Lafayette Elementary School
Tuesday Bulletin
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Sept. 22, 2015          Sophie Hanrahan, Editor
Mark Your Calendar

Sept 24 (Thurs):
7:30 pm
New Parent Social

Sept 28 (Mon):
-Potomac Pizza Night
-LEP Fall Session Begins
-Spirit Week Begins
Oct 1 (Thu): 7:00 pm
HSA General Meeting
Oct 2 (Fri):
-Picture Day
-Homecoming Dance and Coat Drive (7-11pm)

Oct 7 (Wed)
-Walk to School Day

From the HSA
Hello Lafayette Families:
Wow! Another great week at Lafayette! We are excited to see the leaves changing and the signs of Fall...which also means several great upcoming events that you don't want to miss!

This week the HSA will host the New Parent Social at Jake's (Boiler Room) starting at 7pm on Thursday, September 24th. We will share good information for new parents of Lafayette and provide a great opportunity to ask questions. HSA Board members will be present and we welcome seasoned Lafayette parents to join as well. Look forward to seeing you on Thursday.

September is a month of giving at Lafayette. Our Membership/Donation drive, September to Remember, is in full swing - we ask you to consider a donation towards the HSA. Our goal is to have 100% participation this year; donations of all levels are welcome and truly make a difference! Thank you in advance.

Spirit Week begins on Monday, September 28th and ends on Friday, October 2nd, check out the details on our website. Our First Annual Homecoming Dance is scheduled for Friday, October 2nd. This is a community event where we celebrate our Lafayette Alumni and our amazing school - a night you don't want to miss - Go Blue & Yellow! 

In the spirit of giving, this event is also part of our Annual Coat Drive where we donate much needed winter coats to fellow DCPS Schools in need. We have set a goal of 300 new or gently used coats that we would like to collect - please join us! (
As always, we send out a HUGE thank you to all parents for your support - volunteering your time and your generous financial support of Lafayette makes us a stronger community as we work together. 
Have a great week!
Janine Finck Boyle & Shannon Behm
HSA Co-Presidents

Lafayette Homecoming Dance and Coat Drive

party dancers
Friday, October 2
7:00 pm-11:00 pm
Lafayette Big Top

Don't miss the party of the fall! All parents and alumni are welcome so spread the word and get out your blue and yellow!

There will be a DJ, dancing, District Taco, drinks and, hopefully, all of you!

We will also be collecting new or gently worn(laundered) winter coats for DCPS students in need. Our goal is to collect 300 coats so we need your help!!

Have fun and be charitable at the same time...A winning combination!
$30 per person
**age 21 and up
New Parent Social In 2 Days!

New Parent Social will be held this Thursday, September 24 at 7:30 pm.   Come to Jake's American Grille (downstairs in the Boiler Room).  Address is 5018 Connecticut Avenue NW.   This night is for both new Lafayette parents and returning parents and is a wonderful opportunity to socialize and meet new parents and enjoy happy hour prices on appetizers and drinks while supporting Lafayette (10% of proceeds go to the HSA).  

Come join us!!  Any questions, please email Eve Bennet, Early Childhood HSA Representative, at

Down the Home Stretch

 Dear Lafayette Families,
We are in the final stretch of our September to Remember donation campaign. Many thanks to everyone who has already donated. Thanks to you, we've raised $94K, putting us at 67% of our ultimate goal of $140K.

We have a little over a week to raise the remaining $46K, and with your help we can make it happen! Meeting our fundraising goal is critical to funding the many programs and extras our children enjoy during the school year. While our suggested donation levels are $1K at the "Golden L" level, and $500 at the "HSA Family" level, we welcome donations in any amount and would like to have 100% participation for the 2015-16 school year.

The easiest way to learn more about the suggested donation levels, and to make your donation today, is to click here: Note that you can also pay your child(ren)'s class activity fee by accessing this link. If you prefer to write a check, you can complete this form and drop it off in the blue box located in the Administrative Trailer.

If you have any questions or need assistance with making your donation, please contact Tonya Oliver at

Thank you again for supporting the Lafayette HSA!
Laurie McLaughlin
From the Art Room: Grades 1-5,

Lafayette was magically dotilicious last week! If you got a chance to view the campus you may have noticed dot art mobiles blowing in the wind and dot art on the poles. You might have noticed sidewalk chalk dots and words of courage and creativity on the hill walkways. You may have seen students and teachers sporting dots of all sizes in support of international dot day and having the courage to "Make Your Mark!"

A huge thank you to the parent volunteers who helped hang the art! Thank you to the teachers who celebrated Dot Day in their classrooms with meaningful conversations and dot shaped projects. Thank you to author Peter Reynolds for writing "The Dot" and "Ish" and inspiring teachers and students all over the world. Photos from Dot Day are posted on the art room blog at

Up next? Hispanic Heritage Month September 15-October 15. Latino artists and Folk art from Central and South America will be our focus sometime during the month beginning with Molas from Panama in Grade 2 and Storytelling Arpilleras from Chile and Peru in Grade 3.

- Laurie McLaughlin
Warm up Those Sneakers!kids walking school
The annual International Walk to School Day event is coming up on
October 7th, and we want it to be bigger and better than ever here at Lafayette! We'll have prizes for participants, walking school buses and a lot of healthy, green fun! We need a little bit of help from parents to make this morning a success. Please click here if you can offer a short amount of your time to help out with the event. Thank you!

For questions, please contact Katie Burke at
Linda Ryden
How Was Your Day Today?  

Have you ever asked your child this question and been met with crickets?  Of course you have.  It can be really hard to get kids to open up about what happened at school (and just wait until they become teenagers!)  Here's a helpful approach to asking those questions and actually getting some answers.  

Linda Ryden, Peace of Mind
From the Library: Author Liz Pichon is coming to Lafayette!Judith Perlin

The British author and illustrator of the Tom Gates books is coming to Lafayette on September 29 for 3rd, 4th and 5th graders. Her wildly popular illustrated books feature Tom Gates, a doodling fourth grader with a tendency to get in trouble. He's often called Great Britain's answer to The Wimpy Kid.

-Judith Perlin, Librarian 
Community Community Notices

Babysitter available, weekends and holidays:  Experienced, reliable and fun Wilson 9th-grader (Lafayette graduate) is available to babysit on weekends and holidays, including DCPS closure dates.   Great with kids of all ages, including very young ones.   Red Cross certified.   Also available for organizing jobs, i.e. organizing kids toys, clothes and books etc.  Please call Ellida Parker at 202-604-2121 or send a note to

Cub Scout Pack 52 is accepting new members this month. Any boy in 1st through 5th grades can join Cub Scout Pack 52. Scouting is fun with a purpose - to raise boys who respect themselves and others and build strong character.  There is a strong showing of Lafayette students involved at all levels. Pack 52 is made up of families in NW Washington, Chevy Chase and Bethesda who want to be active in their community, enjoy the outdoors, and learn to serve the community. We're looking for boys who want to have fun learning new skills, make new friends, have adventures, and explore the outdoors. To find out more about Cub Scouts, interested parents and boys can come to JOIN SCOUT NIGHT at All Saints Episcopal Church on Tuesday, September 15 at 7 PM.  If you have any questions, please email Steve Bosak.

Thank You Lafayette Sponsors!
We would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to our very generous Annual Sponsors for 2015-2016, your continued support is amazing! 

Submissions for next week's issue should be emailed to Submissions are due by 3:15 p.m. on Friday. Submissions received after this time will be included in the following issue, unless instructed otherwise. Please keep submissions brief. Longer articles may be truncated at the editor's discretion, with a link to the full text.