Associates in Forensic Investigations, LLC
A Colorado Limited Liability Company and Licensed Private Investigators ~ (970) 480-7793  

Quaero Indicium -
'To Find the Evidence'
Please distribute to others that may have an interest

Dear (Contact First Name),

We just returned from an eight-week trip through several states to see family and friends, provide training, network with our colleagues and attending conferences.  Our business trip ended in Charleston SC - a beautiful and historical city - with the annual conference and elections of the National Council of Investigation & Security Services.  Of course the highlight was returning to see the kids and grandkids!


Repairs from the floods in northern Colorado will continue for many months, but great progress has been made with cleanup, repairs and roads opening.  Having talked to several that had to evacuate and experienced property damage; one theme was very common - the help and support were overwhelming, and continue.  From neighbors to victims of last year's fires, and charities to churches, people are grateful. 



-- Death and Injury Causation distance learning program

-- Articles in TALIs 'The Texas Investigator' and also Forensic Magazine
-- Not Guilty - the trial of David Camm from the PI on the case 

-- NCISS Conference and Elections

-- Special video from a friend - This Ragged Ol' Flag 


AFI-LLC - Our agency is called upon for many reasons - from investigations to consultations, and from finding the right investigator to the right expert.  We have recently added to our case examples found at 
Bits and Pieces from AFI-LLC

Special Announcement!

Death Investigation and Injury Causation - Distance Learning

(Investigators, Attorneys, Adjusters)


Do you want to learn death and injury causation - and accept these cases with expert consultations?  


AFI-LLC has had this distance learning course and reference, approved in several states for continuing education, available through PI Education. We are making that directly available for those that do not need the continuing education credits and have an interest in learning more about death and injury causation investigations. Improve the quality of the cases you take and investigations you perform.     

Visit for course details and registration, and how to mitigate the course cost and earn higher fees. Co-branding and revenue sharing are available for referrals, associations and education programs.

This course is designed to provide the investigator currently working in, or interested in working in, cases that involve death and personal injury investigation fields, the knowledge and insight to informatively and intelligently conduct a criminal defense or civil investigation in which serious bodily injury or death is evidence or the subject matter of the litigation.

After completing this course - which qualifies as required continued education credit in many states and associations through - our agency is prepared to offer continuing support. has received approval of this course for the following continuing education units (CEUs): 14 (TX, MO, OK, IA), 12 (GA, TN, KY), 7 (LA), 8 (KS), 10 (OR, SC, AZ), 6 (NC), and 4 (NM).


Here is what one colleague recently said about our Death Investigation for Private Investigators distance learning course:
"I just finished your medicolegal death investigations for private investigators course. I must admit it was one of the best written courses I have taken in a long time. Not sure what I got on the test but I did get a certificate of completion. I truly enjoyed the content and managed to learn quite a bit as well. As far as the usefulness of the information I have already found two of my current cases that parts of the course provided me additional information as well as different routes of investigation that I may not have thought of or been aware of. Please accept my thanks and appreciation for your course. Thanks"

Curtis Burkett - Curtis Burkett & Associates Investigations, Knoxville, TN




AFI-LLC has put together some of the best fiction and non-fiction books available from Amazon. These range from studying for certifications to best practices, and investigative fiction and non-fiction. Most of these are written by our friends and colleagues, including fellow CLIs and CCDIs.  See the complete list of books at

Our Expert Forensic Affiliations
Autopsy Review We believe that medicolegal investigation and consultation is a team effort.  Stephen Cina MD, Harold Schueler PhD, and our agency are affiliated as experts in our respective fields offering our clients comprehensive medicolegal services.

Dr. Cina is the Chief Medical Examiner of a large metropolitan area in the upper mid-west, and Dr. Schueler is currently is the Laboratory Director in a private laboratory in California, and has been a Chief Toxicologist for over 22 years at government laboratories in Cincinnati, Ohio and Fort Lauderdale, Florida.  Through Forensic Toxicology Consulting Services, he provides private consultations nationally.
Contact our office to consult on medicolegal death and injury causation.  The CVs of both Dr. Cina and Dr. Schueler are available by contacting us.
We are proud of our working relationship with Dr. Cina, since 2002.

