Lafayette Elementary School
Tuesday Bulletin
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Nov.10, 2015          Katya Svirina, Editor
Mark Your Calendar
Nov. 11 (Wed)
Veteran's Day
No School
Nov. 11 (Wed)
Lafayette Loyalty Day
Nov. 13 (Fri)
Make-up Picture Day 
Nov. 13 (Fri)
Drama Club Play 

Message from our Principal     

Dear Lafayette Families -
As the weather begins to cool, we find ourselves heading straight into winter and the holiday season. The season of thankfulness, giving, and giving back is here. As a school community, we will be celebrating in many different ways. In the spirit of gratitude - thank you to Linda Ryden and Jillian Diesner for their work with the Peace of Mind program. Linda and Jillian gave a great presentation at our HSA general meeting last week and were available to answer questions about how we work with all of our students in teaching peace, mindfulness, gratitude and kindness. Thank you to all who were able to attend. If you missed their presentation, take a moment to check out the Peace of Mind website,   

Lafayette Gives Back, our new community service program sponsored by the HSA, will be hosting an event on November 22nd, from 1 - 3 pm in the Big Top. Please bring your children and help us pack "Comfort Cases" to share with kids who are in the foster care system. This is a great opportunity to teach our children first hand about how to get involved and give to those who are in need. Please also consider donating items to pack into the Comfort Cases. See the website or an email from your Room Parent for more information.
Also in the spirit of giving...we need you to give 25 minutes of your time in the mornings for drop off line! Did you know that every day the drop off line serves between 80 - 100 cars? As the weather gets colder, I anticipate this number will increase. Thanks to Jen Lanoff, Eileen Dumbo, Ms. Carr, the 5th grade safety patrol and the daily parent volunteers. They keep the line running smoothly and kids dropped off on time. However, this line is completely dependent on volunteers. Without you, there would be no drop off line. Please look for the month assigned to your grade level to sign up for a spot. Volunteers are asked to help open doors from 8:20 - 8:45 am.
My final suggestion for giving for today - DCPS would like you to give them your feedback about the length of the instructional day and school year. Click  here to take a survey & make your voice heard.
Don't forget that we will celebrate Veteran's Day on Wednesday, 11/11 - no school for students or staff. Please also help us celebrate our Drama club with their first play production of the year on Friday, 11/13 at 7 pm in the Big Top. Other thanks goes to the 5th Grade team and all staff involved in the 5th grade overnight trip to Calleva. It was an amazing trip by all accounts. And finally, we will be "giving" out report cards on Friday, 11/13. Look for them to come home in your student's backpack.
Have a great week,
Carrie Broquard, Ed. D.
Lafayette Elementary School
Wednesday is Lafayette Loyalty Day    
Take advantage of these two great deals from two great Lafayette Sponsors to Help Make this rare Midweek Holiday More Fun and Manageable

