Lafayette Elementary School
Tuesday Bulletin
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Feb.16, 2016         Katya Svirina, Editor
Mark Your Calendar
Feb 22
No School - Parent/Teacher Conferences

Feb 23
HSA Board Meeting

From the HSA
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Hello Lafayette Families!

We hope you enjoyed the long weekend, it was a cold one!  February is moving along and we still have a few "To Do" list items from the HSA.

We are recruiting volunteers for a key role that support the HSA - please consider!

Each year a group of 3-4 parent volunteers oversees the HSA Board Nominations - they join a Nominating Committee what will be lead by Rita Brickman, this year.  The Nominating Committee will actively recruit Lafayette parents who are interested in running for HSA Board positions for SY 2016-2017.  The Nominating Committee position is one that requires a few hours per week beginning now through April as the Board Candidates are secured for the upcoming election.  If you are interested, please reach out to Rita Brickman this week.

Check out our Boogie Wonderland Auction site  - information below - Mark Your Calendars for Saturday, March 12th - this is night that you don't want to miss!

Reminder : Parent /Teacher Conferences are on Monday, February 22nd and there will be no school this day.  You can schedule a time to meet with your child's teacher through the class Shutterfly site or by contacting the teacher directly.

Have a great week - as always, we appreciate your continued support!
Shannon and Janine 
A huge Lafayette THANK YOU all the students who shared some Valentine's Day cheer with our construction crew this past week! They were very touched by the valentines & candy from the kiddos, a project organized by the HSA Fun Committee.

Coming to a Galaxy Near You:
The 3rd, 4th & 5th Grade Dance
"May the Force be with you!" Well, at least let's hope the force will be at Lafayette on Friday, February 19th. The student council is having a winter dance with a Star Wars theme on that date.

Right after school, third and fourth graders can go to the Big Top. The third and fourth grade dance goes from 3:20-4:20. At 4:30, the fifth graders can line up outside the Big Top for the second dance. Admission will also be $5. Fifth grade pick up time is 5:30 p.m.

Refreshments will be served and are included in the price. There will be pizza, cupcakes, pudding, chips and drinks.

So if you are a Lafayette Bear in grades 3-5 plan to come and have fun. You can come as yourself or dress like a Star Wars character. We're also having a "dark side"and a "light side" so you could dress like that. But leave your weapons and light sabers at home!! And remember NO PARENTS ALLOWED. (Only at pick up time!)

All proceeds from the dance will be donated to Children's Hospital.

by: Cody Hobson Jr., Fifth Grader and Lafayette Student Council Secretary


The Wilson High School Literacy Club has teamed up with the Lafayette fourth grade and the larger Lafayette school community on three great programs this winter and  spring.  Student volunteers from the Club will be  supporting the Fourth Grade Battle of the Books in April and the Lafayette Spring Fair Book Sale in May. 
We are kicking off our partnership with a book drive from February 15th to April 15th.  The books we collect from the Lafayette community will be donated to Reading Partners, an organization that provides tutors for DCPS students in low-income schools behind grade level in reading. The Wilson Literacy Club works closely with Reading Partners in schools around the City. Please consider dropping off new or gently used K-3rd grade books to collection bins in each main trailer and the front office.  We will come by each week to pick up donations and make sure your treasured books get into the hands of students who really need them.
We would like to thank Dr Broquard, the 4th grade teachers and the HSA for their helping in building this partnership and we really look forward to working with Lafayette over the next few weeks and months.
Lucy McCurdy
Wilson High School Junior
President of the Wilson High School Literacy Club


Each year Magruders Grocery, Beer & Wine Store on Connecticut Avenue generously sponsors Lafayette as an annual sponsor and from now until the end of May, they've brewed up something really special to support the Lafayette Auction. For every $500 that Lafayette families spend on wine, beer or liquor or any other purchase from now through the end of May, Macgruders will donate $20 to the Lafayette Auction.  They are also offering all Lafayette Families a 15% case discount on non-sale still wines (750ml) and 10% case discount on 12 bottles of non-sale champagne and other sparkling wines. All you need to do is tell the cashiers you are from Lafayette before they ring you up. It's such an easy way to support the Auction and get some nice deals on your favorite wines.  Plus Bill and George and the whole Magruders team is ready and willing to help you find good selections that match your budget and your taste preferences.  Thanks for supporting them and for supporting the Lafayette Auction!


