Lafayette Elementary School
Tuesday Bulletin
hsa logo
August 25, 2015        Teresa G. Gionis, Editor
Mark Your Calendar

Aug 31 (Mon)
Full day for all Pre K

Sept 2 (Wed)6 pm Back to School Night, Pre K, 1st, 3rd and 5th

Sept 3 (Thurs):6pm 
Back to School Night, K, 2nd, 4th

Sept 4 (Fri)
Happy Birthday Lafayette Ice Cream Social

Sept 7 (Mon)
No School (Labor Day)

From the HSA and the Principal

Welcome Lafayette families to the Tuesday Bulletin.
What a fantastic first day!  We arrived, we found our line up spot, we met our new teachers, we hugged the friends we missed all summer and we marched into our brand new trailer campus to start the beginning of the 2015 - 2016 school year. Thank you everyone for supporting Lafayette and following all the logistics in place to help make a smooth drop off and pick up.  It was a remarkable day.
As a few reminders, we have the daily line up and drop off/pick up plans and maps here.
We understand that there have been many communications in the past few weeks, but we hope that each one has shared important aspects of daily life at Lafayette. We will continue the direct electronic communication throughout the year and hope to hear feedback. Big shout out of thanks to Stacy Beck for working the electronic channels!
Lastly, we cannot wait to see everyone in person for the annual Back to School Nights - next week - yes, next week:  September 2nd and 3rd.  
Remember this is for parents only! More information and
an outline of the schedule will be coming home with your child by the end of the week. Plan for the start time at 6:00pm and the HSA will have food and drinks.
Thank you for all the support and cheers to a fabulous new school year,
Carrie Broquard, Principal
Shannon Behm and Janine Finck-Boyle, HSA Co Presidents

From the Editor 

For those of you new to Lafayette, the Tuesday Bulletin is the communications arm of the Lafayette Home and School Association. It's where you will find important information from HSA officers and teachers and staff on news, events, and fundraisers at Lafayette. It's also where to turn for information on after-school curricular activities and volunteer opportunities at the school and within the community.
The "Community Notices" section of each bulletin, akin to a classified-ad section, is where families can submit up to two ads per semester. The ads must have a clear Lafayette connection. We do not accept ads for most commercial businesses or real estate. For the convenience of families, we do post ads for camps, classes and after-school activities that take place at Lafayette and within the community. Please note that these programs are not run by Lafayette or the HSA.
To meet our deadlines, editors need all submissions e-mailed to by the previous Friday. Notices should include your name, phone number, e-mail address, as well as connection to Lafayette. 
Thank you to parent volunteer editors Miriam Van Dyck, Sheryl-Ann Gayle, Katya Svirina, Gayle Moseley, and Sophie Hanrahan for joining me in producing the Bulletin once again this year.  

-Teresa G. Gionis
Back to School Night
school house
Don't forget to attend Back to School Night, September 2 and 3. Check here for details.
Join the HSA!

We need your support - click
We Need You
here to donate or you can drop your check in the Administrative Office in the Blue Box by the
HSA mailboxes.
Carpool Line Help 

Please sign up to help with the carpool line.
This year our carpool line will be in front of the school on 33rd Street. We need as many people out in front helping as possible in order to make it run smoothly! It is a very easy job - you need to be at the school at 8:25 am and stay until 8:45 am. All you have to do is open doors and help kids out of their cars.
Rules for drop off and pick up were emailed by the school mid-August. If you have any questions, please contact Jen Lanoff 
Submit or Verify Your Info for the Directory!
It's time to submit your info for the Lafayette Directory. Both new and returning families need to add or verify their information in the database, so that we can get this valuable resource out to you as soon as possible. Remember, all information in the database is secure and is not shared with outside parties for any purpose. Directory
New families: Either send an email to Laura Comay with your contact information (parents' names, address, preferred phone numbers and emails for each parent as desired); or go here and choose "Join as a New Family."
Returning families: We need you to verify your directory information, even if nothing has changed. Go here and follow the instructions on the home screen. If you've forgotten your username or password, choose "Can't Login."
Calling All Babysitters!

We're compiling listings of neighborhood babysitters for the Lafayette Directory. This is intended for neighborhood students--usually Lafayette alums or siblings--who will be available for weekend, evening, and other casual babysitting. The listings are free, but please only submit a listing if you expect to 
be reasonably available, and limit the entry to a few sentences at most. Include your name, age, phone number and/or email address, as well as any restrictions (such as what days you are available 
or what age group you want to babysit). Please email submissions or questions to Holly Idelson,
Community Community Notices

Girls on the Run Announcement Registration for the running program Girls on the Run will begin in February, 2016, and the program will take place in the Spring. 

Lafayette Afterschool Tennis will be starting on Monday, August 31st and run for 10 weeks until November 6th. There will be 3:30 and 4:30 sessions on Monday through Friday for the kids ranging from 5 to 14 years old in beginning, advanced beginner and intermediate classes. There will be teen classes at 5:30 on Monday through Thursday.  Check for space availability and to get the registration form.  Call me with questions or to sign up at 202 441-0925 or email me at  These classes run for 10 weeks and cost $200.  Paul Rosenbaum, LafayetteTennis
Lafayette Adult Tennis - Starts on August 31st also!  Drop the kids off and come up to the tennis courts for a one hour lesson at 9:15 or 10:30 on Monday through Friday.  Or if you work all day, come to an evening 6:30 PM adult clinic. Clinics will be for beginner, advance beginner and intermediate players. Check for space availability. Fee is $240 for 12 sessions which go until November 20th.  Call me to find out where you fit into one of these clinics at 202 441-0925.  
Paul Rosenbaum, Lafayette Tennis

Race for Every Child 5K Please join us on Saturday, October 3, 2015 for the Race for Every Child 5K Run/Walk in support of Children's National Health System. This event is a great way for parents to engage your children in the community, celebrate children's health, and support the mission of Children's National, our nation's pediatric hospital. The Race for Every Child will be held at Freedom Plaza in Washington, DC from 8:30am to 12:00pm and includes an event route along Pennsylvania Avenue between the Capitol and The White House, "America's Main Street", and includes family friendly activities throughout the day.
It's easy to register, visit here to join our team!

Cub Scout Pack 52 is accepting new members this month. Any boy in 1st through 5th grades can join Cub Scout Pack 52. Scouting is fun with a purpose - to raise boys who respect themselves and others and build strong character.  There is a strong showing of Lafayette students involved at all levels. Pack 52 is made up of families in NW Washington, Chevy Chase and Bethesda who want to be active in their community, enjoy the outdoors, and learn to serve the community. We're looking for boys who want tohave fun learning new skills, make new friends, have adventures, and Explore the outdoors. To find out more about Cub Scouts, interested parents and boys can come to JOIN SCOUT NIGHT at All Saints Episcopal Church on Tuesday, September 15 at 7 PM.  If you have any questions, please email Steve Bosak at


Thank You Lafayette Sponsors!
We would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to our very generous Annual Sponsors for 2015-2016, your continued support is amazing! 

Submissions for next week's issue should be emailed to Submissions are due by 3:15 p.m. on Friday. Submissions received after this time will be included in the following issue, unless instructed otherwise. Please keep submissions brief. Longer articles may be truncated at the editor's discretion, with a link to the full text.