Associates in Forensic Investigations, LLC A Colorado Limited Liability Company and Licensed Private Investigators ~ (970) 480-7793 Quaero Indicium -'To Find the Evidence' Please distribute to others that may have an interest
Dear (Contact First Name),
In our working-travels and ambassadors of our profession, we strive to promote the concept of 'Together We're Better'. While at the National Association of Legal Investigators (NALI) conference in Memphis, we stayed at an RV park outside Memphis. We noticed that they were collecting soft-drink can tabs to raise money for the local Ronald McDonald House. We are very grateful to RMH because when our twin grandsons were born very premature and in NICU, their parents got to stay very inexpensively at an RMH in Denver. They do not turn families away and provide valuable support and resources - they were wonderful! Karen found out how easy it is to help them. Ronald McDonald Houses collect soft-drink can tabs instead of entire aluminum cans because it's more hygienic to store tabs than cans, and collection and storage is easier. The program is an easy way for people of all ages to support RMH charities and know they are making a difference for families and children. Check with your local RMH and see if they are part of the program - Denver is. Just save and mail the tabs - its cheap and raises a lot of money. Here's more info - IN THIS ISSUE -- Exciting news from AFI-LLC for skip tracers and background investigators -- Two new books from fellow PIs -- The Death Investigators Creed -- Wrongful Convictions -- In the News -- Much More!!
AFI-LLC - Our agency is called upon for many reasons - from investigations to consultations, and from finding the right investigator to the right expert. We have recently added to our case examples found at
Bits and Pieces |
Equivocal Deaths, Travels and Violence in Schools Crime Time with Vito Colucci - February 24, 2013 - Hosted by Vito Colucci Dean and Karen talk return to talk with Vito about violence in schools, the importance of expert equivocal death investigations and our recent travels as ambassadors of our profession. If you missed the live show, it is archived at:
From our PPIAC friends and colleagues, Robert and Andrea Orozco (Advanced Professional Investigations - Castle Rock, CO) is an article that discusses important changes in HIPAA.
A recent ruling amends HIPAA privacy, security, enforcement and breach notification requirements. Learn how it might affect your business.
Any business working with healthcare providers, ranging from law firms, to accountants, to data processing businesses, to electronic health record providers, is now directly responsible under HIPAA for the implementation of privacy and security measures to protect personal health information. Any entity that works with a healthcare provider or a business associate of a healthcare provider must determine whether these changes will also affect their business relationships.
Karen has written extensively on wrongful convictions ( One of the daunting tasks of legal investigators is to re-interview witnesses, determine any prejudices and veracity to their statements, find new witnesses and facts, and lay the foundation for a roadmap to the truth. This is one of those stories...but there is more.
For example, Texas lawmakers have passed several measures to try to prevent wrongful convictions. Texas now has a law allowing all inmates convicted of a crime to seek new DNA testing. It also has the nation's most generous law for ex-inmates who have proven their innocence, providing a lump-sum payment of $80,000 for each year someone wrongly spent behind bars, as well as an annuity and other benefits.
Nothing can return what is lost. The work must be done to stifle injustices.
About Dean and Karen:
Dean and Karen are full-time RV Investigators (Team Beers) with their office based in Colorado.
Dean is a subject matter expert in the areas of death investigation and personal injury causation. He is the only Board Certified Legal Investigator (CLI) in northern Colorado, a faculty consultant and Certified Criminal Defense Investigator (CCDI) and is also certified in Medicolegal Death Investigations, having trained and worked as a Deputy Coroner at two medical examiner's offices. He continues to speak extensively on investigative techniques and principles and has authored multiple peer-reviewed white papers, and self-published "Professional Investigations: Individual Locates, Backgrounds and Assets & Liabilities" and recently published "Practical Methods for Legal Investigations" (CRC Press) He currently consults nationwide as an expert in criminal defense homicide and civil equivocal death investigations.
Karen has been a Legal Investigator and research specialist, since 1996. She has a Bachelor's in Social Work from Colorado State University (Magna Cum Laude) and in 2011 earned the designation Certified Criminal Defense Investigator (CCDI) and is also certified in Medicolegal Death Investigations. Together they operate Associates in Forensic Investigations, LLC. In addition to her skilled interactions with troubled youths, she also trained and worked as a Deputy Coroner at a medical examiner's office. This background provides essential skills and knowledge in their Personal Injury, Negligence and Death investigations and consultations in Colorado and nationally. In addition, she has written for prominent professional investigation journals and was instrumental in the revisions and contributions to both agency books, as well as the co-development of "Death Investigations for Private Investigators" for
Our Expert Forensic Affiliations
| We believe that medicolegal investigation and consultation is a team effort. Stephen Cina MD, Harold Schueler PhD, and our agency are affiliated as experts in our respective fields offering our clients comprehensive medicolegal services.
