Mark Your Calendar
April 29
Coffee Talk w/Dr. B (8:50am in Library)
May 2-6
Staff Appreciation Week
May 4
Bike or Walk to School Day
May 5
HSA General Meeting
May 6
No School for Students -
PD Day for Staff
May 7
Spring Fair
From the HSA
Good day Lafayette families:
The weather has been spectacular in the last week, and we hope you and your family have been out and about taking advantage of the sunshine. As we look forward to May, we are hoping the weather will continue because the Lafayette calendar is full. Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week is coming up next week (May 2-6). Please be on the lookout for a weekly agenda to say thank you to our wonderful teachers and staff.
On May 5, the HSA will hold our General Meeting, where the election of the 2016-2017 Board members will take place. Please come out to the meeting and VOTE. We will also present the HSA Budget for next school year. We need your voice, your vote and your input.
Now on to the Spring Fair. Our theme this year is Hands Across Chevy Chase and the event is less than two weeks away. We need parent volunteers to host a successful event. Please check out the sign up genius for your child's class and sign up for an hour or two to volunteer. Remember we also need bakers and salad makers!
Have you been Spring cleaning? Well here is your chance to declutter and add to the Lafayette Spring Fair at the annual Book Sale and Yard Sale. Thank you to all the parent volunteers who have been planning and coordinating for months. Mark May 7 on your calendars!
One last shout out to the GROW committee for a wonderful Earth Day event last Thursday! Thank you for helping the Lafayette Community celebrate Earth Day.
Have a great week!
Shannon and Janine
Parents - Join the Lafayette LSAT
The Local School Advisory Team (LSAT) is a group of elected and appointed members that exists for every DCPS school. The team consists of parents, teachers, non-instructional school staff, a community member, and in some cases students, to advise the principal on matters that promote high expectations and high achievement for all students. The Lafayette LSAT committee meets the first Wednesday of every month during the school year at 7:45am and wraps up by 8:40am.
We are in search of four (4) parent volunteers who would like to serve on this committee for School Year 2016-2017. If you are interested - please submit your name and a brief bio no later than Thursday, May 19. Please email Shannon Behm at with your information and/or with any questions.
An election will be conducted at the HSA General Meeting on Thursday, June 2.
Thank you for your support!
Lafayette HSA Spring Plant Sale
Orders Due TOMORROW!
Please CLICK HERE or use the order form that came home last week to purchase the perfect Mother's Day presents, fresh herbs and other beautiful additions to your home or garden. The sale ends TOMORROW, Wednesday, April 27. Orders can be picked up on May 7at the Lafayette Spring Fair from 11am to 4pm. We will also have a limited number of plants for sale at the fair. Questions? Contact Kristin Nicholson.
Walk or Bike to School Day
It's time to get your walking shoes out and your bike tires pumped - next Wednesday, May 4 is Walk or Bike to School Day at Lafayette! If you can chaperone a walking school bus or a bike train, or if you'd like to help at the prize tables, please contact Katie Burke. It's a short and fun commitment, but we'll need your help to make this day another great success. Can't wait to see you all out on the sidewalks! Thanks! |
Here's the latest Peace of Mind newsletter from our very own Peace Teacher, Linda Ryden.
Awesome Support for the Auction Earns
Ms. Culver's 4th Grade Class a Cool Sundae Party
The HSA and the Auction Team saluted the parents of Ms Culver's 4th grade class for their incredible support for the 2016 Auction with a delicious ice cream Sundae Party last Friday for Ms Culver and all the students in her class. Ms. Culver's 4th grade class along with Ms Ritchie's kindergarten class were the two classes with the highest participation in the Auction. Ms Ritchie's class will enjoy their Sundae Party later this year. Thanks to all the parents who supported the Auction this year and congratulations to Ms Culver and Ms Ritchie's classes.
Staff Appreciation Week Starts Monday!
Next week is the time of year when we honor the wonderful Lafayette teachers and staff for all they do year-round for our kids. The HSA is planning events each day and asking that your children bring in some special treats to show their appreciation.
