Tuesday Bulletin
Lafayette Elementary Home and School Association 
Gayle Moseley, Editor May 5, 2015
In This Issue
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Message from

our Principal,

Carrie Broquard


Dear Lafayette 

    Families -


April showers have indeed brought May flowers...and sunshine, and Spring Fairs, and Arts Nights, and all sorts of great activities! This week is Teacher Appreciation Week. This is a great opportunity to tell all of our teachers and staff just how special they are to our students and to us. Thanks to the HSA for coordinating such a terrific week to show our love and appreciation!


Tomorrow is also  Bike to School Day. This is a great opportunity to dust off your bike and enjoy the ride to school! Walkers are also welcome! Contact Katie Burke for more information. Also in the works this week is the Track Championship and our very own Drama Club's performance on Friday, 5/8.


This weekend, our very own Archery Team is headed to. . .


Read more . . .


Quick Links...
Mark Your Calendar 


May 4 - 8 (Monday - Friday)

Teacher Appreciation Week


May 5 (Tuesday)

5th Grade Panorama & Full Staff Photo


May 6 (Wednesday)

Bike to School Day


May 7 (Thursday)

Arts Night (Grades 2 - 4)


May 8 (Friday)

  • Coffee Talk: 8:45 am
  • Drama Club Presents: "Talent Show" - 7:00 pm

May 9 (Saturday)

Yard Sale & Spring Clean-Up (8am-noon)


May 13 (Wednesday)

Field Day (Pre-K & K)


May 14 (Thursday)

HSA Election & Budget Discussion - 7:00 pm


May 15 (Friday)

Field Day (1st thru 5th grade)


See the full calendar here.

From the HSA 

Hope Scheller and Laura Lindsley, co-presidents  

What an amazing day Saturday was at Lafayette!  The sun was shining, the kids were smiling and everything was awesome! The Spring Fair once again brought out the entire community to enjoy the beautiful weather and all the fun of our annual fair.  Thank you so much to the event chairs, Vince Frillici and Will Caggiano for all of your hard work.  These gentlemen took on the task of running an event that has been run by the same group of parents for the last several years-a daunting task for sure. You would have never known-the event was seamless. Well done Will and Vince! Many thanks also go out to all the category chairs and the many parent volunteers who made the day possible - you are all fabulous!
With the Spring Fair behind us, there's still some big stuff coming up in May . . .
Arts Night - Arts Nights is this Thursday, May 7th, and will feature the artwork and talent of our students 2nd-4th Grade. 


Drama Club Presents: Talent Show! Friday, May 8th @ 7 PM come see what Lafayette's little thespians have been working on since February. An original play by our very own Steven King, this little musical is sure to send all who attend away smiling. Price of admission? Why, a canned good, of course. All collected canned goods will be donated to Shepherd's Table. Click HERE for details!

HSA General Meeting - Next Thursday, May 14 at 7 PM, ALL parents are invited to attend this important meeting where we will vote for next year's HSA Board members (please see the list of candidates and their statements below). Also at this meeting, the HSA will present its draft budget for next school year.  Please come to the meeting and give us your thoughts about where your money is spent.  We rely heavily on you to raise these funds, so it is only fair that your thoughts are included during this very important meeting.  Based on comments received during and after Thursday's meeting, the draft budget may be revised, with the final budget presented for approval at our final General Meeting of the year.


Have a great week!

Hope and Laurie  


Bike To School Day is May 6 
Bike to school

Tomorrow is Bike to School Day! Gear up those non-motorized vehicles (or just your feet), and leave the car at home tomorrow morning! The event will go on, rain or shine. All participants can collect a snack and a sticker from one of the prize tables at school. There will be tables set up in front of and behind the school, or in the Great Hall if it's raining.


There will be two bike trains this year! The first will depart from the corner of Greenvale St. and Western Ave. in the Hawthorne neighborhood at 8:00 sharp. That train will head up Western, turn left onto Broad Branch Rd. and end up in front of the school. The second train will depart from the corner of 32nd St. and Utah Ave. NW at 8:15. Train 2 will travel up Tennyson St., turn left on 33rd and arrive at the back of the school. Feel free to join either train at any point along the route. We ask that parents of young children who may need assistance on the way join us on the ride. If you have questions or concerns about the bike trains, please contact Katie Burke.

The DC DOT runs a "Golden Bicycle" competition every year that's awarded to the school with the highest percentage of the student body participating. Lafayette has come in a close 2nd for the past two years in a row, let's win it this year!

Images at ARTS NIGHT!!!
Images 2015 went flying out of the boxes at our 5th grade Informance and Arts Night last week and will be sold again
THIS Thursday evening, May 7 at the Grades 2-4 ARTS NIGHT!
Remember to bring $15.00 CASH or preferably CHECKS (made out to LHSA) to purchase your very own copy of the most read book at Lafayette! Images contains art and writing from EVERY child at Lafayette, class photos and more... don't miss it!!! 
Field Day
Field Day Volunteers 

Field day for 1st - 5th grades is Friday, May 15th. Numerous volunteers are needed to run the morning stations.  If you can help please go to the sign up link below and pick a station.  All volunteers are needed from 8:40 to 12 Noon. Sign up HERE.