Get a head start on your holiday shopping with a special after hours sale at Child's Play from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM.  They are opening up after hours on Wednesday 11/11 just for friends of Lafayette.  Come on by and demo the hottest toys and games for this holiday season, enjoy wine and desserts and see what happens in a toy store after dark. Lafayette will receive 20% of all sales, with some exceptions that can be found on the website.   
And it's also a great way to pick items for the Lafayette Gives Back Comfort Cases that classes are collecting for this week. We will have bins in the store where you can drop off your donations directly. Click here to see what your child's class is collecting, and bring your family to the packing party on Sunday, Nov. 22nd from 1-3pm in the Big Top. We will be filling the bags we've collected. Click  here to sign up. Questions? Email Katie Burke or Kitson Jazynka. 
Don't waste your rare midweek holiday cooking. Order a delicious chef prepared dinner from Galley for dinner on Wednesday November 11.  It's really easy and Galley will give 20% of all #LAFAYETTE orders made Wednesday, November 11th back to the HSA for Lafayette Loyalty Day! Have other plans for dinner on Wednesday? Order dinner for another day later in the week. Galley is extending the 20% back offer to any orders placed on 11/11 for later in the week. Visit their website or download the iPhone app here. The full menu for the 11th can be found here. Type in #LAFAYETTE anywhere in the delivery instructions section during checkout to ensure a donation to our school.
Lafayette Gives Back: Comfort Cases Collection Drive!!
We need your help to make our packing party a success on November 22nd! Comfort Cases provides nice bags full of comforting necessities to children in foster care. You and your kids can get involved in this great charitable event by donating the needed items, and then coming to the packing party at Lafayette. There are bins located in each of the large trailers, and in Ms. Perll's classroom (for pre-K and K donations) where your children can drop off their contributions through Friday, November 20th. Please consider donating:
  • All Grades: Large backpacks, duffel bags or small suitcases in excellent condition
  • Pre-K & K: Blankets, small stuffed animals, toothbrushes, toothpaste, new hairbrushes/combs
  • 1st Grade + Nickel, Cobb, King (Pod F): New coloring books & crayons, new lotions & soaps, new pajamas (size 10+)
  • 3rd Grade + Otunba, Breslin, Coor, Fratto (Pod G): Pens & pencils, journals, deodorant, new athletic shorts (size 10+)
  • 5th Grade + DeMaria, Culver, Catapano (Pod H): New sweatpants (size 10+), new t-shirts (size 10+)
Thank you for your help, and please sign up here if you can join us at the packing party! Visit the Lafayette Gives Back web page for more information about this project.
Winners of the Lafayette Fall Festival Tennis Raffle
  • Hannah Brinkman - 1 can of Penn Extra Duty Championship Tennis Balls
  • Gabriela Goldberg - 25 inch tennis racquet
  • Eli Schwartz - 23 inch tennis racquet
  • Peter Hoover - 25 inch tennis racquet
  • Will Conner - 30 Minute Tennis Lesson with Paul Rosenbaum
  • Elijah Lett - Tennis Racquet Regripping by Paul Rosenbaum
  • Sam Koch - 30 Minute Private Tennis Lesson with Ethan Barnes
  • Avi Weiss - 30 Minute Private Tennis Lesson with Sydney Butler
  • Eddie Hoover - 30 Minute Private Tennis Lesson with David Ekanem
  • Riley Gayle - 30 Minute Private Tennis Lesson with Paul Rosenbaum
  • Zander Sargent - 1 Can of Penn Extra Duty Championship Tennis Balls
  • Sam Ginsberg - Tennis Racquet Regripping by Paul Rosenbaum
Congratulations to all the winners!
lost and found2 Lost & Found Clean Up: Mark Your Calendars! 
All of the items in Lost & Found will be placed outside the Admin Trailer on Friday - November, 20th for the entire day.  Swing by and double check the large assortment of coats, jackets, water bottles, lunch boxes, etc. for any missing items.

All items left at then end of the day on Friday, November 20th will be donated to a local charity.

Coming Soon: Lafayette Book Fair

Our book fair is coming up. The dates are Monday, November 30th through Thursday December 3rd. Only 4 days this year.

I just want the dates in people's minds, I don't have a schedule yet. I would like to start recruiting volunteers. The set up is going to be just before schools lets out for Thanksgiving. When we return on Monday, the book fair begins.

- Judith Mcintosh
Winter Indoor Soccer

First Touch Soccer, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization based in Washington DC, will conduct 12 winter indoor soccer sessions for boys and girls at the St. Albans School starting December 6 and concluding on March 13. 

The one hour and twenty minute sessions are designed for all skill levels and abilities. Groups range in age from 6/7 to 14/15. The program is designed to improve dribbling, passing, receiving, first touch, ball control and shooting. The sessions are divided into approximately 40 minutes of technical training followed by 40 minutes of small-side scrimmages/games. 

For registration and further information about the program visit or contact

Thank You Lafayette Sponsors!
We would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to our very generous Annual Sponsors for 2015-2016, your continued support is amazing! 

Submissions for next week's issue should be emailed to Submissions are due by 3:15 p.m. on Friday. Submissions received after this time will be included in the following issue, unless instructed otherwise. Please keep submissions brief. Longer articles may be truncated at the editor's discretion, with a link to the full text.