Agency News and Updates 

Reviewing and Comprehending Autopsy Reports
by Dean A. Beers, CLI, CCDI and Karen S. Beers, BSW, CCDI
Published by Forensic Magazine

The latest issue of Forensic Magazine (free online and by mail) is available.

We are surprised, and honored, that they published a condensed version of 'Reviewing and Comprehending Autopsy Reports'. This was originally Dean's Certified Legal Investigator examination white paper for the National Association of Legal Investigators (NALI). Although condensed for space, it remains very informative.

Reviewing and Comprehending Autopsy Reports
Understanding the value of the autopsy report and the information accompanying it is a valuable asset to all investigators.

Continued at

(the full issue can be found at

Bringing the Evidence in Focus with Forensics
by Dean A. Beers, CLI, CCDI
Published by The Texas Investigator, a TALI member magazine

The Texas Association of Licensed Investigators (TALI) has renewed their magazine - The Texas Investigator (TTI). Dean is the associate editor for the forensics section, with this article describing how the process of forensics can play a key role in guilt or innocence.

Also in this issue of The Texas Investigator, read about the role of planning in surveillance operations, the latest legislative news, best practices in civil process service and much more.

Article PDF -
(the full issue can be found at

AFI-LLC has provided several articles to professional magazines and newsletters.  If you are interested in other articles from our archives, or new articles specific for your journal, please contact our agency.



Dean's book at is now available in paperback and Kindle at Amazon.  Details at 



Karen's book is now available in paperback and Kindle at Amazon. The book is a collection of actual letters she transcribed from the late 1800's.

One of the best ways to learn about history is from people who actually lived and documented what they experienced. Letters From Yesteryear is a collection of letters written between the years 1879 and 1900.  Letters From Yesteryear, a book by Karen Beers - 


Dean and Karen are Colorado licensed private investigators and full-time RV Investigators (Team Beers) with offices in Colorado and South Dakota, covering the Rocky Mountain states and nationally.


Dean is a subject matter expert in the areas of death investigation and personal injury causation. He is the only Board Certified Legal Investigator (CLI) in northern Colorado, a faculty consultant and Certified Criminal Defense Investigator (CCDI) and is also certified in Medicolegal Death Investigations, having trained and worked as a Deputy Coroner at two medical examiner's offices.  He continues to speak extensively on investigative techniques and principles and has authored multiple peer-reviewed white papers, and self-published "Professional Investigations:  Individual Locates, Backgrounds and Assets & Liabilities"and recently published "Practical Methods for Legal Investigations" (CRC Press)  He currently consults nationwide as an expert in criminal defense homicide and civil equivocal death investigations.


Karen has been a Legal Investigator and research specialist, since 1996. She has a Bachelor's in Social Work from Colorado State University (Magna Cum Laude) and in 2011 earned the designation  Certified Criminal Defense Investigator (CCDI) and is also certified in Medicolegal Death Investigations.  Together they operate Associates in Forensic Investigations, LLC.  In addition to her skilled interactions with troubled youths, she also trained and worked as a Deputy Coroner at a medical examiner's office.  This background provides essential skills and knowledge in their Personal Injury, Negligence and Death investigations and consultations in Colorado and nationally.  In addition, she has written for prominent professional investigation journals and was instrumental in the revisions and contributions to both agency books, as well as the co-development of "Death Investigations for Private Investigators".  

Associations and News of Our Profession
Professional Private investigations Association of Colorado (
Monthly meetings are the first Wednesday of each month, usually in the Denver metro area.  Visit the PPIAC website for details.

General elections of open board positions will be held at the annual general business meeting on November 7th.  Election results will be announced in the December newsletter. 

National Association of Legal Investigators (

NALI is the premier association for legal investigators for civil plaintiff and criminal defense, and oversees the prestigious Certified Legal Investigator (CLI) program.  Experience is required to join and all members are subject to a background check.


