Lafayette Elementary School
Tuesday Bulletin
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April 5, 2016   Katya Svirina, Editor
Mark Your Calendar

April 7
HSA General Meeting
April 8  Early Dismissal - 12:15
April 13
Potomac Pizza Night
April 14
4th Grade 
Battle of the Books
April 15
Emancipation Day
No School
May 2-6
Staff Appreciation Week
May 6
No School for Students - 
PD Day for Staff
May 7
Spring Fair

From Our Principal 
Dear Lafayette Families -

Welcome back from Spring Break.  I hope everyone had a restful and enjoyable week with their family and friends.  It was great to see all the kids and families back at school this week.  

Registration at Lafayette is open for 2016-17! Our goal is to have 100% of our returning students registered by May 13th.   We need you to bring your completed registration packets in as soon as possible!

Staff at the Lafayette main office will be accepting registration materials from 8:00am-3:00pm Monday through Friday and from 3:00pm-6:30pm on Wednesdays. We will only accept completed packets, although health and dental forms can be turned in at a later date.  The first two classrooms who have all registration forms returned will win an ice cream party.  

Our enrollment numbers are directly tied to our staffing. To be sure that we are adequately staffed it is critical that we know our enrollment as early as possible. This year our enrollment is especially important because of our move into the new building and ensuring that we have an accurate count of both students and staff.  We appreciate your help by getting your registration forms into the office ASAP.  Don't forget, once the school year is over mid-June, the Lafayette office will again be moving to Deal Middle School for the summer. 

Once again, welcome back and we can't wait to see you with your registration paperwork!  

Have a great week,
Dr. B
REMINDER: HSA General Meeting! 
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Thursday, April 7th
6:30pm - snacks & babysitting
7pm - meeting begins

Join us for important HSA Spring updates! We are also pleased to offer a special presentation for parents - Keeping Your Children Safe presented by Eileen Dombo, Lafayette parent and HSA Board Member.

Eileen A. Dombo, PhD, LICSW is a clinical social worker who has been counseling survivors of sexual abuse for 20 years. She maintains a clinical and consulting practice in Dupont Circle, and is an Assistant Professor in Social Work at The Catholic University of America. Dr. Dombo serves as the Chairperson of the Child Protection Board for the Archdiocese of Washington, and as a Victim Advocate for the Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA.

REMINDER: HSA Board Nominations 
Just a reminder that we are looking for HSA Board nominees for the 2016-17 school year. You can learn more about the positions here. All volunteer positions except two are open for nominations. (One Co-President and one Co-Treasurer (AP) are in the middle of their two-year terms.) One or more candidates are expected to run for each position. If you are interested, please email Rita Brickman ASAP. If you decide to run, please send her a candidate statement for publication no later than Friday, April 8th. Candidate statements will be published prior to the elections, which will take place at the HSA General Meeting on May 5th.
Student Council Earth Day Competition Is Coming 

The student council is having an Earth Day competition for students. It will be held from April 18-21 and prizes will be given out on Earth Day, Friday, April 22. The purpose of the project is to make students aware that they can do more to recycle and help save the earth. Trash and garbage that isn't recycled has to be dumped, burned, or buried which is bad for the environment.

Grades 3-5 will participate in the contest, but everyone is encouraged to reduce trash and increase recycling! At lunch, student council representatives will collect  and weigh the trash from their class's lunches. The more reusable containers, the better! The class with the least trash at the end of the week will win a prize.

At the end of the week of the competition, the student council representatives from each classroom will also bring their class's recycling to be measured and weighed. The class with the most recycling for the week will win a prize. The prizes are popsicles on Earth Day.

Cody Hobson
Student Council Secretary

teaching peace logo Peace of Mind Newsletter is Here!    
Read in this issue: good read of the week, Grades 1-5 News, PK-K News, Ask Your Child. Also learn about the brain and the Negativity Bias.  
Musical Theater Workshop
A musical theater and acting workshop will take place on May 14-15. It will be run by Karen Harris and a vocal coach, performer and confidence master, Chrissellene Petropoulos. This workshop will focus on building voices, building confidence and developing performance skills.  Professional performers from DC and Broadway are lined up as special guests to talk to the kids about their experiences performing and auditioning.  The kids will get time to perform, get feedback, and improve their acting, singing and dance skills as well as self reflect. For more information, please see the flyer and visit:
Spring art classes begin April 9 at CREATE Arts Center in downtown Silver Spring. Classes are held after school and on weekends. Along with favorites like Adventures in Art, Drawing & Painting, and Storytelling Through Cartooning, there will some new choices:  Strings & Things will sample weaving, sewing, embroidery, and more for ages 8-12 and  Art Explorers offers fun, creative projects for 4-6 year old artists to start exploring color, shape, and texture! See the full line-up here: 
If you are looking for a camp for 'No School Days' like April 15 (Emancipation Day), check out the options at CREATE. And don't forget to register for summer art camp - weekly sessions from June 13-Sept 2 - some sessions are already full. 

Looking for a great summer camp? The Alice Deal Athletic Department will offer a 4 week youth sport & fitness camp in July! 
This summer, Deal Fit Camp will provide fitness, sport and nutritional education, in a fun and nurturing environment. In addition, the Deal Fit & Sport Camp will offer opportunities for enrichment, team building, and peer mentoring. 
Camp rates per session (Full Day Rate):
  • 1 week session: $300
  • 2 sessions: $550
  • All 4 sessions; $1000
  • Drop in daily rate: $50
Deal Fit and Sport Camp Online Registration Form HERE. Please email with any questions or contact Coach Downing directly at:

Summer GirlsUP Program
Helping girls decide who they are, before the world tells them who they should be. GirlsUP offers extraordinary summer programs for girls age 10-13 focused on developing character, confidence and critical thinking through an innovative journey toward self-discovery. GirlsUP is a proud partner of the United Nations Foundation Campaign for Girls.
  • Georgetown Visitation School: June 5 - July 1, 9am - 1pm
  • Stone Ridge School: July 11 - July 15, 9am - 1pm
  • Chevy Chase Elementary School: July 18 - July 22, 9am - 1pm
Registration is now open. Please visit our website for more information and to enroll Please send questions about GirlsUP to or call (202)556-3461(202) 556-3461.
Submissions for next week's issue should be emailed to Submissions are due by 3:15 p.m. on Friday. Submissions received after this time will be included in the following issue, unless instructed otherwise. Please keep submissions brief. Longer articles may be truncated at the editor's discretion, with a link to the full text.