Pre-K and Kindergarten field day is on May 13th.  Classroom teachers are organizing volunteers for that day. 

If you have any questions please contact Ms. McClure.

--Ms. McClure, Physical Education Teacher

From the Art Room
More good news in this month of CONTESTS, CONTESTS, CONTESTS!  Congratulations are in order for 5th graders John Joire and Mattias Hernandez, whose Spring Fair key chain designs were selected by the Fair coordinators! 

The following students' work has been selected to represent Lafayette at the DCPS Citywide art show next month:

Second graders Brianna Santangelo and Leah Levy for the Indian Rangoli drawings;

Third grader Molly Reeder for her Gothic Inspired drawing;

Fourth graders Benjy Chait, Seneca Volynets, Nicole Pierce and Sophie Koch for their Greek Vase drawings; and

Fifth graders Luca Ciagne, Joanna Chait, Ellie Alladjem, and Isaiah Barnes for their Ecosystem art.

Details to come about the show to be held at newly renovated Brookland Middle School this year!

A HUGE thanks to all the parents who came in to mat art for ARTS NIGHT! I couldn't do it without you!!!! I look forward to seeing all of you at the grades 2-4 Arts Night this Thursday, May 7. 

--Laurie McLaughlin, Art Teacher 

Sports X-Treme                       

CLICK HERE for the April Sports X-Treme! We published it in early April, but a lot of learning went into preparing it for the internet. The traditionally red logo is in pink by the way--it's a statement by the first ever female SXT co-editors-in chief!

Yard Sale & Spring Clean-Up this Saturday!  (8am to Noon)


*Tables Still Available for Sale through Wednesday night!

Don't Miss the Electronic Recycling & Shredder Trucks


Spring Fair is over but now it's time for the Spring Yard Sale and Community Clean-up Day.  Clean out your closets, load up the car and head down to the front of the school this Saturday morning, May 9 and collect some cash for all those treasures that have been sitting in your hall closet or basement.


We're turning Lafayette Elementary School's campus into a giant community clean-up and yard sale on Saturday May 9 from 8:00 am to noon.  It's a great opportunity to get some savings for summer and support our school at the same time.


Purchase a full table space, half table or kid's table to sell your goods. You keep the proceeds of what you sell at your table.  Funds from table sales will be used to promote this huge community event across the city and to help support all the programs that make our school so special.


Click here to order your table online or look for the flyer coming home this week in your child's backpack express and just return with a check to the Yard Sale drawer in the Great Hall.  Questions?  Please email Janine Boyle,  Shannon Behm,  Chris Lisi, or Jenny Backus.


Thanks for supporting our school! 

Local School Advisory Team Election

The Local School Advisory Team (LSAT) is a group of elected and appointed members that exists for every DCPS school. The team consists of four (4) parents (elected by the parent body), teachers, non-instructional school staff and a community member to advise the principal on matters that promote high expectations and high achievement for all students. These teams were initially established to serve in an advisory capacity to the Principal for the purpose of improving student outcomes.

LSAT members are tasked with advising the principal on matters such as: allocation of school resources; organization of the school; curriculum options, including special or supplementary course offerings and specialized research-based instructional strategies; budget decisions; priorities and considerations for staffing patterns and the selection of personnel; monitoring overall student progress; school culture, and family engagement.

The election for the four (4) LSAT parent members will be held at the General HSA Meeting on Thursday, June 4. If you are interested in running for an LSAT position, please sign up HERE by May 22 or contact Gayle Moseley with any questions.


HSA Nominations
for Board Positions 2015-16

hsa logoThe following parents are running for the HSA Board. The election will be held on Thursday, May 14 at the HSA General Meeting. Proxy ballots will be sent home this week for those who cannot attend the meeting.*  Proxy ballots should be placed in the ballot box in the Great Hall or ask a friend bring it to the meeting.

Please click here to read their bios and statements.

Co-President:  Shannon Behm
1st Vice President:  Janine Finck-Boyle
2nd Vice President:  Colleen Lyster
Co-Treasurer:  Kavita Chambery
Secretary:  Sarah Remes
Ways and Means (2 positions): Jenny Backus, Chris Lisi-Frillici
Membership:  Tonya Esposito Oliver
Volunteer Coordinator:  Eileen Dombo
Early Childhood:  Eve Bennet
Environment:  Gayle Moseley
Hospitality (2 positions):  Kristin Nicholson, Nedra Pickler
Outreach/Tours:  Jen Lanoff
Communications:  Stacy Beck
Community Reps (2 positions):  Joseph Nelson, Jim Porter

* Please note, you must be an HSA member to vote. If you did not join at the beginning of the school year, it's not too late! To join the HSA, please contact Jenny Backus , our Membership Coordinator.

