Lafayette Elementary School
Tuesday Bulletin
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Oct. 20, 2015          Sheryl-Ann Gayle, Editor
Mark Your Calendar

Oct 23 (Fri)
Coffee Talk with Dr. B. 8:50-9:50 am

Oct 24 (Sat)
Fall Festival 3-7pm

Oct 26 (Mon)
Picture Day (rescheduled)

Oct 30 (Fri)
Halloween Parade and Parties 9:30 - 12:15 pm

Early Dismissal 12:15 pm 


Message from the HSA

Hello Lafayette Families -

Happy October - the month continues to be a busy one with many fun events, double check your calendars to make sure you have these dates. 

Friday, October 23rd - Coffee Talk with Dr. B - 8:50am - 9:50am, stop by and hear the latest and greatest from our school leader. 

Saturday, October 24th - Annual Fall Festival 3-5pm on the grounds of Lafayette - break out your Halloween costume and you may get a prize!  Enjoy lots of games, pumpkin decorating, face painting & moon bounces.  Fresh pumpkins, apples & cider will be available for purchase.  We will wrap up the afternoon with a showing of The Boxtrolls movie at 5:30 pm in the Big Top tent.  Buy your pass here.  

Monday, October 26th - Picture Day - we are looking for lots of smiles and fancy clothes and footwear this day - look your best.  

Friday, October 30th - Halloween Parade and class parties (kids wear costumes to school) - half day of school, departure time of 12:15pm.  Next, head over to The Washington Home for Trick or Treating at 1:30pm.  This is an HSA sponsored event through our Lafayette Gives Back program.

Thursday, November 5th - Reminder, please join us for the HSA General Meeting, we want to see you there and hear from you!  Pizza dinner begins at 6:30pm as well as free babysitting .  Our meeting will begin promptly at 7pm and will include a Peace of Mind program update from Linda Ryden and Jillian Diesner. 

We would like to remind everyone of our Volunteer 3 campaign - we challenge each Lafayette family to volunteer 3 times this school year.  We still need help with our upcoming Fall Festival, we have slots available in many of the grades, take a look here and see how you can help.   Many thanks in advance!  

That's all for now, as always - thank you for supporting Lafayette and the HSA!

Have a great week,
Janine & Shannon


Pumpkins, Fun, and Boxtrolls, Oh My!

The trailers aren't the only thing taking over Lafayette! Come join the Boxtrolls and have some fun!  It's Fall Festival Time!   Now more than ever,  let's show our school spirit and support Lafayette and enjoy the Fall Season with our community.  Visit the website to buy your wristbands and food tickets.....New this year.....a Family Pizza Deal.  And of course the Fall Festival  would not be successful without the help from all of our volunteers, so sign up for your class designated slot, become a Lead Volunteer, help with setup,  or bake some yummy treats!

Grizzly Gear Order Forms Are Here 

hoodie jacket
It's time to order your Fall Grizzly Gear. Look for your order form this week in your child's backpack, Order your new Lafayette tie-dyed t-shirts, car magnets, and our new Lafayette golf and regular umbrellas. Plus we've got some great stuff for the colder weather including athletic wear sweatshirts for the adults, fleeces for the family, and pajama pants. You can return your order form in the envelope attached in your child's backpack, in the box in the main office, or at our table at Saturday's Fall Festival.  Come check out the sample sizes and place your order. We will also be selling umbrellas, car magnets and excess stock from last year at our Fall Festival table too.  All proceeds go to the school and it's a great way to show your Lafayette Spirit. Go Grizzly Gear!

Lafayette Gives Back

After the Halloween fun at school, join Lafayette Gives Back 
for trick-or-treating at the Washington Home on Friday, October 30th at 1:30pm. Students are invited to wear their costumes and trick-or-treat with the elderly residents, who enjoy seeing the kids decked out in their holiday disguises! The children will trick-or-treat and interact with the residents for about an hour. Siblings are welcome to participate in this event as well, but please register all children through the  For questions, contact Janine Finck-Boyle.

Peace of Mind
 You've read about it in the Washington Post and the Huffington Post, but you may still be wondering "What exactly is Peace of Mind?"  Come hear a short presentation and participate in a Q&A with Peace Teacher Linda Ryden and School Counselor Jillian Diesner about Lafayette's unique mindfulness and social emotional learning program.  Immediately following the HSA general meeting on Thursday November 5. 

Picture Day is MONDAY! (October 26)

camera.jpg All students will be photographed by Bethesda photographer Freed Photography. Both class and individual photos will be taken - no order forms - no pre-paying.

Freed Photography operates a little differently than traditional school photographers. Students will be photographed outside using sunlight and the backdrop will be various spots around the park. You do not pay for photos before you see them. A few weeks after picture day, you will have the opportunity to view your child's proofs online and you may order as many or as few photos as you like at that time. The photographers use many different tactics to get your child to smile his/her most natural smile, so you may see some full-body or waist-up shots of your child - these can be cropped (per your request) to show just the traditional head and shoulders pose. For a sneak peek of what to expect, please go to their website to see their portfolio.

Picture Day Clothing Suggestions: solid colors and simple patterns photograph best; collared shirts or polos for boys look great; avoid sweatshirts/sweatpants and t-shirts with large logos or letters.

Please feel free to contact Gayle Moseley with any questions you may have.

It's Cold Outside - Coat Drive Still  
Going Through
October 31 

Thank you to everyone who has contributed coats so far in the Lafayette Annual Coat Drive. We are delivering our first shipment of 100 plus coats this week to schools and 
students in need of warm clothing but we would still love to reach our goal of 300 coats donated. We will be accepting new or gently used/freshly laundered coats in the bins at school, at the Fall Festival at 5841 Nebraska Ave in the bin on the porch through the end of October. We definitely need some larger sizes so would be happy to take adult sized coats. Thanks again for your support of this great annual tradition.

Thank You Lafayette Sponsors!
We would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to our very generous Annual Sponsors for 2015-2016, your continued support is amazing! 

Submissions for next week's issue should be emailed to Submissions are due by 3:15 p.m. on Friday. Submissions received after this time will be included in the following issue, unless instructed otherwise. Please keep submissions brief. Longer articles may be truncated at the editor's discretion, with a link to the full text.