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In This Issue
General Meeting
Nominees for 2013-14
Funding Resolution
Renewal Reminder
Important Dates: 

April 29:
SCPTSA Gen'l Meeting, 7 pm at JSCEE, Seattle

May 3-5:
100th Annual WSPTA Convention, Bellevue
May 31:
Deadline to Renew Charitable Organization Registration

More Information 

(206) 364-7430
































Dear Seattle PTA and PTSA Leaders,


Seattle Public Schools will be holding a Building Bridges for Summer Learning symposium on Saturday, May 18, 10:00-2:30 pm at Garfield High School.  There will be workshops for families, staff, and community partners regarding how to prevent student summer learning loss and a Summer Learning Community Resource Fair.


A light morning snack and lunch will be served.  Supervised children's activities, transportation, and interpreters will be available.  All families are invited to attend this free event.




Lauren McGuire

President, Seattle Council PTSA



SCPTSA General Meeting

John Stanford Center Auditorium, 2445 3rd Ave S

6:45 to 7:00pm -- Snacks and Socializing

7:00 to 8:30pm -- Meeting


Join us for roundtable conversations with Superintendent Jose Banda and SPS Administrators as well as an opportunity to ask SPS Administrators questions in the following areas:


�         Transportation

�         Boundary Changes:  Process and Timeline

�         Common Core Standards

�         Building Governance

�         Family Engagement: FEAT, Family Connectors and PTA

�         Budget and Legislative Update

�         Approaches to Positive Discipline


We welcome all Seattle PTA Board members to attend.  Please extend an invitation to your incoming Board members as well.


We will also elect our new Executive Committee for 2013-14 at this meeting.  The Nominating Committee report will be coming soon.  PTA Presidents or another designated Board member are allowed to vote. 
Nominees for the SCPTSA  2013-14 Executive Committee

For the Office of President: Katherine Schomer
For the Office of Vice President: Linnea Fichter
For the Office of Treasurer: Dianne Casper
For the Office of Secretary: Kathy Gerke

Nominee Background Info:

Katherine Schomer currently serves as Central Area Director for SCPTSA, as well as Fundraising Chair for McGilvra PTA. She works as a Research Associate and has two children in elementary school. Katherine has served on other non-profit boards, worked for a large non-profit for several years, and currently works with many public agencies as a researcher. She has been active in advocating with the district for building use and serves on the Strategic Plan Stakeholder Taskforce. 

Linnea Fichter is currently Legislative Chair for council, and is serving her second year as Treasurer for Friends of Hawthorne PTA. She is active in Junior League of Seattle and has two preschool children. Linnea has served on several non-profit boards in the area, bringing almost a decade of nonprofit experience to the Seattle Council PTSA.

Dianne Casper is currently Treasurer for SCPTSA, and has been Treasurer at both elementary and middle school level PTAs. She has two children, in middle and high school, and works as financial manager for City People's stores. In her free time, Dianne likes to knit, read, garden, and tend to her bees and chickens.

Kathy Gerke is in her second year as Co-Secretary for Bryant PTSA, and works at the Space Needle and Chihuly Garden and Glass as the Director of Sales. She has a son in elementary school, and has been involved in PTSA since he was in kindergarten serving on the Spring Jubilee committee for two years and on the PTSA Board for two years, in addition to volunteering for playground duty, in his classroom and for the Bryant Blast. She grew up in Seattle and her favorite pasttimes are being with her family and gardening. 

New Funding Resolution

Has your PTA passed the K-12 Funding Resolution?  There's still time with the extended session.


A resolution urging the Washington State Legislature to address K-12 funding has been drafted to express support for fully funding the McLeary Decision.  This resolution has already been passed by many PTA and School Boards and it is hoped that more will join in.  A description of this resolution, as well as the actual resolution and an explanatory slideshow presentation is available on the SCPTSA website. For help or information, contact Linnea Fichter or  Heidi Bennett (RLC6).

Reminder to Renew Charitable Organization Registration


This notice is to remind PTSA chapters that your organization is due to renew its registration with the Charities Program on or before May 31, 2013.


The Charitable Organization Registration/Renewal Form is available online.


1. Find the Charitable Organization Registration/Renewal Form.


2. Fill it out, print, sign and mail with the $40 renewal fee to:

Secretary of State's Office

Charities Program

PO Box 40234

Olympia, WA  98504-0234


3. If the renewal is received after May 31, 2013, the total filing fee will be $90 ($40 renewal fee + $50 late fee).  To avoid late fees, please mail 7-10 days prior to the due date noted above.  You may also receive a renewal postcard by regular mail.  Please disregard if you have already mailed your renewal.


If you have any questions, please contact a Charities Customer Service Representative directly at (360) 725-0378 or by email at charities@sos.wa.gov .