Lafayette Elementary School
Tuesday Bulletin
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Sept. 1, 2015               Miriam Van Dyck, Editor
Mark Your Calendar

Sept 2 (Wed)6 pm Back to School Night, Pre K, 1st, 3rd and 5th

Sept 3 (Thurs):6pm 
Back to School Night, K, 2nd, 4th

Sept 4 (Fri)
Happy Birthday Lafayette Ice Cream Social

Sept 7 (Mon)
No School (Labor Day)

From the Principal

Dear Lafayette Families -
What an amazing opening week! We find ourselves at the start of Week 2 and it feels as if we've always been here! Classrooms are looking fantastic, students are navigating the walkways like experts, and we are already deep into our learning. Thank you all for your patience, flexibility, and positivity as we worked as a community to make this year such an incredible opening.
The morning lineup is looking great! A quick note on the drop off lane - please stop before Gate 2 (there will be a sign there soon!) to drop off your passenger(s). There will be student helpers available to help Kindergarten and PreK students arrive safely to their line up areas. Also, please do not drop students off at the "bottom" of the drop off lane, where Oliver and 33rd meet. This is an extremely dangerous area due to the crosswalks. Please do not drop off or pick up students here for any reason.
If it rains, (which it won't...), please note that you will drop your student off at the following gates. Staff will meet students and be sure they are escorted into their classrooms (PreK and KDG) or into the hallways of their pods (1st - 5th).
Line Up Area 1 -KDG will use the Main Gate, 1st Grade will use Gate 5
Line Up Area 2 - Use the Main Gate or Gate 2 to enter campus and get onto the walkways. Parents should say goodbye at the gates. Students should then proceed to their pods.
Line Up Area 3 - Students will enter using Gate 3 and proceed to their classrooms or pods. The place to say goodbye will be at the gates.
Spanish has begun at Lafayette! Starting this week, the Spanish teachers are pushing into the classrooms and teaching all of our students about the Spanish language, customs, and culture. PreK and KDG students are receiving two, 30 minute classes of Spanish each week. Our 1st - 5th grade students are receiving one, 45 minute lesson each week. While we know that our students won't be "fluent", we are certainly excited about the exposure to a new language and culture. Students are also enjoying all our other special subjects, including, Art, Music, PE, Peace, Library, Technology, and ST Math lab. There's never a dull moment in our classrooms!
One other new addition to our building this year...SAMM! Perhaps your student has come home speaking of SAMM or SAMM tickets. SAMM stands for Speak, Act, and Move Mindfully. This is our school wide, positive behavior support program. Attached is a "one pager" that better defines our SAMM approach. In a nutshell, this is a way for all staff members to positively enforce consistent behavioral expectations across the campus. We have had our kick off assemblies and students have been doing a great job in Speaking, Acting, and Moving Mindfully in their classrooms, in the cafeteria, in specials, and on the walkways.
Don't forget, Back to School night is this week! September 2nd (PreK, 1, 3, 5) and September 3rd (KDG, 2, 4). It will be a terrific evening to highlight all the great learning that is occurring in our classrooms!
Have a great week,
Dr. B
Carrie Broquard, Principal
Back to School Night
school house
Don't forget to attend Back to School Night, September 2 and 3. Check here for details.
Join the HSA!

We need your support - click
We Need You
here to donate or you can drop your check in the Administrative Office in the Blue Box by the
HSA mailboxes.
Looking for a Great Way to Help the School?

Consider leading one of our signature events or volunteering on an events committee.
Each year the HSA puts on several exciting events to help foster community and school spirit, provide our students and parents with fun ways to engage with the school after-hours and to help raise awareness and funds. From our great seasonal events like the Fall Festival and Spring Fair to the Annual Lafayette Auction Party to new events this year like our first ever Homecoming Dance for parents, alumni and neighbors, working on these signature experiences are a great way to make new friends and do something special for the school.  
We are looking for parent volunteers to serve as our Fall Festival and Auction Chairs, and volunteers to serve on the Fall Festival, Homecoming, Auction, and Spring Fair Committees. We promise lots of support from the HSA Board and lots of assistance in securing event support, volunteers and promotion. While our most pressing need is finding Fall Festival and Auction Chairs, we very much welcome anyone who is interested to be a part of the fun, regardless of how much time you have to give. 
If you are interested, please contact Jenny Backus at, Chris Lisi at, or Eileen Dombo, our awesome HSA Volunteer coordinator at  We really hope you can join our team. New parents especially welcome!
Submit or Verify Your Info for the Directory!
It's time to submit your info for the Lafayette Directory. Both new and returning families need to add or verify their information in the database, so that we can get this valuable resource out to you as soon as possible. Remember, all information in the database is secure and is not shared with outside parties for any purpose. Directory
New families: Either send an email to Laura Comay with your contact information (parents' names, address, preferred phone numbers and emails for each parent as desired); or go here and choose "Join as a New Family."
Returning families: We need you to verify your directory information, even if nothing has changed. Go here and follow the instructions on the home screen. If you've forgotten your username or password, choose "Can't Login."
Calling All Babysitters!

We're compiling listings of neighborhood babysitters for the Lafayette Directory. This is intended for neighborhood students--usually Lafayette alums or siblings--who will be available for weekend, evening, and other casual babysitting. The listings are free, but please only submit a listing if you expect to 
be reasonably available, and limit the entry to a few sentences at most. Include your name, age, phone number and/or email address, as well as any restrictions (such as what days you are available 
or what age group you want to babysit). Please email submissions or questions to Holly Idelson,

Be a Sponsor of Lafayette
Are you a local or community business who cares strongly about our excellent local schools? Are you looking for a great tax break for your business that pays wonderful dividends right here in the community?  Consider becoming a Lafayette Elementary School Sponsor like these great local businesses who have already signed up as sponsors for the 2015-2016 School Year. We encourage all supporters of Lafayette to support them.