Dr. Cina is the Chief Medical Examiner of a large metropolitan area in the upper mid-west, and Dr. Schueler is the forensic toxicologist at a south Florida medical examiner's office. Contact our office to consult on medicolegal death and injury causation. The CVs of both Dr. Cina and Dr. Schueler are available by contacting us.
Dr. Cina is also the co-author of the non-fiction historical look at "When Doctors Kill" available at
Agency News and Updates
Adapted from our friend and colleague, Marty Luna - Coroner for Laramie County (Cheyenne area) WY.
We affirm that:
- We shall investigate for the truth.
- We shall report only the truth.
- We shall avoid conflicts of advocacies.
- We shall conduct ourselves ethically.
- We shall seek to preserve the highest standard of my profession.
- As Forensic Investigators, we shall not have a monetary interest in any outcome of a matter in which we are retained.
- We shall share our knowledge and experience with other investigators in a professional manner.
- We shall avoid conflicts of interest and will continue our professional development throughout our career through continuing education, seminars, and other studies.
- As a Forensic Investigators, we will express our expert opinions based only upon our knowledge, skill, education, training, and experience.
- The light of knowledge shall guide me to the truth, and with justice the truth shall prevail.
To all these things, we affirm and uphold (
One of the values of associations and conferences is meeting friends and networking. Even better is doing so on personal levels outside of these professional environments. While on our current travels for the National Association of Legal Investigators conference in Memphis, and the Texas Association of Legal Investigators conference in Dallas, we had the opportunity to have dinner and guided tours of local sites.
We stayed in Tupelo MS (birthplace of Elvis Presley) just before NALI and met with NALI National Director, friend and fellow CLI, Terry Cox and his wife Teresa for dinner and a Tupelo tour. On our way to Dallas we stopped in Longview and had dinner with local PIs Mike Bullock, Jerry Cobb and Mike Bishop. Next we stopped in Arlington and had dinner and tour of Fort Worth with past TALI president and chairman, Randy Kildow and his wife Linda.
We're on our way to the TALI conference in Dallas (March 8th & 9th), where Dean will be speaking on the 'PI Pearls, Perils and Pitfalls'. We are looking forward to seeing our TALI friends and hope you will join us ( for details).
Dean's book has been released as an eBook at inspired by love of Family, Freedoms and our Country. Today our Country is faced with internal and external complications. It is not about political party, race, gender, sexual orientation, or other personal identification and social agenda used to prejudice others, class warfare. Visit the website to download the Table of Contents and four FREE chapters.
Karen has just finished her first eBook. Originally started in 1990, she revamped it and has published it on Smashwords. The book is a collection of actual letters she transcribed from the late 1800's.
One of the best ways to learn about history is from people who actually lived and documented what they experienced. The book Letters From Yesteryear is a collection of letters written between the years 1879 and 1900.
Associations and News of Our Profession
Professional Private investigations Association of Colorado (
Monthly meetings are the first Wednesday of each month, usually in the Denver metro area. Visit the PPIAC website for details.
PPIAC will be holding the first annual awards banquet on April 20th. This banquet, and awards, are open to the public and all PIs. Visit for details.
Also, the PPIAC Quarterly (Fall 2012) newsletter is available at
National Association of Legal Investigators (
The mid-winter conference was recently held in Memphis TN. As usual, it was packed with great speakers and topics, and of course the friendship and networking of fellow legal investigators.
In addition, two new members also passed the exhaustive written and verbal testing and examination of the Certified Legal Investigator (CLI). As a CLI, Dean welcomes Keith Harvey and Dwigh Posey, both of Alabama, to the prestigious ranks of the CLI. What is a CLI and who are the less than 100 worldwide CLIs? Find out at
The newest issue of NALI's official journal - The Legal Investigator - is now available online at National Council of Investigation and Security Services ( The annual board meeting and Hit the Hill is coming up April 15-17. Also included is SAAB University (State Association Advisory Board) to assist new state association board members. For details visit
Members of NCISS receive a copy of the twice-yearly published 'The Report' has just been posted online at The bi-monthly eReport newsletter will also be emailed in mid January and posted online. Feel free to share these. NCISS wants to share this great savings with you - super discounts at Office Depot for supplies at (the discounts could be enough to pay our annual dues).
NCISS also sends out important legislative alerts. If you are interested in these alerts, consider joining NCISS. These alerts are immediately posted on our agency website at
At the very least, drop us an email and we will make sure you get the alerts as they happen.
World Association of Detectives (
WAD will be meeting in England to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Association of British Investigators (ABI). AFI-LLC has several friends and colleagues in England and the ABI, and Dean has written some articles for their professional journal.