Have an itch to boogie that you can't scratch? Long for the days of platform shoes, sequins and leisure suits? Know the way to Funky Town? Have a yen to leave the cake out in the rain?  There is only one place where you can ring your bell and treat your Saturday Night Fever, the 2016 Lafayette Boogie Wonderland Auction, happening Saturday March 12 from 7 to 11 PM in the Wilson High School Atrium. For the low low price of just $65 a person, you can enjoy free drinks, appetizers, dinner and dessert plus the sweet disco sounds of the 1970s and 1980s. But hurry and get your ticket today because the price goes up at the door. Just click here for a magical night and the opportunity to show the Lafayette Community all your best moves.

Never been to an auction? Do not despair. Look out for the Lafayette First Timers Auction guide coming home in your child's backpack this week and learn the ABCS and 123s of Lafayette Auction going. Looking forward to seeing you soon out on the dance floor.
Caught the Word Bug During the Spelling Bee?
Calling all 4th and 5th graders who love to SCRABBLE. Take part in the Deal Scrabble Tournament, Saturday March 12 in the Deal Cafeteria, organized by Deal Scrabble Coordinator and renowned author of "Word Freak", Stefan Fastis. There's a $10 per child entry fee to cover prizes (pay at the door). You don't have to be in the Scrabble Club to enter. The kids will play two games, break for a pizza lunch, and then play two more games. The kids will play four games in teams of two grouped into divisions based on ability and experience. All of our Lafayette kids will be in the newbie division, playing against other first-time tournament goers. 
Deal parents supply lunch, snacks and drinks. Registration starts at 9 a.m. and they'll finish around 3 p.m. Parents are welcome to stick around if they wish.

If your child is interested, please email their name to Ms Yedwab, or Ms Echave by Thursday, March 3 so we can pass the names along to the coordinator for planning purposes.
The latest Peace of Mind newsletter is here

This issue features This Week In Peace, Pic of the Week, Grades 1-5 News, PK-K News, and Ask Your Child.

February is the Funnest Month  
Just ask the Lafayette Fun Committee

The temperatures may be dropping this month but the fun at Lafayette is rising thanks to the Lafayette Fun Committee, a special committee of parents from every grade created for our Renovation year by the Lafayette HSA. The Fun Committee meets each month to brainstorm fun events for students, teachers, and our larger Lafayette community throughout the year. Some events items sponsored by the Fun Committee include umbrellas for teachers and staff to use during pick up and drop-off, the Marquis de Lafayette Ice Cream Party in the beginning of year, the blue and gold ribbons on our front fence and the pumpkins and plants delivered to our neighbors who surround the school and the trailers.

In February, Committee Members supported to two events for teachers and for students and our awesome construction team, who was so helpful to all of us during the blizzard. Fun Committee members delivered small votive candles last week in blue glass holders to all the teachers and staff's mailboxes with a note that said "Thanks for Lighting Up our Children's Minds" and this week Committee members held a valentines candy and valentines day drive for the crews working on the school. Kids dropped off valentines and extra candy this week in bins placed around the school and two of our great parents joined Dr Broquard on Friday February 12 to deliver the goodies to the teams of hardworking men and women building our new school. Thank you to everyone who brought in treats and made cards and notes.

There are still several months left in school and there is a lot of FUN still to be had. If you have an idea you want o share or want to come to our next meeting, please contact Jenny Backus.  And thanks to the HSA, Dr B and our great staff and all of you for supporting FUN at LAFAYETTE.

Use the Directory App and Earn Prizes

AtoZDirectories is running a contest to see which school uses their directory app the most between February 10th and March 15th.  We are competing with over 100 schools across DC, Montgomery County and Northern VIrginia.  The school that uses the app the most wins a $500 prize.   Five parents will also be chosen to win $50 Bed Bath and Beyond Gift Cards.  If you aren't already using the directory app, visit the Lafayette HSA website for instructions to load it onto your mobile device.    

Jump Rope for Heart News 
Jump Rope for Heart
Jump rope for Heart is right around the corner.  All students in grades first through fifth will be jumping during their Physical Education classes during the week of February 22nd.  PK and K will have a modified schedule and participate the following days. Pre-K will have their event from 11:30-12:30 on February 24th and Kindergarten will jump on the 25th at the same time. All events will take place in the Big Top.

For families that are raising funds for the American Heart Association this is the week to begin turning in donations.  We will collect donations from February 16th through February 26th. Donations should be turned into their PE teacher on their PE day.  When turning in please place all items in an envelope with child's name, class, amount of money raised and t-shirt size if reached that $50 prize level. Please do not send cash.  Make all checks out to the "American Heart Association".  Anyone who is raising funds on-line I receive a report with each child and their on-line donations.  But to be safe, you should turn in child's donation report.  I have had an instant when registration wasn't done correctly and I had no record of child raising money.

For those children that have earned the first three "puppies", they may be collected during PE class up until February 26th.  After that they will be distributed when the other "puppies" and thank you gifts arrive. About 5 weeks after our event.