The newest issue of NALI's official journal - The Legal Investigator - is now available online at


National Council of Investigation and Security Services ( 

The NCISS annual conference and elections were held in Charleston, SC with special co-hosts the South Carolina Association of Licensed Investigators.  Here are the election results (for all officer and board positions - visit  AFI-LLC would like to congratulate each of them, and recognize those from PPIAC: 

President - Bob Heales; 3rd VP - Dean Beers; Regional Director (Region 5) - Andrea Orozco (AZ-CO-IA-KS-MN-ND-NE-SD-UT-WI-WY).  


NCISS is the voice of investigators and security personnel at the federal level.  The primary mission of NCISS is to watch federal legislation and work with members to take appropriate action to support beneficial, or oppose harmful, legislation in the course of performing their professional services.  Members of NCISS receive a copy of the twice-yearly published 'The Report' has just been posted online at  The bi-monthly eReport newsletter is also available online.  The Summer issue will have a pull-out directory of all NCISS members.

NCISS wants to share this great savings with you - super discounts at Office Depot for supplies at (the discounts could be enough to pay your annual dues).   


NCISS also sends out important legislative alerts. If you are interested in these alerts, consider joining NCISS. These alerts are immediately posted on our agency website at

At the very least, drop us an email and we will make sure you get the alerts as they happen.


World Association of Detectives (

The value of networking extends beyond your local clients, and should include statewide, nationally and internationally. This should include your state association, NALI, NCISS and of course WAD for international camaraderie. You can contact us for membership information for any of these associations. As the WAD Governor of the Americas (USA, Canada, Central America, Caribbean and Argentina), Dean is interested in answering your WAD membership questions. You can also contact any of the WAD Ambassadors.

The WAD magazine, Beyond Global, is available online at


Other Association News
There is no association news this month.  If your association has news, please send it to us for inclusion.
In the News
News happens so fast, please visit our agency blog for daily and weekly posts on news of interest - or our business Facebook page at


David Camm, former Indian State Trooper, Not Guilty in retrial 

Private Investigator Gary Dunn Working to Free David Camm
By Bill Clutter

Bill started the Illinois Innocence Project in 2001.  Earlier this year, Bill formed a new national organization called Investigating Innocence. The core of this organization is made up of private investigators committed to working to free the innocent. Our PI members get listed on a searchable web directory "Find a Private Investigator Near You".  There are nearly 70 members of the Innocence Network throughout the US that have resources to hire private investigators to work with the Innocence Project. To join go to

Although paid by the court for his services, Indiana private investigator Gary Dunn estimates that he donated over 3,000 hours of uncompensated time in the nine years he worked to free David Camm. Threatened with arrest, first for allegedly impersonating a police officer, and then for trespassing when he knocked on the door of another witness, Dunn never retreated.

Read the complete guest article at



Investigation Books - fiction and non-fiction - for every PI 

AFI-LLC has compiled some of the leading books for private investigators, by private investigators, including those for specialized certifications.  Many of the authors are also friends of AFI-LLC.  Included are fiction and non-fiction novels.  You can find these books and order direct from Amazon at 


Do you have a book to be reviewed or special announcement?  Let us know!

If you want to send a complimentary copy, we will gladly review it for you and also provide a customized press release and distribution.


The Quint-Essential Qualities of a Professional Investigator...
Skills Appropriate for the Assignment
Law firms and medical offices specialize - Professional Investigators also specialize.  Their casework and continuing education should also be in your specialized areas.

Experience and Knowledge
Professional Investigators strive to maintain and further these. All professions have requirements of continuing education.  The CLI program requires extensive compliance with continuing education.

Responsible and Ethical Conduct
Every component of the investigation has evidentiary considerations. Professional Investigators hold themselves to a higher standard and leaves no question as to the admissibility of their evidence.  Information without ethics is not evidence.

Effective Communication
Professional Investigators maintain communication with the attorney, client, witnesses, and other key persons in the investigation.  Moreover, reports are the product of an organized investigation and should reflect the work product you expect.

