)  


 National Association of Legal Investigators (NALI)

National Council of Investigation and Security Services (NCISS)

World Association of Detectives (WAD)


Inner Circle of Investigators



Criminal Defense Investigation Council (CDITC) 


National Defender Investigator Association



Florida Association of Licensed Investigators



Texas Association of Licensed Investigators



California Association of Licensed Investigators



National Association of Medical Examiners (NAME)


International Association for Identification (IAI) and (RMDIAI) 

(Rocky Mountain Division)

Mensa USA
Tools for the

Litigation Attorney and Professional Investigator

(click images for details)



Death Investigation Course for PIs  


A Survivors' Guide to Understanding Death Investigations   



 Investigator Case Management System

Learn more - FREE eBook and sneak peek 


 Attorney Case File  

Attorney Trial Management System

Books, Resources, Vanity Email and Subdomains for PIs  


AFI-LLC will be hosting its first Death Investigation related webinar in May.


FREE - Autopsies and Reports (two one-hour webinars):


Do you want to learn death and injury causation 
and accept these cases with expert consultations?

The Process of Injury Causation, Death Investigation and Autopsies!
Learn the concepts and protocols of investigating injury causation and death, and protocols of the forensic autopsy and findings of the autopsy in the final report.  This will be an information packed and fast paced series of presentations. This distance learning course provides the insight necessary to understanding the importance of injury causation to the death investigation.  This will transition into the reviewing and comprehending the autopsy findings presented in the final autopsy report.

If you are involved in legal investigations of civil, criminal or probate litigation, this is a valuable course.

Warning:  includes graphic images

Here is what one colleague recently said about our Death Investigation for Private Investigators distance learning course:
"I just finished your medicolegal death investigations for private investigators course. I must admit it was one of the best written courses I have taken in a long time. Not sure what I got on the test but I did get a certificate of completion. I truly enjoyed the content and managed to learn quite a bit as well. As far as the usefulness of the information I have already found two of my current cases that parts of the course provided me additional information as well as different routes of investigation that I may not have thought of or been aware of. Please accept my thanks and appreciation for your course. Thanks" (Curtis Burkett - Curtis Burkett & Associates Investigations)