* Broad Branch Market
* Second Wind Crossfit
* Kimberly Cestari
* Barston'sChilds Play
* Potomac Pizza
* Jeanne Griffin Design
* Magruder's

Lafayette School Sponsors are promoted on all Lafayette platforms like our website, our weekly newsletter and at major HSA events. And this year we are adding a special new feature for our local and community sponsors- Lafayette Loyalty Day, on Wednesday November 11, when we will be urging 500 plus Lafayette families, teacher and staff in our school to come out support Lafayette friendly businesses.
You can find details here or at the sponsorship link on the Lafayette HSA Website or feel free to email Chris Lisi at

From the Library Judith Perlin
It's almost the end of the day on the last day of the week and I'm trying to start a blog. I know what my first topic will be, two views. From my grand little library trailer I have two views as I sit at my desk typing up class lists for next week. Looking out the front windows I can see the Lafayette Park playground. Around eight in the morning I see parents and children walking through the park to school, as the day progresses I see the younger children with their parent(s) or caregivers playing, folks walking their dogs and people just walking. Later Lafayette students are out for recess. What a view!
Now, just behind me I have another window, another view. I have a bird's eye view of the renovation of Lafayette. For the last two weeks I have watched the demolition of the school, the playgrounds and the field. It is unbelievable cool to watch and actually meditative too. It's like looking at a fish tank; the heavy equipment moves in a rhythmic way that is mesmerizing. If you get a chance, come check it out, especially if you have a camera.
It's is going to be a terrific year. Classes are already visiting the library. I want to keep this short and mention two things. Both are on checking out books. The library will be open before school from 8:15 to 8:35 and after school for everyone to check out or return books. This year because we are so much smaller, there is a one book per student limit. Also, a book should be returned before another is checked out. As a librarian this is hard for me personally and I dread (please help me) having to remind a little one that he or she has to return their book before they get another one. Once the class library schedule is set I'll get it out to everyone. Lastly, you and you student can read and check out our e books and here is how you check those out.
There is an active link on the school website for the library. Click on our collection then dcps.follettdestiny. You will then need to choose Lafayette from the list of elementary schools on the left. You child can log on to this site. Your child's username is his/her school id # and the password is mmddyy of birthday. Students should login, because they can checkout eBooks, use their Bookbag, take notes, keep lists, and view their checkouts. For e books, click on Follett shelf. Take a look, you can see our entire collection, enjoy. This will be a great year.
Thanks to everyone who bought books for the library at Politics and Prose last May, thanks to those who volunteered to help set up this library and thanks everyone for you kindness and generosity. I see it every day from you and your children. And thanks HSA for the Kincheloe (blooming flower) I received last week.
Judith Perlin, Librarian
Mindfulness at Lafayette
Former Lafayette parent Rebeca Plantier has written an article about mindfulness with a focus on Lafayette's own Peace of Mind program. It's a great article for those parents who are new to mindfulness and includes some great resources for you to use to learn more about mindfulness, practice with your children, or start your own practice. 
Community Community Notices

Tutor/Coach Available.  I'm a lifelong resident who tutors/coaches students at Lafayette, Janney, Murch, Mann, and Deal, and in competitive private schools. This fall, I'm pleased to offer two after-school slots for fourth, fifth, and sixth graders. I have an advanced degree in linguistics from Georgetown University and decades of teaching and tutoring/coaching experience, covering all subjects, as well as organizational strategies, study skills, and the ISEE/SSAT; also, I'm licensed and current on the Common Core and IB Middle Years Programme. My references attest to my expertise, and to students' confidence, performance in school, and scores on standardized tests. Email or call 202-316-2263.
Fall Art Classes. The Children's Art Studio will offer classes this Fall from September 15 - November 17. We will meet on Tuesdays for ten weeks. Classes will be held at Capital Memorial Church on Chesapeake Street in Forest Hills/Van Ness.
3:45 - 4:45 Introduction to Art Making for Lower Elementary School Children
5:15 - 6:15 Drawing and Painting for Upper Elementary School Children
The cost for the class is $325. This includes all materials. Please email with questions: and visit ur website,

Cub Scout Pack 52 is accepting new members this month. Any boy in 1st through 5th grades can join Cub Scout Pack 52. Scouting is fun with a purpose - to raise boys who respect themselves and others and build strong character.  There is a strong showing of Lafayette students involved at all levels. Pack 52 is made up of families in NW Washington, Chevy Chase and Bethesda who want to be active in their community, enjoy the outdoors, and learn to serve the community. We're looking for boys who want to have fun learning new skills, make new friends, have adventures, and explore the outdoors. To find out more about Cub Scouts, interested parents and boys can come to JOIN SCOUT NIGHT at All Saints Episcopal Church on Tuesday, September 15 at 7 PM.  If you have any questions, please email Steve Bosak at

Thank You Lafayette Sponsors!
We would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to our very generous Annual Sponsors for 2015-2016, your continued support is amazing! 

Submissions for next week's issue should be emailed to Submissions are due by 3:15 p.m. on Friday. Submissions received after this time will be included in the following issue, unless instructed otherwise. Please keep submissions brief. Longer articles may be truncated at the editor's discretion, with a link to the full text.