Tuesday Bulletin
Lafayette Elementary Home and School Association 
Sophie Hanrahan, Editor March 31, 2015
In This Issue
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From The Principal,
Carrie Broquard  

Dear Lafayette Families -


This past Saturday, I attended my first ever Auction. All I can say is...IT ROCKED! What an amazing and wonderful evening - parents enjoying one another, great decorations, great food, great music, and all in the name of supporting our school. Thanks to everyone who was involved, especially our Auction Chairs, Shannon 

Behm and Ellen Shurman. Thank you to everyone who contributed in any way to making the evening such a tremendous success.

This week we begin ENROLLMENT SEASON! Beginning April 1st, we will accept enrollment packets for all returning students. Our goal is to have 100% of our enrollment packets returned by May 15th.  
Quick Links...
Mark Your Calendar

April 2 (Thursday)

3:20 - 4:20 Winter Dance for 3rd and 4th graders
4:30 - 5:30 Winter Dance for 5th graders    


April 3 (Friday)

12:15 Dismissal, Records Day for Teachers  


April 6 (Monday)

No School


April 8  (Wednesday)

4th grade Battle of the Books


April 13-17 (Week Long)

Spring Break


See the full April calendar here.

From the HSA 

Hope Scheller and Laura Lindsley, co-presidents  

What a whirlwind of a weekend! Lafayette was transformed from an ordinary school into a rock venue in preparation for our annual auction party. Rock Me Lafayette, A Battle of Bands and Bidders, was an epic party, and a huge success! A BIG thank you to Ellen Shurman. Without her vision, the transformation of our school would not have been as amazing. Thanks to our auctioneer Craig Sechler- it wouldn't be near as much fun without you. This event definitely would not have worked without the music. Thank you to the i-Talians, PRINCESS, and Cheaper Than Therapy for sharing the evening with us. Without Shannon Behm, the auction would not have happened. We thank her for her dedication to Lafayette and this event. Last, but not least, we thank all of you-your participation is what makes this event successful and fun.

It's time for us all to enroll for the 2015-16 school year. Enrollment begins on April 1st and our school's goal is 100% enrollment by May 15th. Completed enrollment packets should be returned to the main office, along with residency verification information, by the person who signed the packet. With the renovation and the changes it will bring afoot, if there was ever a year not to procrastinate, this is it.
Have an amazing week!
Laurie & Hope

Hot off the Presses


Please see the latest edition of The Bear Facts, including Christopher Hardee's (5R) interview with his younger sister Susanna who has been battling cancer for three years.

Also see the latest edition of Sports X-Treme, which highlights March Madness, a recap of the girl's basketball season and a look at England's Champions League soccer.

Looking for a Few Good Men and Women


The Lafayette Home and School Association is looking for candidates for the 2015-2016 Board of Directors. The Board of Directors of the Lafayette HSA  is a group of Lafayette parents, staff and neighbors who help foster a positive and productive experience for Lafayette students, teachers and parents. Serving on the Board is a great way to meet and connect with other parents and contribute to meaningful projects that advance the interests of our school, and therefore, our children. By serving on the Board, you will be able to lend your voice to important discussions that will impact the Lafayette community in the years to come, including:

  • HSA budget and financial priorities
  • Technology and classroom materials
  • Parent involvement and volunteerism
  • Signature events such as the auction, spring fair and fall festival

The HSA is currently accepting nominations for the 2015-2016 school year. HSA Board members commit to attending monthly board meetings, five general meetings over the school year, and advancing the work of the association through specific volunteer activities, including the following positions: [insert link to pdf document]


If you are interested in serving on Lafayette's HSA Board or have questions about the different roles, please contact any of the Nominating Committee members:  Dennis Smyth, Angela Anderson or Nadia Gold-Moritz. For more details on each position, click here.

Bridging the Library Gap
At Lafayette, our kids are lucky to enjoy a 28,000 book library-41 books per Lafayette student. As described in this Washington Post article, many children in our city aren't nearly as fortunate. 

Please help us bridge this gap by contributing to our Building Libraries Book Drive, which will benefit Raymond Education Campus in Petworth, Randle Highlands Elementary School in Southeast, and Barnard Elementary School in Shaw. There are two ways to help:

Bring NEW (or very gently used) HARDBACK children's books to the collection bin in the Great Hall before Spring Break. Or, click here to access Raymond's Amazon wish list. The books you buy will be shipped directly to the school!