Monday, May 2 - Please have your children bring in a homemade thank you card and give it to their teachers when they arrive in class. They're welcome to also bring cards for other staff, specials teachers or anyone else who deserves a thank you! The HSA also is serving pastries and coffee in the Teacher's Lounge to kick off the week.
Tuesday, May 3 - Please have your children bring in something sweet to eat -- homemade or store bought. Volunteers will help collect these items at drop off and set them up in the Teacher's Lounge with take out boxes they can fill up to take the desserts home. Wednesday, May 4 - Massages are being provided for all staff.
Thursday, May 5 - Please have your child bring in a single flower for each of their teachers, cut from your garden or picked up from the store. Don't worry, Broad Branch will have extra flowers on hand that morning! Each staff member will have a vase and the collection of flowers will make a special bouquet.
Friday, May 6 - No school for students, but the HSA is providing Galley breakfast boxes and a catered fiesta lunch for the professional development day.
The HSA also is looking for volunteers on Tuesday morning to help collect desserts and on Wednesday night to distribute flower vases. Please sign up HERE if you can help.
From the Art Room
Laurie McLaughlin, Art Teacher Grades 1-5
Apologies to Sophie Koch, one of the two main 5th grade "Rosie's Brain" illustrators whose name was inadvertently left out of last week's Tuesday Bulletin column!
Hoping everyone enjoyed our Earth Day art display on the front fence thanks to our third grade artists and the group of dedicated parents who made Lafayette's Earth Day happen. Make sure you also take a peek at our new Bear's Garden banner outside the admin building. Check out my latest blog post with photos of both projects at The title of the column is, "The EARTH without ART is just EH:)" So in that spirit, in addition to the Earth Day festivities on Thursday evening, we celebrated the gorgeous weather Friday with sidewalk chalk art at recess!
Next up? Spring Fair banners with a theme of Hands Across Chevy Chase featuring EVERY Lafayette student's hand art:) Also stay tuned for the not-to-be-missed celebrations, two Arts Nights coming up May 19 for Pre-K-Grade 1 and May 26th for grades 2-5! View artwork from every student, hear each student perform in the Big Top, and buy the most coveted publication at Lafayette, featuring every student's art and writing and fun class photos, the 25th anniversary "IMAGES 2016". A huge thanks to Hope Scheller who stepped in at the last minute and offered to take our delightful class pics! Not to be missed!
Spring... so much of a good thing!!!
Lafayette Afterschool Program Applications
Hello Lafayette Elementary Community,
The application for the Lafayette Afterschool Program (LAP) is now available on our website. Click the Enrollment tab to find out how to apply and about space availability. Thank you and have a great day!
Student Survey
Hello Lafayette Community!
It's that time of year again when DCPS has all of the schools administer a school satisfaction/stakeholder survey for students in grades 3-5. These surveys will be used to provide important information to DCPS central office, school administrators and the community at large. Here are a few FAQs about the survey that will help better illustrate what the survey is all about:
A. What will the survey cover?
a. The surveys will ask general satisfaction questions about the school and district.
B. How long will the surveys take?
a. Surveys should take 10-15 minutes for older students and 15-20 for younger students.
C. When will we receive the results?
a. Schools will be provided reports of their results over the summer and results will also be made available online in the fall.
D. How does DCPS use the results?
a. This is the primary way DCPS measures the Capital Commitment Goal 4 of "90% of students say they like their school."
b. Results will also be used for strategic planning within central office and to assist in the School Climate Initiative.
c. Some of the questions also factor into the DCPS School Scorecard.
If you would like to check out the results of a previous year's survey then you can go here. This is also where this year's survey results will be posted in the fall.
Last week you should have received a student Survey Notification and Withdrawal Form that explains the survey and gives you the option to opt out your child. If you do choose to opt out please return the form to your child's homeroom teacher or directly to my mailbox in the main office. If you would like your child to participate in the survey then there is no need to return the form. If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to me via email.
