Lafayette Elementary School
Tuesday Bulletin
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March 15, 2016         Gayle Moseley, Editor
Mark Your Calendar

March 18
Coffee Talk with Dr. Broquard

March 22
HSA Board Meeting

March 23 & 24
Kindergarten Living Museums

March 28-April 1
Spring Break

April 7
HSA General Meeting

April 8  Early Dismissal - 12:15

April 13
Potomac Pizza Night

April 14
4th Grade 
Battle of the Books

April 15
Emancipation Day
No School

May 2-6
Staff Appreciation Week

May 6
No School for Students - 
PD Day for Staff

May 7
Spring Fair

From Our Principal

Dear Lafayette Families -
It's hard to believe that we are two weeks away from Spring Break!  Spring is definitely in the air, and our new building continues to take shape at an amazing rate.  As the weather gets nicer, a couple of reminders....Please remember to park your strollers before entering the walkways.  They are just not wide enough to accommodate kids, parents, and strollers.  Also, please remember that dogs are not allowed at drop off and pick up.  There are many students with allergies and who are afraid of dogs.
Warmer weather also brings more time to play outside.  Unfortunately, there was an issue in a nearby neighborhood last week involving an unknown man approaching children playing in a yard.  Please take the time to talk with your children about how to keep themselves safe in many different types of scenarios.  This includes talking to your children about "stranger danger" and what to do when approached by someone they don't know.  We are being extra vigilant with our supervision at school as well.  Thank you to everyone who shared the alert with me or with other school staff.  We appreciate the collaboration.
Spring also means budget season for DCPS.  As some of you may know, our budget is directly related to our enrollment.  We are funded at the "Per Pupil Funding Minimum", meaning that we receive funds proportionate to the number of students who enroll.  Our enrollment will be critical to our staffing this year.  Enrollment begins April 1st.  Our internal goal is to have all students enrolled no later than May 15th. Our diligence in getting our enrollment completed early means that we have class lists available early, and I can provide for any additional staffing that may be necessary.  Please spread the word to all your friends and neighbors!
Finally, congratulations are in order to several people.  Mrs. Hebert had her baby boy, Gabe Mathew on March 8th.  He is beautiful!  Congrats as well to our Auction chairs and committee.  Saturday night was incredible!  Disco fever took over and our community came together to raise an incredible amount of money for our school.  Thank you to everyone who volunteered, organized, and donated.  It was a lovely evening for a great cause.  This week we will also say Congrats to Mr. Holmes again on the birth of his son, Josiah, in January.  He will be back at work at the end of this week.
Have a great week,
Dr. B

The Disco is Closed, but 
the Auction After-Party Continues . . .

Missed out on a great deal at the Auction Saturday night? Don't despair. The disco at Wilson may be closed but the 2016 Auction magic goes on. There are still three great ways you can help make our 2016 Auction one for the record books and help raise some much needed funds for Lafayette.

A NEW LIBRARY READING LOFT - Dr. B has negotiated with the building team to hold space for a new special reading loft and nook for our kids in the library. This amazing learning space got cut out of our official DCPS new building budget. But we can restore it if we can raise $20,000 by the end of the month. Thanks to the generosity of parents and teachers at the Auction, we raised more than $8,000 on Saturday night. But we still need more help. Please make a donation today and help us secure this great space for the kids. 

#2 - SIGN UP FOR A PARENT OR KID PARTY - We've still got a great selection of Parent and Kid Parties available for you and your kids. A Mother-Daughter Tea for Pre-K girls. A chance to high five all the players at a DC United Game. A Scotch Tasting Party for adults. The Great Zucchini under the Lafayette Big Top. A Backyard Family BBQ. A Boogie Wonderland Disco Party for Kids. This is a just a sampling of the fun parties still available to sign up for this spring social season. Click here for Parent Parties and here for Kid Parties and grab your spot before they fill up.  It's a great way to meet new people and keep the party going.

#3 - BID IN THE SECOND CHANCE ON-LINE AUCTION  - We have a great selection of items still left to bid on plus a few new things that came in last minute; including some incredible Class Creations that got hidden away during the Auction.  We are offering them up for the next few days for bid ON LINE via our Auction Page.  If you bought Auction tickets or registered on line, you will receive a text to start your bidding.  You can also buy them right away by clicking on BUY NOW. Not in the Auction system? It's easy and free to register. Just go to the Auction website

Here are a few other important updates from your hardworking Auction Team:

Auction Item Pick-Up - In the rush to get to the Auction After Party, some of you forgot to claim your winnings. You can pick them up at Jane Ellis's house on Tennyson Street. Please email Jane to set up a good time for pick-up.