The value of networking extends beyond your local clients, and should include statewide, nationally and internationally. This should include your state association, NALI, NCISS and of course WAD for international camaraderie. You can contact us for membership information for any of these associations. As the WAD Governor of the Americas (USA, Canada, Central America, Caribbean and Argentina), Dean is interested in answering your WAD membership questions. You can also contact any of the WAD Ambassadors. The WAD magazine, Beyond Global, is availabile online at . Other Association News Texas Association of Licensed Investigators (TALI - is having their Spring Conference in Dallas, TX - March 8th and 9th.
If your association has news, please send it to us for inclusion.
In the News
|  News happens so fast, please visit our agency blog for daily and weekly posts on news of interest - or our business Facebook page at
Two colleagues have published new books Connecticut has two new authors!
Friend and fellow CLI John Hoda is a true Phillies baseball fan - and this book takes you into the world of Phantasy Baseball. Available only in eBook, download your copy from
Rogue Town, by friends and fellow PI Vito Colucci, Jr., is the true story of Stamford, Connecticut, a city that from 1965 through 1985 was under the stranglehold of organized crime and run by corrupt officials. You can order your copy from
Investigation Books - fiction and non-fiction - for every PI
AFI-LLC has compiled some of the leading books for private investigators, by private investigators, including those for specialized certifications. Many of the authors are also friends of AFI-LLC. Others include fiction and non-fiction novels. You can find these books and order direct from Amazon at
Woman Overdoses on Coke
Drug overdose deaths - both illicit street drugs and illicit use of prescription medications - are on the rise. One rule of thumb in death investigation is that a person can die of an overdose from any level of cocaine intoxication. But this is not a cocaine overdose - this is a coke soft-drink overdose!
A New Zealand coroner has clarified that the cause of one mother's death had to do with her drinking at least 10 liters of Coca-Cola per day, BBC News reported.
Do you have a book to be reviewed or special announcement? Let us know!
If you want to send a complimentary copy, we will gladly review it for you and also provide a customized press release and distribution.
Scott Harrell's complete review for Pursuit Magazine Burt Hodge's complete review for Florida Association of Licensed InvestigatorsBob Wall's complete review for Professional Private Investigators Association of CO Don Johnson's complete review for PI Magazine Gene Ferraro's complete review for the ASIS Security Management Online Jennifer Brown, CLI, JD, is the Editor for the quarterly newsletter of the Professional Private Investigators Association of Colorado, writes "Awesome book, Dean. Should be required reading for investigators. It's helped me clean up some of my procedures." |
The Quint-Essential Qualities of a Professional Investigator... | Skills Appropriate for the Assignment Law firms and medical offices specialize - Professional Investigators also specialize. Their casework and continuing education should also be in your specialized areas.
Experience and Knowledge Professional Investigators strive to maintain and further these. All professions have requirements of continuing education. The CLI program requires extensive compliance with continuing education.
Responsible and Ethical Conduct Every component of the investigation has evidentiary considerations. Professional Investigators hold themselves to a higher standard and leaves no question as to the admissibility of their evidence. Information without ethics is not evidence.
Effective Communication Professional Investigators maintain communication with the attorney, client, witnesses, and other key persons in the investigation. Moreover, reports are the product of an organized investigation and should reflect the work product you expect.
Keyword - 'Professional' Honesty, Integrity & Intelligence. These define Professional Investigators and gives you the confidence that your case is in competent and skilled hands.
In Closing...Training and Continuing Education for PIs
AFI-LLC is working on some exciting projects! If you conduct skip tracing, background or asset & liability investigations - the AFI-LLC Team has some exciting news soon! Watch our Facebook page at
Best wishes - Dean and Karen |
Associates in Forensic Investigations, LLC
 | Dean and Karen Beers |
Specializes in the Expert Consultations and Legal Investigations of Personal Injuries, Negligence and Death in Civil, Criminal and Probate litigation.
We provide investigations and consultations of any death or injury causation case from any location with the conveniences of modern technology and assistance of our local professional friends and colleagues.
Call us today, we're glad to help!
We are the PRIDE of Associates in Forensic Investigations, LLC - Professional Reliable Investigators Defining Excellence in every assignment.
Thank You. Please contact us with any questions or for additional information on these topics and our related services.
Dean A. Beers, CLI, CCDI ( Karen S. Beers, BSW, CCDI ( Associates in Forensic Investigations, LLC Office: (970) 480-7793 (Dean x1 and Karen x2) ~ Fax: (970) 480-7794 |
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Featured Articles
Dean and Karen have several articles published, some are available for reprint.
For details email:
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Karen is at:
Professional Associations
Professional Private Investigators Association of Colorado (PPIAC)
National Association of Legal Investigators (NALI)
National Council of Investigation and Security Services (NCISS)
World Association of Detectives (WAD) Criminal Defense Investigation Council (CDITC) National Defender Investigator Association (NDIA) Florida Association of Licensed Investigators (FALI) Texas Association of Licensed Investigators (TALI) California Association of Licensed Investigators (CALI) National Association of Medical Examiners (NAME) International Association for Identification (IAI) and (RMDIAI) |