If you have other books to donate that don't meet our guidelines, you can drop them in the Great Hall collection box for the Spring Fair Book Sale. (But no textbooks, please.) Thanks in advance for helping to build better libraries across DCPS! Questions? Email Stacy Beck at stacyebeck@gmail.com.
Let the Battle Begin!
The teams have assembled for next week's 4th grade Battle of the Books! Click here for more photos. 
A Final Note... 
It was an epic night indeed. But it's not over yet! Please pick up your purchases at the Behm residence (3207 Van Hazen Street NW) during one of the following times:

Thursday, April 2nd between 6-8pm
Friday, April 3rd between 9:30-noon; or
Saturday, April 4th between 9:00am-noon.

Thanks to all who came & bid! And thank you especially to our fabulous auction committee for planning & executing such a fantastic event.
Community Notices

All Sports & Games Camp; One Day Fun for Everyone!
Calling 1st Grade Soccer Players: It's not too late to sign up for the DC Stoddert soccer team! We are forming 3 teams this year and currently in need of more 1st grade players. If you've been on the fence about the spring season, please sign up on the "wait list" and you will quickly be placed on a team. The link: https://korrio.com/groups/dc-stoddert-recreational/programs/start-registration 


Come to a PEP class for expert advice, lively discussion, answers to your questions, and the keys to truly enjoying the time you spend with your children. For more than 30 years, the Parent Encouragement Program (PEP), a local nonprofit, has been providing classes for parents and caregivers with children of all ages throughout the Washington metropolitan area. Check out the spring class schedule at http://pepparent.org/

Parenting Preschoolers (8 weeks)
Understand your child's development and personality and get positive parenting tools to set firm and kind boundaries, solve problem behaviors, and foster cooperation and capability.

PEP I: Parenting 5 to 12 Year Olds (8 weeks)
Are you struggling with your child's behavior? Tired of yelling, threatening or bribing? Looking for some new strategies? Learn how to use positive, encouraging methods with your children to gain cooperation, promote respect and responsibility, set and uphold limits, and bring out the best in each child.

Parenting Essentials (4 weeks)
Too busy for an 8-week class? This 4-week class is for you! You'll get a results-based plan to motivate your children's cooperation, calm the chaos and manage your own emotions, and build a relationship with each child based on connection, respect and responsibility. Each class session includes individual problem solving. For parents of children age 5-12; this class is not recommended for those who have taken PEP I: Parenting 5 to 12 Year Olds.

Thriving with Teens (10 weeks)
Wishing for a better relationship with your teen? You're not alone! Learn proven, positive strategies to parent teenagers effectively in the midst of their peers, media, the Internet, and their own adolescent development.

Free Parenting Workshop: "Why Don't My Kids Listen to Me?"
For parents of children age 2�-18 who have never taken a PEP course. Sat., March 28, 3:00-4:30 pm. At PEP, 10100 Connecticut Ave., Kensington. FREE; space is limited and preregistration required. 301-929-8824. http://pepparent.org/

Lafayette Alum Math Tutor
Alexandra Radifera, Lafayette Alum, currently a 10th grader at Wilson.  I am available for tutoring in math and or helping with math homework.  Please contact via cell or text at 202.657.8889

HoopEd Student Holiday One Day Camp @Lafayette ES
Monday April 6, 2015- 9am to 3pm w/AfterCare Available Until 5:30pm
Campers ages 5 to 13 years old are Welcome!
To Register: www.hoopeducation.com, please email info@hoopeducation.com w/questions

Ms. Quinn is Walking for a Cure Again!
"For the sixth year in a row my daughter and I are participating in the Avon39 Walk to End Breast Cancer here in DC, May 2nd & 3rd.  We will be walking 40 miles over 2 days to help fund breast cancer research and treatment here in the DC area.  In order to walk, I need to raise $1800 and we'd love to raise even more for the cause!  If you would like to donate, you can do so online at http://info.avonfoundation.org/goto/MargaretQuinn or by dropping off a check made out to "Avon39 Walk to End Breast Cancer" with Kia Ghamarian in Pre-K.  Thank you to all the parents and teachers who have already donated - the support of the Lafayette community means so much to me."  -- Margaret Quinn


Thank You Lafayette Sponsors!


We would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to our very generous Annual Sponsors for 2014-2015, your continued support is amazing! 



Make a Submission


Submissions for next week's issue should be emailed to TuesdayBulletin@gmail.com. Submissions are due by 3:15 p.m. on Friday. Submissions received after this time will be included in the following issue, unless instructed otherwise. Please keep submissions brief. Longer articles may be truncated at the editor's discretion, with a link to the full text.