Tuesday Bulletin
Lafayette Elementary Home and School Association 
Katya Svirina, Editor May 12, 2015
In This Issue
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May 13 (Wednesday)

Field Day (Pre-K & K)


May 14 (Thursday)

HSA Election & Budget Discussion - 7:00 pm


May 15 (Friday)

Field Day (1st thru 5th grade)


See the full calendar here.

From the HSA 

Hope Scheller and Laura Lindsley, co-presidents  


This week we are gearing up for another event-packed week at Lafayette. But first, we would like to express our appreciation to our art teacher, Ms. McLaughlin and our music teacher, Mr. Holmes, for producing another terrific and successful Arts Night. Arts Night is a favorite tradition at Lafayette, one that takes countless of hours and many volunteers to help put it together. Our last Arts Night will be held on May 21st for the Pre-K, K and 1st graders. If you happen to see either Ms. McLaughlin or Mr. Holmes, please take a moment to thank them.  


Field Day is this week and Ms. McClure needs lots of help to pull it off. Pre-K and Kindergarteners will have their Field Day on Wednesday and grades 1-5 will have theirs on Friday. It is a lot of fun to participate whether you are a kid or an adult.  


This Thursday, May 14th, is a very important HSA General Meeting. We hope ALL parents will attend this meeting and join us for dinner ($1/pizza slice + salad, desert & drink) from 6:30pm until 7:00pm. Child care is provided and the meeting will begin at 7:00pm.


The first order of business is to vote for next year's HSA Board members. If you cannot be there in person, you can vote by proxy. By now you should have received proxy ballots in your child's folder. Please fill them out and either place them in the ballot box in the Great Hall, or return them to school in your child's folder. If you did not receive them in your child's folder, you can print the HSA proxy ballot.  Remember . . . one vote per family, and only current HSA members can vote for HSA Board members.


Also at this meeting the HSA will discuss its DRAFT budget for next school year. Please come to the meeting and give us your thoughts about where your money is spent. We rely heavily on you to raise these funds, so it is only fair that your thoughts are included during this very important meeting.


Based on comments received during and after Thursday's meeting, the draft budget may be revised, with the final budget presented for approval at our final General Meeting of the year in June.


Thank You to the yard sale/community clean up team. Jenny Backus, Chris Lisi, Janine Boyle and Shannon Behm did a tremendous job organizing and expediting a much needed service to our community. Job well done!


Last but not least, Congratulations to our very own Steven King and all the Lafayette's thespians for their successful production of "Talent Show". Not only did they do a great job performing but they help support one of Mr. King's charities, Martha's Table. Bravo!!!


Have a great week!

Hope and Laurie    

Thank you to everyone who biked, scootered, roller-bladed, tricycled and walked to school for Bike to School Day! 
Bike to school

We had great participation on what was a beautiful morning. A big thank you also to the volunteers who led the bike trains and helped out at the prize tables!

I also want to apologize for a miscommunication on my part that led to some walkers not receiving prizes that morning. The event is definitely meant to reward anyone who gets to school without using a motorized vehicle. I hate to think of anyone being disappointed on what's supposed to be a fun morning. Hopefully any children who didn't receive a prize that morning met me after school that day to get their treats. If not, please let me know and I'll be sure to get something to them! Thanks!

Katie Burke

Annual Lafayette

Politics & Prose Book Fagraphic-bookstore-people.jpgir 


Pick up your summer reading books at Politics & Prose on Saturday, May 30, 9am-6pm. P&P will donate 20% of your entire book purchase to Lafayette! Help Lafayette get some free money while supporting your local bookstore.   


Already stocked up on books? We'll have boxes for books you can donate to one of the following: Barnard Elementary; Lafayette's library; or specific Lafayette classrooms (teacher wishlists will be available). Or just bring the kids to hear some surprise guests read their favorite kids' books aloud...

Finally, we need volunteers to staff the table at P&P. Sign up here!
*Make sure you tell the cashier you're buying for Lafayette to get the 20% donation*
Field Day
Field Day Volunteers Needed 

Field day for 1st-5th grades is this Friday, May 15th.  We are in need of about 20 more volunteers.  Volunteers are needed all morning to run stations.  8:30-12:00.  A big thank you to everyone who already signed up.  Without the parent volunteers we would not be successful.  So, thank you for taking the time to support our Physical Education culminating event.

Please go the Signup Genius link to pick your station.  There are some really fun ones left.  Oh wait a minute, they're all fun.

All volunteers should come to the gym area around 8:30-8:45 to receive last minute instructions.  If you are outside remember a hat and sunscreen.

Thank you for your support of our "Moving Day" Field Day. 

If you have any questions please contact Ms. McClure.  


--Ms. McClure, Physical Education Teacher

Bear Facts 
The theme of this issue is Salute to Fifth Graders. Read it here

Archery Team Competes in National Tournament

This past week end 18 Lafayette students travelled to Louisville, Kentucky to compete in the NASP National Archery Tournament.  This is a huge tournament with over 12,000 archers from 4th-12th grade competing.

Our students did a fantastic job.  Almost every archer shot a personal best.  We couldn't have asked for more.  We are so proud of this group for their dedication and spirit.  And of course a big thank you to all the parents who supported us in this wonderful endeavor. Keep an eye out for pictures on the Lafayette web page.


Ms. McClure

Physical Education Teacher  


Thank You!                       

This past weekend my daughter and I participated in the Avon39 Walk to End Breast Cancer.  We walked 39.3 miles over 2 days, and, thanks to your support and generosity, our team raised over $7,500 (some of the $4.5 million raised by this year's DC Walk) to help fund breast cancer research and treatment here in the DC area.

Thank you to all the parents, teachers and staff who donated - the support of the Lafayette community means so much to me.

  -- Margaret Quinn
(retired Kindergarten aide)
reading-children-teacher.jpg Summer Reading Guide                       

Our summer reading guide is now posted, please find it here.
DC Wise is partnering with JCrew for a shopping for charity event, on May 19, 4-8pm. Please see more details and RSVP at 



Bilingual Voices Summer Camp: Our full immersion Spanish camp encourages participants to become bilingual through fun and creative learning strategies and through exploring the cultures of Spanish speaking countries. Grades 5-12 at $150. July 6-17 from 9:30-12:30 at the Rockville Presbyterian Church (215 W Montgomery Ave, Rockville, MD 20850). Email support@umbrellaintiatives.org or call 301-605-1318.

Thank You Lafayette Sponsors!


We would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to our very generous Annual Sponsors for 2014-2015, your continued support is amazing! 



Make a Submission


Submissions for next week's issue should be emailed to TuesdayBulletin@gmail.com. Submissions are due by 3:15 p.m. on Friday. Submissions received after this time will be included in the following issue, unless instructed otherwise. Please keep submissions brief. Longer articles may be truncated at the editor's discretion, with a link to the full text.