Tuesday Bulletin
Lafayette Elementary Home and School Association 
Gayle Moseley, Editor June 16, 2015
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Dear Lafayette Families -


It is nearly impossible to believe that we find ourselves in the last week of school! This year has been a tremendous success in so many ways. I am grateful everyday that I have spent the year with your children, teachers, and our families. It is truly an incredible place.


I feel as though there are a million details to communicate with you, but also recognize that brevity and clarity are of the essence. For that reason, I'm going to attempt to highlight some of the important details below:
Mark Your Calendar 


June 17 (Wednesday)
5th Grade Promotion & Reception

June 18 (Thursday)
LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!  Dismissal 12:15 pm 


See the full calendar here.

From the HSA


I was going to say that I can't believe it's the last week of school, but I do believe that what I really feel is FINALLY it's the last week of school. What is hard to believe is that after two years, this will be the last column I write for the Tuesday Bulletin.


Our Marquis de Lafayette Award ceremony was last Thursday evening, and we thank everyone who participated. This was truly a special evening honoring those who have gone above and beyond in service to our school and community.


I would like to thank all of YOU, the parents, students and HSA Board members,who helped make this an enjoyable second year of my term as co-President. Your knowledge, expertise, time and hard work never cease to amaze me, and are much appreciated.


A BIG thank-you for Laurie Lindsley, who was a pleasure to work with and I know she and Shannon Behm will be a terrific team next year-we are in good hands. Thankfully, I still have three more years at Lafayette and I am looking forward to all the changes that will happen over the next couple of years. It's is sure to be an adventure.


Thank you to our new Principal, Dr. Carrie Broquard. It has been quite a year, and change is hard. It has been interesting, and often fun, to watch her in action. This has not been a year without its challenges, but I think we can safely say she has had the full Lafayette experience and is now one of our own.


Be sure to register your children if you haven't already done so! Remember to turn in end of year expenses not later than Thursday, June 18th. And finally, look for the Lafayette front office at Deal starting Monday, June 22nd.


Have a safe and fun summer and we'll see you here again on August 24th.


New Local School Advisory Team

Members for SY 2015-2016                        


The election for four new parent representatives of Lafayette's Local School Advisory Team (LSAT) was held last Thursday at the Home & School Association general meeting.  We had eight wonderful candidates this year.  Congratulations to our new LSAT parent representatives:

Katie Burke
Jared Cohen
Marek Gootman
Carrie Willimann
From the Art Room Laurie McLaughlin

A final congratulations as we say goodbye to the art room and get ready for new things!


The following 4th grader's Marquis de Lafayette rocker portraits have been selected for an exhibit in the candy room of Broad Branch Market this summer:


Ciera Hamilton, Jack Heinrich,  Jordan Mongardini, Ella Hunter, Tess Bellman,  Talia Moraru, Finn Hopson, Mia Clocker, Mackenzie Gayle, Helena Feichter, Devin Kennedy, Samirah Gyles, Kate Turpin, and Sammy Dell-Bosak

As the art room empties out, we are sketching our hearts out... the neighborhood, the school, bonsai trees... and, if you're in 5th grade, learning to use the vanishing point. I hope all our Lafayetters will have a summer filled with creating things visual, both temporary (think sandcastles:-) and permanent. A sketchbook is a great addition to your summer, a wonderful way to record memories of a special trip, and helps improve drawing skills!!!

A very special thank you to those parents who gave the gift of time to the art room this past year! You made my life more sane and created a special memory for your child!!

Happy Summer!  See you in August!

Laurie McLaughlin

Summer Access to Lafayette's

Technology Websites

person at computer


Hello Lafayette families and members of the community! This summer your children have access to multiple online sites that can help them stay fresh for the next school year. As always, please contact nathan.wieand@dc.gov if you have any questions about the programs. Please know that there may be some gaps in the time in which I am able to respond, which is why I have included some other outlets for support. To access the sites please use and bookmark the Lafayette Technology Website at: https://sites.google.com/site/lafayettetechnologyresources/home


Have a great summer everyone!


ST Math - Students in grades K-5 will be able to access their ST Math accounts throughout the summer months. They can replay lessons for practice, catch up on objectives they were not able to complete during the year, or finish any of the optional or challenge activities. Students will not be able to roll over to the next grade level until they are back at school in the fall. For additional support with ST Math please call Tech Support: 888-491-6603


i-Ready - students in grades K-5 may also continue using the online reading program, i-Ready. They can continue completing lessons and use their earned tokens to play games as rewards. The program will deliver new content to students until we assess them in the fall under their new grade levels. For additional support you may call 800-225-028 ext. 6, access the chat feature by clicking Support at www.i-ready.com or

email: i-readysupport@cainc.com 


Typing Agent- students in grades 1-5 may continue developing their keyboarding skills using the online program, Typing Agent. Please encourage your child to complete 2-3 lessons/instruction before they play any games. Please ensure that students practice touch-typing while using the program and refrain from looking down at their fingers.


Google Apps for Education - students in grades 1-5 will continue to have access to their Google Apps for Education accounts. This includes their Google Drives as well as many other apps that fall under Google's expanding collection of apps. Some teachers of younger grades chose not to distribute individual account information to students, but I am more than happy to provide this information to anyone who is interested.


Sumdog - Students in grades K-5 may also play Sumdog, which mostly offers access to arithmetic and math facts, but also provides practice with money, measurement, and graphs among other skills. Not all teachers used this program with their class, but all students do have accounts if you are interested.


Storybird- students in grade 1 have access to the site storybird throughout the summer. Students may use their accounts and select collections of pictures by artists to inspire their writing. They can also collaborate with other students in their class to write stories and may read each other's published stories as well.

Sneaker Drive Thank You!                       


Thank you to everyone who donated to the Sneaker Drive for Magruder Elementary School.  We collected 49 pairs of sneakers for an extremely appreciative PE teacher!  She was overwhelmed with emotion that we would help her.  She can't wait to start using them. These sneakers will serve the children well and provide them with lots of physical activity.


Well Done Lafayette!

Lafayette Farmers Market


The Lafayette Farmer's Market has moved to a new site during the renovation of Lafayette:  the courtyard between the Chevy Chase Community Center and the Chevy Chase Library (5601 Conn. Avenue, NW).  


The market will be at this new location during the duration of the project, June 2015 - August 2016.  


Looking for a babysitter this summer? Rosie Cohen, daughter of Peace Teacher Linda Ryden, is available for babysitting. Rosie is home from college and free most evenings and some days. Contact Rosie at (202) 494-1055 or cohen.ro.23@gmail.com.

Thank You Lafayette Sponsors!


We would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to our very generous Annual Sponsors for 2014-2015, your continued support is amazing! 



Make a Submission


Submissions for next week's issue should be emailed to TuesdayBulletin@gmail.com. Submissions are due by 3:15 p.m. on Friday. Submissions received after this time will be included in the following issue, unless instructed otherwise. Please keep submissions brief. Longer articles may be truncated at the editor's discretion, with a link to the full text.