Grace Church eVine
September 4, 2014
Please join Grace Church for
An Evening with Jason FerrisA free organ recital at 5pm Sunday, September 21
(please note date correction from last week's eVine)
A wine & cheese reception will follow in the Parish Hall.
For the Love of Grace
Parishioners and staff members are combining in mutual ministry to kick off the program year. Please see the schedule below
and click here
for an enthusiastic welcome!
Preparation Weekend
Saturday Sept 6 - 8am Men of Grace Breakfast Meeting:
Open to all. Please let the Parish Office know so we can save you a seat. 540-253-5177 gracechurch@gracetheplains.org
Saturday Sept 6 - 8:30am Presentation by Ken Garrett: Origin of Civilization in the Americas.
Saturday Sept 6 -
Parish Workday: Getting ready for Homecoming
Preparation Weekend, cont.
Sunday Sept 7 - HE at 8am & 10am: The Rev. Linnea Summers Turner celebrating
Adult Forum: Dr. Jason Farris
Our Music Director will be inaugurating the 2014-15 season with a discussion of Anglican music, both traditional and contemporary.
Sunday Sept 7 - 11:30-12:30:
Choir Homecoming. Following coffee "hour" the choir will convene to work with Jason for the first time as a group. The choir season will be discussed and a new Homecoming anthem will be rehearsed. Choir members will be invited to launder vestments.
Homecoming Weekend
Saturday Sept 13: (as needed) Additional preparation for Homecoming
Sunday Sept 14 - 9am: Set up and Choir Rehearsal
Sunday Sept 14 - COMBINED SERVICE - HE at 10am: The Rev. Joie Clee Weiher celebrating. Following the service will be a parish luncheon with main course furnished, sides and desserts provided by parishioners. Please sign up in the Parish Hall to let us know what you plan to bring.
Please click here for details on Outreach & Music Weekend (Sept. 19-21) and Community Weekend (Sept. 27-28)
for the Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost
September 7, 2014
Grant us, O Lord, to trust in you with all our hearts; for, as you always resist the proud who confide in their own strength, so you never forsake those who make their boast of your mercy; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.
This Sunday we welcome The Rev. Linnea SummersTurner
as out guest preacher and celebrant.
This Sunday at Grace
8 am - Holy Eucharist
8:45 am - Coffee Hour
9 am - Sunday School
9:05 am - Adult Forum: Dr. Jason Farris, guest speaker
10 am - Holy Eucharist
11 am - Coffee Hour
11:20 - Choir Rehearsal
Click for this Sunday's Lectionary Readings.
Clergy schedule:
Sunday, September 14: The Rev. Joie Clee Weiher
Sunday, September 21: The Rev. Linnea Turner
Sunday, September 28: The Rev. Joie Clee Weiher
The Grace Church Concert Series in The Plains begins its fifteenth year of fine music with a new artistic director and a special celebratory slate of artists. Dr. Jason Farris assumed the position of organist and choirmaster at the church on August 1, and will also direct the concert series. He comes to Grace Church from The University of the South, and will be introduced to the community in a free recital on Sunday, September 21, at 5 pm, followed by a reception to meet Dr. Farris.
The 2014-2015 season opens with the Treble Choristers of the Saint Thomas Choir of Men and Boys from Saint Thomas Church Fifth Avenue, New York City. Read More
From the Director of Music
It's time to make a joyful noise! The Chancel Choir will have its first 11:20 rehearsal on Sunday, September 7th, and will resume its regular duties (rehearsal at 9:00, service at 10:00, rehear sal at 11:20) on Sunday, September 14th. If you've always wanted to sing in the choir, but never joined, now would be a great time to start! If you've taken a leave of absence, now would be a great time to return! You don't have to read music to join the choir. You only need an ability to match pitch, and a commitment to attend rehearsals.
Our roster of Tellers is down to just five individuals. We are seeking additional volunteers to serve in this role. The Tellers (two are required for each Sunday) are the official "counters" who tally cash and checks after worship and make the deposit in the bank, following a very straightforward protocol. If you would be willing to serve in this important capacity, please contact the church office at 540-253-5177 or gracechurch@gracetheplains.org. Thank you!
Have you pledged for 2014?
Our 2014 pledge commitments have reached $259,384. Please prayerfully consider your 2014 pledge to the life and ministry of Grace Church.
You can also pledge by email, click here.
Thank you, all, who have pledged in 2014 and for your consistency in fulfilling your pledge. Anyone may pledge anytime throughout the year.
For the promise is for you, for your children,
and for all who are far away, everyone whom
the Lord our God calls to him. Acts 2:39
Charles Turner, IIISenior WardenemailBruce LeLacheur
Junior Warden
Jim Ivancic
Jeff Brown
Donna Caudill
Ken Garrett
Lennie Lauh
Gail Matheson
Pat Tucker
Mike Whitticar
Grace Episcopal Church
6507 Main Street, P.O. Box 32, The Plains, Virginia 20198
Phone: 540-253-5177 Fax: 540-253-5193
Dr. Jason Farris, Music Director
Mary Ball, Parish Administrator Mary Houston Wright, Associate for Children and Youth
Sue Carter, Sexton
Charles Turner III, Senior Warden; Bruce LeLacheur, Junior Warden; Jim Ivancic, Register
Jeffrey Brown, Donna Caudill, Ken Garrett, Lennie Lauh,
Gail Matheson, Pat Tucker, Charles Turner III, Mike Whitticar