Lafayette Elementary School
Tuesday Bulletin
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September 20, 2016
Sophie Hanrahan
Mark Your Calendar
September 19 - September 23
Spirit Week

September 23
Homecoming Dance

September 30 
PD Day for Teachers - No School for Students 

October 5
Walk/Bike to School Day 

October 6
HSA General Meeting 

Dear Lafayette Families - 

Last week we celebrated a very successful Dot Day on September 15th. We spent the day celebrating courage, creativity, and "making your mark" in the world. This day embodies all that teachers do every day with our students here at Lafayette. Thank you to Laurie, McLaughlin, Andrea Perll, and to all of our teachers, staff and students for making Dot Day (and every day) so special. Thank you also to the parents that helped hang the phenomenal artwork in the cafeteria. The building is really starting to feel more "lived in" and reflect the vibrant learning that occurs every day.

Aside from the fabulous new artwork, we are finding that the cafeteria is generating some buzz this fall. One term that I have heard through the grapevine that needs some clarification is "
silent lunch". Students are not expected to eat in silence. During lunch, we ask the kids to transition into the cafeteria (either from recess or from the classroom) by having 7 minutes of quiet lunch. We play music (instrumental only :-)) and the kids take the first seven minutes to focus on unpacking their lunches, calm a bit if they are coming in from the playground and generally settle everyone in.  After the 7 minutes, kids talk with one another. We find that this transition helps the students remember to eat (especially the younger ones). This is the same procedure the teachers used in the tent last year during lunch and they are using again this year.  We find it to be very effective in keeping the lunchroom positive, kids eating, and pleasant. The kids have been really patient as we work out the kinks of living in our new cafeteria. Currently, I am still working with DGS and DCPS to continue to find ways to mitigate the sound level of the space.

Click here to read more about our new food vendor, and the start of many of our favorite activities including running teams and clubs and our student publications. 

Count Down to Lafayette Homecoming Friday September 23 
Get Your Homecoming Tickets This Week and Save $10 at the Door

Click here to purchase. You get free dinner, drinks, dancing and door prizes. Plus the chance to party with Lafayette staff, alumni, and local friends. We've even got Pop A Shot and Cornhole. What could be better.

Don't have a babysitter? Don't worry, we've got the l
atest Lafayette Babysitting Directory thanks to the A to Z Directory team. Just email Holly Idelson, Laura Comay, or Martha Le to find a sitter for Friday night September 23.

So head out to Homecoming on Friday night and recruit your friend and neighbors too. Remember the grade level who gets the most parents and teachers to attend the Dance wins free spirit teddy bears for their whole class. Catch that Lafayette Fever!
Lafayette Fall Festival Produce and Plant Sale!

Once again, we have partnered with FarmRaiser to put together a bounty of locally-grown fall items. Click here to purchase Halloween pumpkins, farm-fresh apples and veggies, and beautiful mums. Proceeds will help support all of the great programs and activities funded by the HSA, so please share the link with family, friends, and neighbors!

This sale ends Wednesday, October 5th. Orders must be placed online, and may be picked up on October 15th at the Lafayette Fall Festival, from 3 to 5pm.
Coming Up: HSA General Meeting

Thursday, October 6th - 7pm
Please join us as we hear from Dr. Broquard regarding "All Things Learning". What's happening inside our beautiful school, what are the kids learning and what's on the education schedule for the rest of the school year. More details to follow soon.

Save the Date: Lafayette Fall Festival

After a year of trailers...There's No Place Like Home! Please save the date for the Fall Festival on October 15 from 3-5. There will be something for everyone: scarecrows, tin men, lions, and lost little girls included. We'll be showing "The Wizard of Oz" on the big screen as the sun goes down. Hope to see you there!

Halloween Parade Info

Are your little ghouls already excited? The Lafayette Halloween parade will take place on Oct. 31 at 1:30, with parties to follow

Stay tuned for more details!

Tuesday Bulletin Reminder

The Tuesday Bulletin is happy to include all news related to Lafayette and its community. Please be sure to submit your information to by 9:00 p.m. Sunday for publication on Tuesday. 

Thanks for your contribution!
New Lafayette Sponsors! kids_welcome.jpg
We are excited to announce two new local businesses signed on this weekend as Lafayette Annual Sponsors bringing our total up to 14 Annual Sponsors.

Please welcome local realtors Pierre Chauvet, Century 21 Redwood Real Estate and the Taylor Agostino Group.
Lafayette Annual Sponsors donate thousands of dollars each year in cash and good and services to support Lafayette and all our events and programs. In return for their support, we ask each Lafayette family to think about supporting them the next time you need to buy or sell a house, shop for food, get a gift for a birthday party, start a new work-out routine, order in dinner, or even go get braces for your child.