Thank you to all the families that have registered on-line and have been collecting donations. We have already raised $9000.00 on-line. We are well on our way to our $20,000.00 goal. Using this method saves us time and is more efficient.  If you are collecting other ways a big thank you as well.  All of you are an important part of our community service project for the American Heart Association. 

They use our funds for research, education and community involvement in combating heart disease.  Our goal is to give our children the skills and knowledge to lead healthy, active lives through good nutrition choices and getting 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity most days of the week.

Important Dates to Remember:
February 16th - Continue turning in permission slips. Receive "puppy" sticker and put in the "Bark Park"
February 16th - Continue bringing in coupons to collect puppies
February 16th - Start bringing donations in
February 22nd week - We are Jumping!
February 26th - Last day to receive first 3 "puppies"  (If earned will receive with other Thank you gifts)
February 26th - Last day to turn in pledges
Please contact Ms. McClure, Ms. Howes or Ms. Perll if you have any questions.

Thank you for your continued support of this community service project.
Ms. McClure
Physical Education Teacher


Register Now for Girls On The Run!

Registration is now open for the Spring 2016 Girls on the Run Season! Over a period of 10 weeks, girls in the 3rd through 5th grade participate in an after-school program like no other. The program is designed to allow every girl to recognize her inner strength--It's not just about the running! To learn more about the program, check out the Girls On The Run website.
Online registration can be found HERE and spots fill quickly so register soon! Coach Hallock, Coach deJonckheere and Coach Cacibauda will be leading the team again this year. Practices will be held afterschool on Tuesdays and Thursdays starting the week of February 29th. Please contact Site Liaison Sarah Boone if you have questions.

The Children's Art Studio will offer Workshops on the days DC Public Schools are closed. Next date is Monday February 22. 
A rich variety of the best materials are used to create thoughtful, beautiful, modern projects.  Workshops are for children five years old and up.  We will meet from 9-2. The cost for each day is $95.  Workshops will be held at Capital Memorial Church on Chesapeake Street in Forest Hills/ Van Ness.  Please email with questions and to enroll:

Did you know our friends at the Avalon Movie Theatre right here in Chevy Chase on Connecticut Avenue are holding a special Family Weekend Matinee program on Saturday mornings at 10:00 am from now through March 5. Check out their website for the complete schedule. They are offering everything from family movies to concerts, even live puppet shows.  Coming up over the next three weekends is a concert on Saturday February 20 at 10:00 AM with local family favorite band the RTTs; the Blue Sky Puppet Theatre performs on February 27 and a concert by the rocking Rainbow Rock Band on March 5. What a great way to enjoy the weekend with family and friends and support a community non-profit arts and cultural center right here in our own backyard.  

Are you always telling your kids to put down that XBox controller and go play? Second Wind CrossFit Kids to the rescue.
CrossFit Kids is a kid-centric movement program that teaches kids to move correctly, enjoy exercise, and build healthy habits. Limited to only 12 kids (ages 8-13), with a 6:1 kid:teacher ratio, your kids will learn proper movement patterns and do high energy workouts that feel like games. It's all about having fun. Our winter session starts Thursday, February 18th.  8 weekly classes at $145 for the session.  A spring session will begin after Spring Break.  Read more and sign up here. Or contact us if you have questions.
Steve and Michelle Dolge
Second Wind CrossFit

Calling all Lafayette Hoopsters. Check out this awesome event Ms Kuhn's son Abe is doing at Whitman High School in Bethesda.  
WhenSunday, February 28th from 1-4 at the Basketballin' for Celiac Disease Fresh Cut Fundraiser for Children's National Health System 
Where:  Walt Whitman High School, 7100 Whittier Boulevard, Bethesda, MD - Room C124
On Sunday, February 28th come get a fresh haircut courtesy of Landell's Barbershop of Potomac, MD.  All proceeds from purchasing your "fresh cut" will benefit the Celiac Disease Program at the Children's National Health System in Washington, DC.
Please pre-register...If you donate and pre-register for the haircut, there is a minimum donation of $20.  Walk-ins are $25 on the day of the event. All proceeds benefit the Celiac Disease Program at Children's National Health System. 
To donate ahead of time, go here and then reserve your spot here.  
See you on February 28th and thanks for your support!
Any questions, please contact  
Thank You Lafayette Sponsors!
We would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to our very generous Annual Sponsors for 2015-2016, your continued support is amazing!  
Submissions for next week's issue should be emailed to Submissions are due by 3:15 p.m. on Friday. Submissions received after this time will be included in the following issue, unless instructed otherwise. Please keep submissions brief. Longer articles may be truncated at the editor's discretion, with a link to the full text.