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In This Issue
Come See the Reflections Art Exhibit!
SPS Short Term Capacity Management Community Meeting
Preparing for Legal Marijuana
College Goal Sunday
Upcoming Reflections Refresher Webinars
SCPTSA Votes to Endorse Operations and Capital Levies Renewal
Important Dates:   

January 24:

WSPTA Focus Day, Olympia   


More Information 

(206) 364-7430
































Dear Seattle PTA and PTSA Leaders,


As you probably know, former Seattle Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Maria Goodloe-Johnson passed away last week. Dr. Goodloe-Johnson dedicated her life's work to improving education for children. We are saddened by her untimely death. On behalf of the Seattle Council PTSA, I'd like to offer our condolences to Dr. Goodloe-Johnson's husband, Bruce, and her daughter, Maya.



Lauren McGuire

President, Seattle Council PTSA 

Come See the Reflections Art Exhibit!!! 

Today, the children's artwork goes on display at Seattle Center, upstairs from the Main Stage in the old Center Building, now called the Armory.  The exhibit will run from December 10 through January 6.

On Sunday, December 16 from 2-4pm, please join us for the Artists' Reception

Seattle Council PTSA President Lauren McGuire will say a few words of introduction and explanation, but mostly this is a chance to see all the submissions - drawings, paintings, photography, music, dance and film -- from our creative kids, and meet the artists.

Save the date: on Sunday, January 6 from 2-4pm, on the Seattle Center Main Stage, we will celebrate and recognize all our artists. We will announce the finalists whose work will move on to the State level.  And, there will be cake!!


Please help us spread the word - Send this information to friends and family

Questions? E-mail Daphne Dejanikus (dsdejan@hotmail.com) or Leanne Hawkins (hawkins1022@msn.com), SCPTSA Enrichment/Reflections co-chairs


Seattle Public Schools Short Term Capacity Management Community Meeting   

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

7-8:30pm at the Auditorium, John Stanford Center, 2445 3rd Ave. S., Seattle

-From SPS


Enrollment is growing at Seattle Public Schools, with almost 50,000 students this year. Projections show continued year-to-year increases in enrollment for the next five years, with an enrollment of more than 57,000 students by the 2021-22 school year, if current trends continue.


While the School Board approved a list of projects that would be funded if the Building Excellence (BEX IV) levy is approved by voters in February, the BEX revenue would not be available to meet next year's needs.


In the meantime, the District is developing a Short Term Capacity Management Plan, which will outline recommended changes to schools to ensure the District has enough seats to meet enrollment next fall. This plan will likely include some minor renovations and could add portable classrooms for next year.


The District invites the public to learn about the latest recommendations at a community meeting from 7-8:30pm on Tuesday, December 11. Attendees will have an opportunity to ask questions.


In addition, the Seattle School Board will hold a Work Session Wednesday, December 5 to study both the Short Term Capacity Management Plan and the New Student Assignment Plan (NSAP) Transition Plan for the 2013-14 school year.


Both issues are scheduled to be introduced at the January 9, 2013 School Board meeting, with board action on both short-term capacity management and NSAP Transition Plan scheduled for the January 23, 2013 board meeting.


For more information on BEX IV. 

For more information on capacity management.


Preparing for Legal Marijuana

- From Prevention WINS Coalition & Community


Since initiative 1- 502 was approved last month, parents have been asking what they should be saying to their children about the law and about marijuana.  In response Nathan Hale High School's Raiders Against Destructive Decisions (RADD) and the Roosevelt High School PTSA will host parent education nights in January.  Both will feature Kevin Haggerty from the University of Washington Social Development Research Group. 


Tuesday, January 15

7pm at Nathan Hale High School


Thursday, January 17

7pm at Roosevelt High School


Elementary Parent Education -

Coalition members Christine Milton and Carolyn Bernhard have developed a 30-minute presentation for 5th grade parents about how to talk to their children about drugs and alcohol as they transition into middle school.  For more information please contact Inga Manskopf, Prevention WINS Coordinator | Adolescent Medicine

Seattle Children's, Tel. 206-987-7612    

Prevention WINS website

College Goal Sunday

-From SPS


College Goal Sunday is a series of statewide events that provide free information and assistance to students and families who are applying for financial aid for post secondary education by helping them complete the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid).  The FAFSA is an essential first step in accessing college financial aid.


Seattle Public Schools will be hosting six College Goal Sunday events across the district.  We would really like to see our students and families benefit from the incredible services available at these events.  Trained volunteers will be on hand at each site to walk students through the FAFSA process. Our goal is to have all SPS seniors complete the FAFSA.  College Bound Scholarship seniors must complete their FAFSA by January 31, 2012 in order to meet the deadline for priority funding.


College Goal Sunday dates and locations are listed below:


January 9 (3-7pm) at Cleveland HS

January 10 (6-8pm) at Franklin HS

January 16 (6-8pm) at Roosevelt HS

January 16 (4:30-7:30pm) at Rainier Beach HS

January 23 (6-8pm) at Ingraham HS

January 24 (6:30-8:30pm) at West Seattle HS


The Seattle Public Libraries will also be hosting two College Goal Sunday events at the Central Library (1000 4th Avenue) on Saturday, January 12 from 11am-5pm and Sunday, January 13from 1-5pm.  Students are encouraged to attend these events as well.


Additional information about College Goal Sunday can be found at www.collegegoalsundaywa.org or klrillo@seattleschools.org.


Upcoming Reflections Refresher Webinars


Do you need a refresher course on Reflections? Please note the upcoming Webinars for PTA council's and local PTA units.


Upcoming Refresher Webinars  

For PTA Councils

December 12 1pm ET/10am PT Registration Web Link

January TBD


For Local PTA Units

December 13 1pm ET/10am PT Registration Web Link

January TBD   


SCPTSA Votes to Endorse Operations and Capital Levies Renewal

Help Support Continued Funding for Our Schools by Scheduling a Schools First Levy Presentation at Your Next PTA Meeting


Renewal of two critically important Seattle school levies will be on the February 12, 2013 ballot. The campaign to ensure successful renewal begins now and we need each and every PTA's support!


  • The Operations Levy provides more than a quarter of the funds needed to operate the Seattle Public Schools.  This levy provides funding for basic day-to-day operations, teachers, instructional assistants, textbooks, classroom supplies, bilingual and special education services, bus transportation, student activities such as athletics, arts, extra-curricular and co-curricular activities, professional development and training.  


  • The Capital Levy (BEX IV) renews our commitment to providing safe, quality schools for our kids.  This levy will provide much needed funding to maintain and improve our aging existing schools and provide earthquake safety upgrades at 37 schools.  BEX IV will renovate and build schools to help meet the substantial and continued growing enrollment in Seattle's public schools, 1,400 additional students this school year alone!


PTA's have been the backbone of every successful campaign to ensure our critical school levies are renewed.  Get involved today!


  • Schedule a brief presentation by Schools First for your November board or general meeting.  Schools First is the volunteer network of parents and education advocates that campaigns for renewal of our school levies. 


You and your school community are essential to our school levies renewals for all our schools and all Seattle Public Schools students!