Lafayette Annual Sponsors now include: The Avenue and Capital Crab Company, Barstons Child's Play, Broad Branch Market, Byrdsmiles Orthodontics, Kimberly Cestari, W.C. and A.N Miller, Realtors, Pierre Chauvet, Century 21 Redwood Realty, Galley Foods, Heather Davenport, Washington Fine Properties, Magruder's, Lee Murphy, Washington Fine Properties, Potomac Pizza, Anslie Stokes and the Stokes Realtor Team, Second Wind CrossFit, and Taylor Agostino Group.

If you own a business or know a business in the community who would like to become a Lafayette Annual sponsor, please contact Jenny Backus or Astrid Ruggeri. Thanks again to all our wonderful Lafayette Annual Sponsors.


TIME BANDITS plays at the Avalon Theatre on Sat, 9/24
The Avalon Theatre's Weekly Family Matinee program is bringing the classic film TIME BANDITS back for one show only on Saturday, Sept 24 at 10am! Follow the zany antics of an irreverent band of marauders through history in this all new 2K restoration of Terry Gilliam's 1981 film, featuring supporting turns from John Cleese, Sean Connery, Michael Palin and Ian Holm. More information and tickets are available here.

Morning Bootcamps are back at Lafayette!
DC Health Coaches, a group of local fitness professionals (and Lafayette graduates), will continue to host 6:00 am and 8:45 am "bootcamp" classes on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays next to the Lafayette tennis courts. These classes combine aerobic exercise and functional strength training designed to give participants of ALL FITNESS LEVELS a full body workout! 

To sign up for classes or get more information email Brendan Herbert at

Race for Every Child
On October 1, our neighborhood is gathering to support Children's National Medical Center at their 4th annual Race for Every Child. This family-friendly event at Freedom Plaza includes a 5K walk/run and a 100 yard Kid's Dash, complete with games and activities for children aged 3 - 10. The on-sight activities begin at 8am, followed by the 5K and Kid's Dash, so you can be in and out by noon.  

Together we can ensure that every child in our community gets the best level of care - even if their family can't afford to pay. From bumps and bruises, to life-threatening diseases, these children are counting on all of us. We invite you and your family to join us in supporting the important mission at Children's National by signing up to run or walk with a team of Chevy Chase neighbors, the Grateful Family team. We hope to see you on October 1!

¡Hola! ¿Cómo estás? ¿Quieres mejorar tu español? 
Students who want to learn Spanish or improve their skills can benefit from supplemental instruction. From basic vocabulary to advanced grammar topics, a little extra practice can go a long way. Carson, a senior Public Communications major and Spanish minor at American University, is looking to tutor students in Spanish by providing homework help, as well as speaking, listening, and reading practice. Carson has taken Spanish classes for 16 years and is currently enrolled in a Spanish Translation course at AU. She spent last spring in Madrid, Spain where she took coursework in the language and interned at a Spanish business. For more information about Spanish tutoring lessons, please send an email with the subject "Spanish Tutor Inquiry" to Rate: $20-$25/hour ¡Hasta pronto!

Fall art classes at CREATE Arts Center in downtown Silver Spring begin September 19, and registration is currently open. We offer afternoon and weekend classes for children ages 4 to 16, including Drawing & Painting, Kids Pottery, Storytelling Through Cartooning, and much more! Registration is also open for our art-themed "No School Day Camps" that run on DCPS and MCPS no school days. At CREATE, students explore their own creativity and imagination in a supportive environment where the experience is as important as the finished product. More information on classes and camps can be found here.

BARBELL BETTYS is the perfect class for women who know they should be weight training, but don't know how to start. For women
only, coached by women only (myself and Janney mom, Liz Rihani). Class is offered 3x/week (Sun/Wed/Fri) - we hope you can make at least two classes/week, but if your schedule allows for three, all the better! 
A new session of Barbell Bettys began on Sunday at Second Wind Crossfit, but it's not too late to get started! Click here for more information and to sign up.

Second Wind Crossfit, a Lafayette Sponsor, is owned by former Lafayette parents Michelle & Steve Dolge, and is just a quick 6-minute trip across Rock Creek Park via Military Road and a few blocks south on 14th Street. Feel free to contact me with any questions you may have. Hope to see you there!

Gayle Moseley
Lafayette Mom (my 11th year!)

Thanks to our Sponsors:
Submissions for next week's issue should be emailed to Submissions are due by 9:00 p.m. on Sunday. Submissions received after this time will be included in the following issue, unless instructed otherwise. Please keep submissions brief. Longer articles may be truncated at the editor's discretion, with a link to the full text.