Keyword - 'Professional'
Honesty, Integrity & Intelligence.  These define Professional Investigators and gives you the confidence that your case is in competent and skilled hands.
In Closing...
Ragged Ol Flag, a Johnny Cash Classic by Jeremiah Sundown 
Jeremiah has been a friend for over 25 years, but I haven't seen him for 20+.  We recently visited with him and his family, a relaxing great time.  He shared many things with us - we share a love of our Country and patriotism.  Jeremiah has been a singer of classic country - Waylon Jennings, Johnny Cash, etc. for decades.  This video was one of the most heartfelt things they shared.  Give it a view and share it with everyone.  This would make Johnny Cash proud. and visit his musical website at

Don't forget to share our newsletters and if your receiving this from a friend, subscribe directly!   < subscribe here >

Personal Injury, Negligence & Death in Civil, Criminal and Probate litigation.
Associates in Forensic Investigations, LLC
Dean and Karen Beers
Dean and Karen Beers
Specializes in the Expert Consultations and Legal Investigations of Personal Injuries, Negligence and Death in Civil, Criminal and Probate litigation.

We provide investigations and consultations of any death or injury causation case from any location with the conveniences of modern technology and assistance of our local professional friends and colleagues. 

Call us today, we're glad to help!

We are the PRIDE of Associates in Forensic Investigations, LLC - Professional Reliable Investigators Defining Excellence in every assignment. 

Thank You.  Please contact us with any questions or for additional information on these topics and our related services.


Dean A. Beers, CLI, CCDI (
Karen S. Beers, BSW, CCDI (

Associates in Forensic Investigations, LLC
Office:  (970) 480-7793 (Dean x1 and Karen x2) ~ Fax:  (970) 480-7794 

Newsletter and Press Release Archives from July 2010  

click here 


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Body and Banner
Flat Fee Equivocal Death Analysis

In This Issue
Bits and Pieces
Our Affiliated Experts
Agency News and Updates
Associations and Our Profession News
In the News...
Qualities of a Professional Investigator
In Closing...
On Our website
Quick Links 


>> About AFI-LLC 


>> What is a CLI? 


>> What is a CCDI?  


>> Investigators Bios  


>> Forensic Pathology Consultants 


AFI-LLC Since 1987

Featured Articles

Dean and Karen have several articles published, some are available for reprint.

For details email:  

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Dean is at:
View my profile on LinkedIn


Karen is at:

View my profile on LinkedIn 


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Professional Associations

Professional Private Investigators Association of Colorado (PPIAC)  


 National Association of Legal Investigators (NALI)

National Council of Investigation and Security Services (NCISS)

World Association of Detectives (WAD)


Criminal Defense Investigation Council (CDITC) 


National Defender Investigator Association



Florida Association of Licensed Investigators



Texas Association of Licensed Investigators



California Association of Licensed Investigators



National Association of Medical Examiners (NAME)


International Association for Identification (IAI) and (RMDIAI) 

(Rocky Mountain Division)

Mensa USA
Tools for the

Litigation Attorney and Professional Investigator

(click images for details)



Death Investigation Course for PIs  



 Investigator Case Management System

Learn more - FREE eBook and sneak peek 


 Attorney Case File  

Attorney Trial Management System

Learn more - FREE eBook and sneak peek


Distance Learning for Investigators, Law Enforcement and Security Personnel


Online Introductory and Training Program for new and veteran PIs  

Books, Resources, Vanity Email and Subdomains for PIs  



Contact us if you would sponsor a webinar or seminar - no cost to you and earn free attendance:

Practical Methods for Legal Investigations Legal investigators are responsible for providing factual evidence - as the fact finders, they are the foundation for the attorneys they work with daily. The attorney is responsible for forming and implementing the legal strategy and presenting it to the judge or jury. The legal investigator provides checks and balances to ensure that no evidence is being forced upon a theory, and that no theory is being forced upon the evidence. Practical Methods for Legal Investigations: Concepts and Protocols in Civil and Criminal Cases presents legal investigators with a step-by-step process that reveals how to methodically find and report evidence in every aspect of the investigative process.

 CRC Press - 20% discount and free shipping