Annual Lafayette

Politics & Prose Book Fagraphic-bookstore-people.jpgir 


Pick up your summer reading books at Politics & Prose on Saturday, May 30, 9am-6pm. P&P will donate 20% of your entire book purchase to Lafayette! Help Lafayette get some free money while supporting your local bookstore.

Already stocked up on books? We'll have boxes for books you can donate to one of the following: Barnard Elementary; Lafayette's library; or specific Lafayette classrooms (teacher wishlists will be available). Or just bring the kids to hear some surprise guests read their favorite kids' books aloud...

Finally, we need volunteers to staff the table at P&P. Sign up here!
*Make sure you tell the cashier you're buying for Lafayette to get the 20% donation*
Parent-Child Scrabble Tournament

C-O-N-G-R-A-T-S go to Sammy and Geoff Taubman for their M-A-S-T-E-R-F-U-L victory in the First Annual Lafayette Parent-Child Scrabble Tournament last Friday night over 18 other teams of parents and grandparents of Lafayette kids.  Winners received fun Scrabble gifts and the amazing Katie Kennelly baked special Scrabble sugar cookies.  

Thank you to all the families who paid the entrance fee and came out on Friday night and to Katie Blick for watching all the final games late into the night. We also want to specially thank Ted Gest from the Chevy Chase Scrabble Club (a parent of a Lafayette Alum) for  running the tournament and our own Lafayette Scrabble Club leaders Ms. Yedwab and Ms Echave for sharing their Friday night with us. And last but not least thank to you the Merriams, Rogans and Kennellys who hosted the night on behalf of the HSA.


 See the Alice Deal Middle School Musical!
      Guys & Dolls Jr.
Thurs. & Fri., May 7 & 8 at 7:00 pm

Saturday, May 9 at 2;00 pm

Tickets are $5/students; $10/adults.  All performances are at

Alice Deal Middle School, 3815 Fort Dr, NW (a short walk from Tenleytown Metro Stop)



(May to September) - Ciao! I'm Sara, a 27-year-old Italian girl coming from Pineto Abruzzo to D.C. I have danced & performed karate for more than 10 years. I took a Master's Degree last year in Law at Luiss Guido Carli University in Rome.  Now I am coming to Washington for an internship in an NGO for 6 months.

I am looking for a family to host me from the middle of May to the end of September.  In exchange, I can offer my time as babysitter or househelper. I need to work for the NGO in downtown every morning, so in the afternoon I'm available to pick up children from school, help them with homework or take them to the park . . . and of course speaking in Italian!  I do not need a sponsor because I already have a Visa.  References available upon request.
Thank you for your help in advance!
If interested, please, contact me at: gavia_88@hotmail.it 


All Saints Church's Vacation Bible School (VBS) - Registration is open! The camp will be held Mon. 6/22 through Fri. 6/26. Drop off 9:15-9:30am and pick up 12:45-1pm. Register online NOW at http://allsaintschurch.net/.  Click on the "Vacation Bible School" icon at the bottom.

Campers ages 3 through rising 5th graders should register as "Participants." Rising 6th through 8th graders should register as "Assistant Crew Leaders" in the "Volunteer Registration" section and rising 9th through 12th graders should register as "Crew Leaders" in the "Volunteer Registration" section. Questions? Contact Liz McReady, All Saints Church Children's Minister,


Youth Sport & Fitness Camp in July - Alice Deal Middle School's Athletic Department will offer a 4 week youth sport and fitness camp in July!


What: Four weeks of rotating sports instruction, fitness and nutrition education, and FUN!

When: Four sessions, from July 6th through July 31st, from 8 am to 6 pm, Monday through Friday.

Who: All rising 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade


Deal Fit and Sport Camp will provide fitness, sport and nutritional education, in a fun and nurturing environment. In addition, the Deal Fit and Sport Camp will offer opportunities for enrichment, team building, and peer mentoring.


· Weekly swimming and water play

· Weekly rotating sports and games

· Skills instruction

· Indoor/outdoor free play

· Stretching and exercise instruction

· Daily fun runs

· nutrition and diet education

· Weekly field trips


Camp rates per session:

Full Day Rate:

1 week session: $275

2 sessions: $500

All 4 sessions; $900

Partial Day Rate:

1 week session: $175

2 sessions: $300

All 4 sessions: $650


Register now using the following link (paper registration forms are also available).  Please email with any questions or contact Coach Downing directly at: neal.downing@dc.gov

Thank You Lafayette Sponsors!


We would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to our very generous Annual Sponsors for 2014-2015, your continued support is amazing! 



Make a Submission


Submissions for next week's issue should be emailed to TuesdayBulletin@gmail.com. Submissions are due by 3:15 p.m. on Friday. Submissions received after this time will be included in the following issue, unless instructed otherwise. Please keep submissions brief. Longer articles may be truncated at the editor's discretion, with a link to the full text.