Questions about your receipt? - We are happy to help.  Please contact Sarah Remes.

Your 2016 Boogie Wonderland Team

Lafayette Enrichment Program
The Spring Session of LEP starts the week of April 11, 2016, and registration opens tomorrow, March 16th, at 12:00 PM. Visit our registration site to enroll.

The LEP Spring Session brochure and calendar can be found here, and also on the school website in two navigation areas: "For Parents" and "Student Life."  A paper copy will come home tomorrow via backpack express.

LEP Lottery
This session we will have an enrollment lottery for the following classes:  C3 Cyberclub classes, Lego Robotics, Cooks with Books, Tippi Toes, and Mad Science.   Enrollment will open Wednesday at noon, and these popular classes will register straight to the waitlist.  The lottery will remain open until 12:00 AM on  March 17th after which the enrollment system will execute a lottery for each of these classes, and students who get a place in the lottery will be notified the morning of March 17  (after 9AM). These recipients are allocated at least 48 hours to remit payment as confirmation of whether they can take the place, after which time the space may be offered to the next student in the lottery wait list.  It is our hope that this lottery system will continue to alleviate a bit of the enrollment chaos some of you may have experienced when our registration website opens.

All other classes will offer the standard enrollment process and have the same waitlist policy as in sessions past.

Questions?  Email Hope Scheller

Congratulations to Ms. Snowden!

Ms. Snowden ran her first half marathon this weekend in the Rock n' Roll Marathon. Please give her a huge congratulations when you see her. Here is a link about her story if you want to learn more.

5th Graders Advance in Essay Contest!
This winter Ms. Campbell and Mr. Gregal's classes entered essays into the Letters about Literature Essay contest. Letters About Literature is a reading and writing contest for students.  Students are asked to read a book, poem or speech and write to the author (living or dead) about how the book affected them personally. Letters are judged on state and national levels. This year there were 574 submissions at the elementary level and 33 letters were selected to move on.  4 essays came from Lafayette!  Ella Hunter (5C), Charlie Pomper (5C), Kate Oliphant (5G), and Ellie Sanders (5C) are all moving on to the next round!  

School Portraits 
Did you forget to order your child's school portrait? It's not too late! The online gallery is still open for viewing and ordering. 

If you have misplaced the login/password info for the FreedSpirit website, please contact 

Jump Rope for Heart News
Lafayette Students raised over $24,000.00 for the American Heart Association this year!  Thank you to everyone who participated.  We had a fun time jumping and dancing but can't wait to get back to a big gym next year for our after school event.  Despite the circumstances the Lafayette community did an outstanding job in supporting us in our community service project for the American Heart Association.

Thank you gifts should arrive about two weeks after Spring Break.  If you have any questions please contact Ms. McClure or Ms. Howes.

Ms. McClure and Ms. Howes
Physical Education Team

SEEKING RENTAL HOME or apartment in Northwest DC -American family of three (kids ages 6 and 4.5) happily moving back to DC after long overseas post. Looking for lease beginning July 15 or August 1. Contact:

TENLEY TIGER RUN - support the Wilson High School Cross Country & Track team.  If you are just as excited as I am to get those feet moving I will recommend you to sign up for the Tenley Tiger Run on April 9th.

The Tenley Tiger Run is a Family Friendly Run organized by the XC & Track team at Wilson HS. This is their annual team fundraiser so please come out and support our local high school where our Lafayette runners will come to shine one day.

You can sign up for either 5K, 2.5K, 1 mile or a Fun Run. This is a Family Friendly Run - so everyone in the family can participate -sign up today!  Thank you for supporting Wilson XC & Track team, please help spread the word and see you there!

ARE YOU STRESSED over spring break? Don't have a Plan? No Worries! Call The BEST! & relieve all that stress from your chest! Let Your children be happy and comfortable in the comfort of their own home! Looking for One Family/NO DOGS!! SORRY, for the whole spring break!! My maximum is 4 Children per Family. I'm also a babysitter, Nanny, Natural Hair stylist and I have experience in hosting children Spa parties. If interested Please feel free to Call/Text Me at (202) 652-6934.
Caniesha Swinton

Thank You Lafayette Sponsors!
We would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to our very generous Annual Sponsors for 2015-2016, your continued support is amazing!  
Submissions for next week's issue should be emailed to Submissions are due by 3:15 p.m. on Friday. Submissions received after this time will be included in the following issue, unless instructed otherwise. Please keep submissions brief. Longer articles may be truncated at the editor's discretion, with a link to the full text.