Thank you in advance for your participation!
Mr. Wieand
We Need Them for the Spring Fair Book Sale!
Got Salad?
Help ensure the healthy alternative for lunch at the spring fair. Please bring your favorite greens, beans, seafood, potato, pasta, fruit (or any other salad for that matter) to the salad tables at the spring fair on May 7 at 11 (Episcopal Center for Children; Utah and Nebraska) Questions? Email Margaret McDaniel
Donate Your Stuff . . .
to the Lafayette Yard Sale!
On Saturday, May 7th, in coordination with the Spring Fair, the HSA will host a benefit yard sale ( 9am-noon). The proceeds from the sale of tables will all go to the HSA. Buy a table here and leave the yard sale promotion to us!
You can also donate things for the HSA to sell at its table. Starting on Friday, donations can be left on the front porch of 5841 Nebraska Avenue. You can also bring your things directly to the HSA table any time after 8am on the morning of the 7th.
4th Graders Rock Battle of the Books
Correction: In last week's Tuesday Bulletin announcement about the 4th grade Battle of the Books, we accidentally left out "Blank Pages" member Finn Boyle's name from our list of winners. Sorry Finn and once again great job to all the fourth grader readers!
Bye Bye Birdie @ Deal
Take a trip back to the 50s with Alice Deal Middle School's Young Performers' production of the classic musical comedy BYE BYE BIRDIE. See what happens when famous rock 'n' roll star Conrad Birdie gets drafted, causing hysteria among his fans, and gives a farewell kiss on national television to his number one fan. Performances are Friday, May 6 at 6:30pm and Saturday, May 7 at 2:00pm and 6:30pm at the Alice Deal Middle School Auditorium. Tickets are $5 kids/$10 adults and cana be purchased at the door or online. |
CrossFit Kids - Are you always telling your kids to put down that XBox controller and go play? Second Wind CrossFit is starting the spring session of CrossFit Kids for 8-12 year olds. Spring session starts this week.... Thursday, April 28th.
CrossFit Kids is a kid-centric movement program that teaches kids to move correctly, enjoy exercise and build healthy habits. The kids are directed by specially trained coaches who work with kids teaching proper movement patterns and do fun high-energy workouts that feel like games. It's all about having fun.
We are only FIVE minutes from the Chevy Chase neighborhood. (How do we know? We live here too!)
Sign up HERE or contact us if you have questions.
Borrow Crutches? Cub Scout Pack 52, which includes many Lafayette boys, is looking for a couple pairs of small crutches. Our next Pack meeting is all about Disability Awareness and we are setting up stations so the boys can experience what some disabilities are like. We could really use one or two pairs of small crutches, suitable for a 6-10 year old. We only need to borrow them TONIGHT ( April 26). I can pick them up and return them tomorrow. Please email me directly and I'll coordinate with you. Thank you! Beth Critchley [email protected]
Childcare Available for Next Year - My name is Susan Gearan. I am an active 67 year old retiree, looking for a Lafayette family that needs after school child care this coming school year. For the past 9 years I have been taking care of my niece Claire, a Deal 8th grader and Lafayette alum. She will be off to St Johns in the fall. Would like a munchkin or munchkins to fill my afternoons. I am very flexible on hours. I drive, but do not have my own car. You may reach me on my cell 310-480-0917 or email, [email protected]. References available.
Love to Sing? Join the premier youth choral program in the national capital area in its 21st season with new artistic director Margaret Nomura Clark. For singers ages 5 to 18, schedule an audition today on selected dates in June. Call 202-237-1005. No previous experience necessary. Dates available: Tues., 6/7; Tues., 6/14; Mon., 6/20; Tues., 6/21; Sat., 6/25.
Check out also our programs for younger singers 5 to 8, an introduction to the choral experience with no audition necessary. Register for Prep Class directly online (next session in September). For more information, visit our website.
Thanks to Our Sponsors: